4:54 This 5124 [is] again 3825 the second 1208 miracle 4592 [that] Jesus 2424 did 4160 5656, when he was come out 2064 5631 of 1537 Judaea 2449 into 1519 Galilee 1056. 4:26 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto her 846, I 1473 that speak 2980 5723 unto thee 4671 am 1510 5748 [he]. 4:34 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto them 846, My 1699 meat 1033 is 2076 5748 to 2443 do 4160 5725 the will 2307 of him that sent 3992 5660 me 3165, and 2532 to finish 5048 5661 his 846 work 2041. 4:52 Then 3767 enquired he 4441 5633 of 3844 them 846 the hour 5610 when 1722 3739 he began 2192 5627 to amend 2866. Click to Sign Up Now! Overcoming the World - Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him. 4:40 So 3767 when 5613 the Samaritans 4541 were come 2064 5627 unto 4314 him 846, they besought 2065 5707 him 846 that he would tarry 3306 5658 with 3844 them 846: and 2532 he abode 3306 5656 there 1563 two 1417 days 2250. 4:51 And 1161 as he 846 was now 2235 going down 2597 5723, his 846 servants 1401 met 528 5656 him 846, and 2532 told 518 5656 [him], saying 3004 5723, 3754 Thy 4675 son 3816 liveth 2198 5719. He was from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. 4:51 And 1161 as he 846 was now 2235 going down 2597 5723, his 846 servants 1401 met 528 5656 him 846, and 2532 told 518 5656 [him], saying 3004 5723, 3754 Thy 4675 son 3816 liveth 2198 5719. 4:51 And 1161 as he 846 was now 2235 going down 2597 5723, his 846 servants 1401 met 528 5656 him 846, and 2532 told 518 5656 [him], saying 3004 5723, 3754 Thy 4675 son 3816 liveth 2198 5719. 4:47 When he 3778 heard 191 5660 that 3754 Jesus 2424 was come 2240 5719 out of 1537 Judaea 2449 into 1519 Galilee 1056, he went 565 5627 unto 4314 him 846, and 2532 besought 2065 5707 him 846 that 2443 he would come down 2597 5632, and 2532 heal 2390 5667 his 846 son 5207: for 1063 he was at the point 3195 5707 of death 599 5721. 4:43 Now 1161 after 3326 two 1417 days 2250 he departed 565 5627 1831 5627 thence 1564, and 2532 went into 1519 Galilee 1056. 4:35 Say 3004 5719 not 3756 ye 5210, There 3754 are 2076 5748 yet 2089 four months 5072, and 2532 [then] cometh 2064 5736 harvest 2326? 4:23 But 235 the hour 5610 cometh 2064 5736, and 2532 now 3568 is 2076 5748, when 3753 the true 228 worshippers 4353 shall worship 4352 5692 the Father 3962 in 1722 spirit 4151 and 2532 in truth 225: for 2532 1063 the Father 3962 seeketh 2212 5719 such 5108 to worship 4352 5723 him 846. , 4:4 And 1161 he must needs 1163 5713 go 1330 5738 through 1223 Samaria 4540. 4:5 Then 3767 cometh he 2064 5736 to 1519 a city 4172 of Samaria 4540, which is called 3004 5746 Sychar 4965, near 4139 to the parcel of ground 5564 that 3739 Jacob 2384 gave 1325 5656 to his 846 son 5207 Joseph 2501. 2. reward: used — of the fruit naturally resulting from toils and endeavors, John 4:36; 1 Corinthians 9:18; — of divine recompense: a. in both senses, rewards and punishments: Revelation 22:12 . 4:44 For 1063 Jesus 2424 himself 846 testified 3140 5656, that 3754 a prophet 4396 hath 2192 5719 no 3756 honour 5092 in 1722 his own 2398 country 3968. 