Nakshatra Porutham indicates if the daily interaction between the proposed couple will be happy and harmonious. Similarly the placement of Navamsa Lagna of Girl should be checked in Boys Navamsa Chart. Muhurats Yogas formed by combination of tithi, vaar & nakshatra . After completing the above steps, we can check the Janma Nakshtra matching or Ashtakoota Guna Milap. The most Popular method of checking Horoscope compatibility for marriage is Ashtakoot Guna Milan. Here is the role of Kundli Milan for marriage. It is said that March weddings are the most beautiful weddings, as by this month the winter-summer combination is the best. Dev Gana Nakshatra can adjust both with Manushya and Rakshasa Gana Nakshatra but Rakshas and Manushya Gana cannot adjust at all with each other. There is lot of Confusion about how to read kundli for marriage. As 7th house is in exact opposition, there will always be some disagreement in married life. If nakshatras are dissimilar it scores full 8 marks. Presently, the porutham is matched for a single boy with a single girl jathagam. Wife is not for mere pleasure and enjoyment. For some reason, there’s a superstitious belief that girls born in Moola Nakshatra are unlucky. A, B, C and D have all some favourable and some unfavourable features in their horoscopes. But it is necessary ti have some kind of agreement to lead an amicable life. This Asta Koota matching tool will give you details of matching based on astha koota matching system and it is also checks dosha nakshatra (Vedha nakshatra), Eka nadi dosha check with exemptions and also gives you Match Score and suggestions regarding compatibility. An experienced astrologer will be able to see if there will be mutual harmony or not between the Horoscopes. In this way it is unfavorable if the groom’s nakshatra is the 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26 or 27th from the bride’s nakshatra. Thank you. If i have missed anything regarding Kundali matching, please let us know with comments. For example- suppose a boy is having Venus in Scorpio and a girl is having mars in Scorpio, both will enjoy great physical love among them. If the porutham is present, their life together will be prosperous and free of sickness. It is the Nakshatra where Jupiter gets exalted. I will explain to you why this process of ashtakoot matching between male and female is faulty and what is the correct Way to do it. The combination of the Vara, Tithi and Nakshatra is the single most important factor for determining whether a particular moment is favorable or unfavorable. Similarly, for Venus, Moon, mercury too, if exchange sign or Nakshatras then may happen. Aswini is the best partner for them and they get along well with Punarvasu, Swati, Uttarashadha and Sravana also. 2/12 position indicates poverty, 5/9 indicates loss of children and 6/8 placement indicates death. It has immense Potency and contributes for Long Span of Life. Proper Kundali Reading for marriage is very important and can reduce Marital disharmony to a good extent. Banachar Rasi (Roaming in forest) :- Leo.5. Dwipada (Manushya or human) :- Gemini, Virgo, Libra, first half of Sagittarius and Aquarius.3. But this is completely baseless. The Ascendant or Lagna is the native himself/herself and the 7th house is the house of spouse. Conclusion. Ashtakoota Kundali matching only consider the Moon Nakshatra. Venus is the Significator for marriage but it also ignores it. Shastras confer the benefit of the most benefic Nakshatra to Pushya Nakshatra. If a groom of high sexual potentiality is married to a bride of low sexual strength, their conjugal lives will be highly disturbed. The process by which we matches the Horoscope of Bride and Groom is known as Kundali matching. ... 3rd pada of the 16th star from the girl’s nakshatra. There are 10 types of matches considered for marriage between a boy and girl. 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th house of Horoscope are related Marriage. Why Kundli Milan is important ? If The Nakshatra of 7th Lord is Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, it can give you Inter caste Marriage. I will suggest you to read what are the astrological combination for Love Marriage in horoscope. Combinations of Vara, Tithi & Nakshatra In Muhurta, each of the Vara, Tithi and Nakshatra is important in itself, yet more important than any of these individually is their combination. The Affliction or Malefic Planets placed in 2nd house, 4th house, 7th house and 8th house should be of equal amount. This nakshatra is a combination of 5 stars which form like a wheel. What do they refer to? score is 0. But This does not happen. On the basis of this process, we can determine whether the marriage between a boy and a girl will work or not. The ascendant of both the chart should be 4/10, 1/7, 5/9 or 3/11. Given here the outcomes which wrap all the nakshatras which predict some problem. This combination promotes well being and longevity of the couple. If Kundli Matching is done properly, it can remove lot of obstacles and problems of married Life. But it is not Correct. Rohini is a humanlike nakshatra. Does Kundali Match matters ? However, this porutham alone is not the deciding factor for recommending the marriage. Ensures good number of children and happiness. Marriage matching by Rashi and Nakshatra helps one know the presence of any doshas that might affect the marriage negatively. To sort out this problem, our ancient sages