How can I get my upper level to be as cool as the lower level? The controls are then integrated into your existing thermostat system. If outside air is coming in, it's gotta go out, which means opening the windows. it sounds like your condensing unit [outside] is overheating,during the night its cooler outside and the condensing unit stays cool enough to run,but … She’s written for MyDomaine, The Spruce, Byrdie, and The Zoe Report. 21 Celsius also recommends using an awning or other form of cover to keep it from overheating. But when the heat of summer truly hits, sometimes your best bet is cranking up the AC. Your body temperature … “Just set your thermostat at a nice comfortable temperature and leave it alone,” she says. But when the heat of summer truly hits, sometimes your best bet is cranking up the AC. Double check to see if any of your furniture is sitting on top of your central air vents or obstructing the path that cool air uses to get into your rooms. Instead, close the blinds in the unused room, making sure that there is no furniture over the vents and close the door.”. ...but what options are there for cooling a house when it's also cold outside (without running expensive AC)? Outside air entering the house displaces interior air, which has to go somewhere, especially at high CFM levels which will overwhelm the ability of the air to exfiltrate through random cracks in the building envelope. Why does my house heat up, even when it's cool outside? It's a big fan that can blow outside air, inside. ...does such a system exist? Grimy AC filters can contribute to a system working overtime. Does the word "spectrum" (as in a progressing array of values) necessarily imply separate extremes? Ducts take the cool air from your HVAC system and distribute it throughout your home. Clogged air filter. Tool to help precision drill 4 holes in a wall? Mike and Anthony is awesome! Therefore, long runs of ducts and uninsulated ducts will leave rooms farther away from an AC much warmer. Do plenty of research if you’re going to tackle it yourself, but in most instances, calling up your local HVAC company will be your best and safest bet. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. To be specific, you're looking for a balanced ventilation system. Melissa is a freelance writer who covers home decor, beauty, and fashion. “Obviously the easiest way to run an AC system inefficiently is by letting the cool air escape your house. Some units even feature a heating element for cold winter days when you don't need to make the room colder than it is outside. Getting your insulation checked yearly can save your AC system much wear and tear, not to mention lower your bill. Here in the Coachella Valley, air conditioners are our saving grace from the hot desert temperatures outside. But combatting extremely hot days isnt always easy, and our air conditioners sometimes dont cool our homes down to the temperature at which our thermostats are set. Think about when you go to a doctor’s office or hospital, and it feels ice cold; this is because they are removing a lot of the humidity from the conditioned environment.” The solution? When people say, "it's not the heat, it's the humidity," they are right. Most common reasons behind AC not cooling are: 1. In our old house, it stayed pretty cool, but I paid a high price for it … True, but the OP isn't going to get what he wants without opening the windows anyway. Sometimes you may not even have the right amount of ductwork to properly cool your second floor. While it may be okay to close off one or two vents, if you close off too many, then your system becomes less effective and efficient overall. I've seen them, A whole house fan is a bit different, as it typically requires the windows to be open to work. Maybe there is substantial interior heat gain.