4:23 But 235 the hour 5610 cometh 2064 5736, and 2532 now 3568 is 2076 5748, when 3753 the true 228 worshippers 4353 shall worship 4352 5692 the Father 3962 in 1722 spirit 4151 and 2532 in truth 225: for 2532 1063 the Father 3962 seeketh 2212 5719 such 5108 to worship 4352 5723 him 846. google_ad_width = 728; 4:36 And 2532 he that reapeth 2325 5723 receiveth 2983 5719 wages 3408, and 2532 gathereth 4863 5719 fruit 2590 unto 1519 life 2222 eternal 166: that 2443 both 2532 he that soweth 4687 5723 and 2532 he that reapeth 2325 5723 may rejoice 5463 5725 together 3674. With Strongs Dictionary: IWANNOU A The First Epistle General of John Chapter 4. And 2532 there was 2258 5713 a certain 5100 nobleman 937, whose 3739 son 5207 was sick 770 5707 at 1722 Capernaum 2584. 4:21 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto her 846, Woman 1135, believe 4100 5657 me 3427, the hour 5610 cometh 3754 2064 5736, when 3753 ye shall 4352 0 neither 3777 in 1722 this 5129 mountain 3735, nor yet 3777 at 1722 Jerusalem 2414, worship 4352 5692 the Father 3962. 4:54 This 5124 [is] again 3825 the second 1208 miracle 4592 [that] Jesus 2424 did 4160 5656, when he was come out 2064 5631 of 1537 Judaea 2449 into 1519 Galilee 1056. 4:46 So 3767 Jesus 2424 came 2064 5627 again 3825 into 1519 Cana 2580 of Galilee 1056, where 3699 he made 4160 5656 the water 5204 wine 3631. 4:34 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto them 846, My 1699 meat 1033 is 2076 5748 to 2443 do 4160 5725 the will 2307 of him that sent 3992 5660 me 3165, and 2532 to finish 5048 5661 his 846 work 2041. 4:49 The nobleman 937 saith 3004 5719 unto 4314 him 846, Sir 2962, come down 2597 5628 ere 4250 my 3450 child 3813 die 599 5629. 4:42 And 5037 said 3004 5707 unto the woman 1135, 3754 Now 3765 we believe 4100 5719, not 3754 because 1223 of thy 4674 saying 2981: for 1063 we have heard 191 5754 [him] ourselves 846, and 2532 know 1492 5758 that 3754 this 3778 is 2076 5748 indeed 230 the Christ 5547, the Saviour 4990 of the world 2889. 4:31 1161 In 1722 the mean 3342 while his disciples 3101 prayed 2065 5707 him 846, saying 3004 5723, Master 4461, eat 5315 5628. 104.4 (A.D. 96), ib. //-->, 4:41 And 2532 many 4183 more 4119 believed 4100 5656 because 1223 of his own 846 word 3056; 4:37 And 1063 herein 1722 5129 is 2076 5748 that saying 3056 true 228, 3754 One 243 soweth 2076 5748 4687 5723, and 2532 another 243 reapeth 2325 5723. 4:43 Now 1161 after 3326 two 1417 days 2250 he departed 565 5627 1831 5627 thence 1564, and 2532 went into 1519 Galilee 1056. /* 728x90, created 11/5/11 */ 4:28 The woman 1135 then 3767 left 863 5656 her 846 waterpot 5201, and 2532 went her way 565 5627 into 1519 the city 4172, and 2532 saith 3004 5719 to the men 444, 4:50 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto him 846, Go thy way 4198 5737; thy 4675 son 5207 liveth 2198 5719. 4:33 Therefore 3767 said 3004 5707 the disciples 3101 one to another 4314 240, Hath 5342 0 any man 3387 brought 5342 5656 him 846 [ought] to eat 5315 5629? 4:45 Then 3767 when 3753 he was come 2064 5627 into 1519 Galilee 1056, the Galilaeans 1057 received 1209 5662 him 846, having seen 3708 5761 all the things 3956 that 3739 he did 4160 5656 at 1722 Jerusalem 2414 at 1722 the feast 1859: for 1063 they 846 also 2532 went 2064 5627 unto 1519 the feast 1859. google_ad_slot = "6216408568"; 4:53 So 3767 the father 3962 knew 1097 5627 that 3754 [it was] at 1722 the same 1565 hour 5610, in 1722 the which 3739 Jesus 2424 said 2036 5627 unto him 846, 3754 Thy 4675 son 5207 liveth 2198 5719: and 2532 himself 846 believed 4100 5656, and 2532 his 846 whole 3650 house 3614. 