had developed a mechanism to compare horoscopes of bride and groom. It is Sometime Known as Nakshatra porutham also. Vedic astrology defines twenty-seven Nakshatras. If the porutham is present, their life together will be prosperous and free of sickness. Keet Rasi :- Scorpio.If bridegroom and bride belong to the same Vaishya, it is ideal and scores 2 full marks. If venus is ill placed in a chart then it may lead to possiblity of infertility. Nakshatras have been divided into three categories-Deva Ganas, Manushya Ganas and Rakshasa Ganas. The nakshatras are divided into three groups called 1. I love the way you provide clear ideas in your articles. Yet Married Life is preferred because. The Holy Vedas teaches us that married Life is superior than life Long Celibacy. After Reading this, i hope, you will get answer of all the above questions. Marriage compatibility based on nakshatra is an incomplete Process. etc., are defective, a strong Lagna can neutralise such defects. Readers are also adviced to check star signs that are not favorable for marriages too. Yoni porutham should be mapped out for both the girl and the boy and not just for the girl because it is accountable for the physical compatibility of the married couple. This birth star matching for marriage derived by sages has been used since ancient times and continues to be used now. Every body wants to have a peaceful and happy married life. Govinda is the … But if the lady is adament, argumentative, atrocious how can a person lead a happy married life? Checking the favorable stars, amongst others, is an important aspect in finding the compatibility of people before marriage. Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from minor bodily ailments like pain in the joints, cough and cold, sleeplessness etc. There are a number of software programs available to find jathaka porutham / pathu porutham. Hence, many traditional families deny a girl born in Moola Nakshatra. Adi Nadi 2. This is quite natural. Now if the position of Venus and Mars in two chart i.e the position of Venus in one chart with respect to the position of Mars in another chart, is opposite to each other or in same sign, will have great physical love. Lucky and Auspicious Marriage Dates In 2020: The best selected auspicious marriage/ wedding dates, auspicious times and Muhurats are very important to choose.These dates are based on Vedic panchangam calculations, which have their … But this is a partial checking and we should not proceed with this score only. Sairam friends, Moola Nakshatra is also a birth star like any other. But this is completely wrong approach. Not getting married on time is a common issue […] Krittika : This nakshatra spans two signs and is ruled by the powerful Sun; whereas the first part of it falls in Aries, the latter part falls in Taurus. You can read about my article on Misconception of Rakshas Gana and Manushya gana. It scores 0 marks. Chatuspada or quadruped : – Aries, Taurus, 2nd half of Sagittarius and first half of Capricorn.2. From the girls Nakshatra # 3 in the vertical list check along the row till you come to the boy’s Nakshatra #till you come to the column under the boys Nakshatra #. Even if Mars and Venus exchange signs or Nakshatras the too love marriage. Hello, I am confused by your statement in #6 above: You can reach our office in Palashdiha, Asansol-713341, Kundali Milan for Marriage-Never ignore 6 important Factors with Nakshatra Matching, Kundali Milan as Per Rashi Chart and Navamsa Chart, Most Common Nakshatra Matching- Ashtakoota Explained, 6 Important Factors must consider during Janam Kundali Reading for marriage, If you are looking for a Proper Horoscope Matching, Misconception and fear about Rakshas Gana, astrological combination for Love Marriage, krittika nakshatra male and female Unique Character and Compatibility, Rohini Nakshatra Female and male-Everything you should Know, Upapada Lagna- Calculator & Marriage Prediction Analysis, Nakshatra Matching -Star Matching – Nakshatra Porutham-Ashtakoot Guna Matching, Darakaraka Planets-Life Partner (Spouse) Details With Jaimini Astrology, Late Marriage Astrology-Overcoming Delay or No Marriage in astrology, MatchMaking Online for Marriage with date of birth-Best Facts and Process, Navamsa Chart- its importance and use in Analysing Birth Chart, Jupiter in 7th house in Male and female horoscope, Saturn in 7th house All Ascendant-Male and Female-Remedies-Marriage, Rahu in 8th house for All the Ascendant Signs-Effects on Marriage, Longevity with Remedies, Moon in 7th house for Male and Female horoscope, Mercury in 7th house in Male and female horoscope, Venus in 7th house of Male or Female Horoscope in different Sign. This Nakshatra Matching For Marriage In Telugu report between two horoscopes, in tamil, is completely FREE. Mars also signifies aggression. If both are benefic then score is 3, if one is benefic and another is malefic then score is one and half and if both are malefic then score is 0. I t is very auspicious for the couple if the bride’s nakshatra is the 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 or 25th from the groom’s nakshatra. This is perfect for Kundali matching.”. My answer is very simple even a Guna Matching point of 36 does not guarantee a Happy Marriage. But we must understand ” all that glitter is not gold”. So before marriage, Horoscope of Bride and Groom should be checked to see whether both the Kundali is supporting to each other.