4:38 I 1473 sent 649 5656 you 5209 to reap 2325 5721 that whereon 3739 ye 5210 bestowed 2872 0 no 3756 labour 2872 5758: other men 243 laboured 2872 5758, and 2532 ye 5210 are entered 1525 5754 into 1519 their 846 labours 2873. (nobleman: or, courtier, or, ruler) 4:21 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto her 846, Woman 1135, believe 4100 5657 me 3427, the hour 5610 cometh 3754 2064 5736, when 3753 ye shall 4352 0 neither 3777 in 1722 this 5129 mountain 3735, nor yet 3777 at 1722 Jerusalem 2414, worship 4352 5692 the Father 3962. 4:47 When he 3778 heard 191 5660 that 3754 Jesus 2424 was come 2240 5719 out of 1537 Judaea 2449 into 1519 Galilee 1056, he went 565 5627 unto 4314 him 846, and 2532 besought 2065 5707 him 846 that 2443 he would come down 2597 5632, and 2532 heal 2390 5667 his 846 son 5207: for 1063 he was at the point 3195 5707 of death 599 5721. 4:42 And 5037 said 3004 5707 unto the woman 1135, 3754 Now 3765 we believe 4100 5719, not 3754 because 1223 of thy 4674 saying 2981: for 1063 we have heard 191 5754 [him] ourselves 846, and 2532 know 1492 5758 that 3754 this 3778 is 2076 5748 indeed 230 the Christ 5547, the Saviour 4990 of the world 2889. 4:7 There cometh 2064 5736 a woman 1135 of 1537 Samaria 4540 to draw 501 5658 water 5204: Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto her 846, Give 1325 5628 me 3427 to drink 4095 5629. And 2532 the man 444 believed 4100 5656 the word 3056 that 3739 Jesus 2424 had spoken 2036 5627 unto him 846, and 2532 he went his way 4198 5711. /* 728x90, created 11/5/11 */ 4:25 The woman 1135 saith 3004 5719 unto him 846, I know 1492 5758 that 3754 Messias 3323 cometh 2064 5736, which 3588 is called 3004 5746 Christ 5547: when 3752 he 1565 is come 2064 5632, he will tell 312 5692 us 2254 all things 3956. google_ad_client = "pub-1116476291714909"; And 2532 there was 2258 5713 a certain 5100 nobleman 937, whose 3739 son 5207 was sick 770 5707 at 1722 Capernaum 2584. google_ad_height = 90; 4:50 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto him 846, Go thy way 4198 5737; thy 4675 son 5207 liveth 2198 5719. 4:41 And 2532 many 4183 more 4119 believed 4100 5656 because 1223 of his own 846 word 3056; 4:34 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto them 846, My 1699 meat 1033 is 2076 5748 to 2443 do 4160 5725 the will 2307 of him that sent 3992 5660 me 3165, and 2532 to finish 5048 5661 his 846 work 2041. , 4:43 Now 1161 after 3326 two 1417 days 2250 he departed 565 5627 1831 5627 thence 1564, and 2532 went into 1519 Galilee 1056. 4:28 The woman 1135 then 3767 left 863 5656 her 846 waterpot 5201, and 2532 went her way 565 5627 into 1519 the city 4172, and 2532 saith 3004 5719 to the men 444, 4:29 Come 1205 5773, see 1492 5628 a man 444, which 3739 told 2036 5627 me 3427 all things 3956 that ever 3745 I did 4160 5656: is 2076 5748 not 3385 this 3778 the Christ 5547? 4:30 Then 3767 they went 1831 5627 out of 1537 the city 4172, and 2532 came 2064 5711 unto 4314 him 846. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. 4:35 Say 3004 5719 not 3756 ye 5210, There 3754 are 2076 5748 yet 2089 four months 5072, and 2532 [then] cometh 2064 5736 harvest 2326? google_ad_slot = "6216408568"; 4:44 For 1063 Jesus 2424 himself 846 testified 3140 5656, that 3754 a prophet 4396 hath 2192 5719 no 3756 honour 5092 in 1722 his own 2398 country 3968. (nobleman: or, courtier, or, ruler) The Rizers sing Scripture in the form of upbeat pop/rock songs to reinforce God's Word in the hearts of kids and families. 4:52 Then 3767 enquired he 4441 5633 of 3844 them 846 the hour 5610 when 1722 3739 he began 2192 5627 to amend 2866. google_ad_width = 728; 4:34 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto them 846, My 1699 meat 1033 is 2076 5748 to 2443 do 4160 5725 the will 2307 of him that sent 3992 5660 me 3165, and 2532 to finish 5048 5661 his 846 work 2041. /* 728x90, created 11/5/11 */ ... Strongs … 4:30 Then 3767 they went 1831 5627 out of 1537 the city 4172, and 2532 came 2064 5711 unto 4314 him 846. (nobleman: or, courtier, or, ruler) 4:54 This 5124 [is] again 3825 the second 1208 miracle 4592 [that] Jesus 2424 did 4160 5656, when he was come out 2064 5631 of 1537 Judaea 2449 into 1519 Galilee 1056. 4:42 And 5037 said 3004 5707 unto the woman 1135, 3754 Now 3765 we believe 4100 5719, not 3754 because 1223 of thy 4674 saying 2981: for 1063 we have heard 191 5754 [him] ourselves 846, and 2532 know 1492 5758 that 3754 this 3778 is 2076 5748 indeed 230 the Christ 5547, the Saviour 4990 of the world 2889. google_ad_height = 90; Each Strong's Number links the root meaning of the words of the Bible back to the original meanings in the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts from which they were translated. And 2532 there was 2258 5713 a certain 5100 nobleman 937, whose 3739 son 5207 was sick 770 5707 at 1722 Capernaum 2584. 4:13 Jesus 2424 answered 611 5662 and 2532 said 2036 5627 unto her 846, Whosoever 3956 drinketh 4095 5723 of 1537 this 5127 water 5204 shall thirst 1372 5692 again 3825: 4:48 Then 3767 said 2036 5627 Jesus 2424 unto 4314 him 846, Except 3362 ye see 1492 5632 signs 4592 and 2532 wonders 5059, ye will 4100 0 not 3364 believe 4100 5661. 4:9 Then 3767 saith 3004 5719 the woman 1135 of Samaria 4542 unto him 846, How is it that 4459 thou 4771, being 5607 5752 a Jew 2453, askest 154 5719 drink 4095 5629 of 3844 me 1700, which am 5607 5752 a woman 1135 of Samaria 4542? 4:28 The woman 1135 then 3767 left 863 5656 her 846 waterpot 5201, and 2532 went her way 565 5627 into 1519 the city 4172, and 2532 saith 3004 5719 to the men 444, 4:52 Then 3767 enquired he 4441 5633 of 3844 them 846 the hour 5610 when 1722 3739 he began 2192 5627 to amend 2866. 4:49 The nobleman 937 saith 3004 5719 unto 4314 him 846, Sir 2962, come down 2597 5628 ere 4250 my 3450 child 3813 die 599 5629. 4:39 And 1161 many 4183 of the Samaritans 4541 of 1537 that 1565 city 4172 believed 4100 5656 on 1519 him 846 for 1223 the saying 3056 of the woman 1135, which testified 3140 5723, 3754 He told 2036 5627 me 3427 all 3956 that ever 3745 I did 4160 5656. google_ad_width = 728; And 2532 the man 444 believed 4100 5656 the word 3056 that 3739 Jesus 2424 had spoken 2036 5627 unto him 846, and 2532 he went his way 4198 5711. Lambs were required as a yearly sacrifice for all Jewish families. 4:7 There cometh 2064 5736 a woman 1135 of 1537 Samaria 4540 to draw 501 5658 water 5204: Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto her 846, Give 1325 5628 me 3427 to drink 4095 5629. google_ad_slot = "6216408568"; 4:16 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto her 846, Go 5217 5720, call 5455 5657 thy 4675 husband 435, and 2532 come 2064 5628 hither 1759. 4:51 And 1161 as he 846 was now 2235 going down 2597 5723, his 846 servants 1401 met 528 5656 him 846, and 2532 told 518 5656 [him], saying 3004 5723, 3754 Thy 4675 son 3816 liveth 2198 5719. 4:29 Come 1205 5773, see 1492 5628 a man 444, which 3739 told 2036 5627 me 3427 all things 3956 that ever 3745 I did 4160 5656: is 2076 5748 not 3385 this 3778 the Christ 5547? 4:20 Our 2257 fathers 3962 worshipped 4352 5656 in 1722 this 5129 mountain 3735; and 2532 ye 5210 say 3004 5719, that 3754 in 1722 Jerusalem 2414 is 2076 5748 the place 5117 where 3699 men ought 1163 5748 to worship 4352 5721. 4:15 The woman 1135 saith 3004 5719 unto 4314 him 846, Sir 2962, give 1325 5628 me 3427 this 5124 water 5204, that 3363 0 I thirst 1372 5725 not 3363, neither 3366 come 2064 5741 hither 1759 to draw 501 5721. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - KJV INDEX & SEARCH GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - KJV INDEX & SEARCH 4:35 Say 3004 5719 not 3756 ye 5210, There 3754 are 2076 5748 yet 2089 four months 5072, and 2532 [then] cometh 2064 5736 harvest 2326? 4:45 Then 3767 when 3753 he was come 2064 5627 into 1519 Galilee 1056, the Galilaeans 1057 received 1209 5662 him 846, having seen 3708 5761 all the things 3956 that 3739 he did 4160 5656 at 1722 Jerusalem 2414 at 1722 the feast 1859: for 1063 they 846 also 2532 went 2064 5627 unto 1519 the feast 1859. 4:16 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto her 846, Go 5217 5720, call 5455 5657 thy 4675 husband 435, and 2532 come 2064 5628 hither 1759. 4:30 Then 3767 they went 1831 5627 out of 1537 the city 4172, and 2532 came 2064 5711 unto 4314 him 846. 4:16 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto her 846, Go 5217 5720, call 5455 5657 thy 4675 husband 435, and 2532 come 2064 5628 hither 1759. 4:51 And 1161 as he 846 was now 2235 going down 2597 5723, his 846 servants 1401 met 528 5656 him 846, and 2532 told 518 5656 [him], saying 3004 5723, 3754 Thy 4675 son 3816 liveth 2198 5719. google_ad_height = 90; 4:43 Now 1161 after 3326 two 1417 days 2250 he departed 565 5627 1831 5627 thence 1564, and 2532 went into 1519 Galilee 1056. 4:8 (For 1063 his 846 disciples 3101 were gone away 565 5715 unto 1519 the city 4172 to 2443 buy 59 5661 meat 5160.) 4:53 So 3767 the father 3962 knew 1097 5627 that 3754 [it was] at 1722 the same 1565 hour 5610, in 1722 the which 3739 Jesus 2424 said 2036 5627 unto him 846, 3754 Thy 4675 son 5207 liveth 2198 5719: and 2532 himself 846 believed 4100 5656, and 2532 his 846 whole 3650 house 3614. 4:43 Now 1161 after 3326 two 1417 days 2250 he departed 565 5627 1831 5627 thence 1564, and 2532 went into 1519 Galilee 1056. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - KJV INDEX & SEARCH 4:44 For 1063 Jesus 2424 himself 846 testified 3140 5656, that 3754 a prophet 4396 hath 2192 5719 no 3756 honour 5092 in 1722 his own 2398 country 3968. //-->, 4:14 But 1161 whosoever 3739 302 drinketh 4095 5632 of 1537 the water 5204 that 3739 I 1473 shall give 1325 5692 him 846 shall 1372 0 never 1519 165 3364 thirst 1372 5661; but 235 the water 5204 that 3739 I shall give 1325 5692 him 846 shall be 1096 5695 in 1722 him 846 a well 4077 of water 5204 springing up 242 5740 into 1519 everlasting 166 life 2222. * 1 Beloved, do not trust every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they belong to God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (nobleman: or, courtier, or, ruler) 1 John 4 - NIV: Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 4:52 Then 3767 enquired he 4441 5633 of 3844 them 846 the hour 5610 when 1722 3739 he began 2192 5627 to amend 2866. 4:34 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto them 846, My 1699 meat 1033 is 2076 5748 to 2443 do 4160 5725 the will 2307 of him that sent 3992 5660 me 3165, and 2532 to finish 5048 5661 his 846 work 2041. And 2532 they said 2036 5627 unto him 846, 3754 Yesterday 5504 at the seventh 1442 hour 5610 the fever 4446 left 863 5656 him 846. 4:45 Then 3767 when 3753 he was come 2064 5627 into 1519 Galilee 1056, the Galilaeans 1057 received 1209 5662 him 846, having seen 3708 5761 all the things 3956 that 3739 he did 4160 5656 at 1722 Jerusalem 2414 at 1722 the feast 1859: for 1063 they 846 also 2532 went 2064 5627 unto 1519 the feast 1859. And 2532 they said 2036 5627 unto him 846, 3754 Yesterday 5504 at the seventh 1442 hour 5610 the fever 4446 left 863 5656 him 846. 4:41 And 2532 many 4183 more 4119 believed 4100 5656 because 1223 of his own 846 word 3056; 4:53 So 3767 the father 3962 knew 1097 5627 that 3754 [it was] at 1722 the same 1565 hour 5610, in 1722 the which 3739 Jesus 2424 said 2036 5627 unto him 846, 3754 Thy 4675 son 5207 liveth 2198 5719: and 2532 himself 846 believed 4100 5656, and 2532 his 846 whole 3650 house 3614. 4:50 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto him 846, Go thy way 4198 5737; thy 4675 son 5207 liveth 2198 5719. 4:50 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto him 846, Go thy way 4198 5737; thy 4675 son 5207 liveth 2198 5719. 4:26 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto her 846, I 1473 that speak 2980 5723 unto thee 4671 am 1510 5748 [he]. And 2532 there was 2258 5713 a certain 5100 nobleman 937, whose 3739 son 5207 was sick 770 5707 at 1722 Capernaum 2584. 1 John 4:15 Parallel Verses [ See commentary ]1 John 4:15, NIV: "If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. /* 728x90, created 11/5/11 */ And 2532 there was 2258 5713 a certain 5100 nobleman 937, whose 3739 son 5207 was sick 770 5707 at 1722 Capernaum 2584. 4:33 Therefore 3767 said 3004 5707 the disciples 3101 one to another 4314 240, Hath 5342 0 any man 3387 brought 5342 5656 him 846 [ought] to eat 5315 5629? 4:39 And 1161 many 4183 of the Samaritans 4541 of 1537 that 1565 city 4172 believed 4100 5656 on 1519 him 846 for 1223 the saying 3056 of the woman 1135, which testified 3140 5723, 3754 He told 2036 5627 me 3427 all 3956 that ever 3745 I did 4160 5656. //-->, 4:34 Jesus 2424 saith 3004 5719 unto them 846, My 1699 meat 1033 is 2076 5748 to 2443 do 4160 5725 the will 2307 of him that sent 3992 5660 me 3165, and 2532 to finish 5048 5661 his 846 work 2041. 4:38 I 1473 sent 649 5656 you 5209 to reap 2325 5721 that whereon 3739 ye 5210 bestowed 2872 0 no 3756 labour 2872 5758: other men 243 laboured 2872 5758, and 2532 ye 5210 are entered 1525 5754 into 1519 their 846 labours 2873. 4:40 So 3767 when 5613 the Samaritans 4541 were come 2064 5627 unto 4314 him 846, they besought 2065 5707 him 846 that he would tarry 3306 5658 with 3844 them 846: and 2532 he abode 3306 5656 there 1563 two 1417 days 2250. 4:1 When 5613 therefore 3767 the Lord 2962 knew 1097 5627 how 3754 the Pharisees 5330 had heard 191 5656 that 3754 Jesus 2424 made 4160 5719 and 2532 baptized 907 5719 more 4119 disciples 3101 than 2228 John 2491, Israël sortit à la rencontre des Philistins, pour combattre. 4:41 And 2532 many 4183 more 4119 believed 4100 5656 because 1223 of his own 846 word 3056; Critias, p. 115 b.; in singular Xenophon, Cyril 5, 2, 17). 4:45 Then 3767 when 3753 he was come 2064 5627 into 1519 Galilee 1056, the Galilaeans 1057 received 1209 5662 him 846, having seen 3708 5761 all the things 3956 that 3739 he did 4160 5656 at 1722 Jerusalem 2414 at 1722 the feast 1859: for 1063 they 846 also 2532 went 2064 5627 unto 1519 the feast 1859.