My collies condition has recently deteriorated again, he has arthritis and carpal hyper-extension in both front carpal joints, his exercise is managed and on soft ground only alongside using rugs and runners at home and hydrotherapy and massage. Keep an eye for signs of infection which include redness, swelling, warmth to the touch, and pus. Huge cut, luckily not to the bone, just a dangling pad. Most border collies can live a healthy life with only having to battle the common problems every dog faces. ... My 11 month old Border Collie runs and plays hard chasing her tennis balls. Unfortunately, this disease is not often detected until the dog begins to show signs of blindness. They returned to the veterinarian to share her finding. I have the protective cover on the edging except for a 1 foot area that had come off the top of the edging. His front legs have started to bow so has resulted in paw pad … The most common injuries for a hind leg include: 1. Front leg injuries can range in severity, and it must be noted that some injuries can lead to paralysis of the leg if left untreated. A front leg injury in a dog can be a complex diagnostic case. This disease occurs in stages, and some are more severe than others. ... Also, flip the paw over and ensure there is no large cuts or flaps in any of the paw pads and nothing stuck between the toes. The complexity of the carpal articulations and the multiple bones and ligaments that form and stabilize the joint create a difficult diagnostic problem for many veterinarians. Here are 10 drug-free ways to help your dog live pain-free. Most carpal injuries, and particularly those which go undiagnosed or untreated, increase the risk of osteoarthritis and have a potential for long-term lameness (1, 2, 4). Injury on carpal pad Hey there, so my 7m female puppy (intact, up to date with all shots) got somehow injured on her carpal pad picture Its a rather small but open wound. When the veterinarian gently squeezed the pad… The average lifespan of a border collie is anywhere from 12 to 15 years. If there was minor bleeding and the carpal pad is intact, I'd just bandage and rest Bee. Factors such as trauma due to an accident, or an injury caused by repetitive strain can cause acute pain for your pet. When his mom went to take a closer look, she noticed a tiny irregular area on one of Bruder’s pads. These protectors were first developed by us more than 20 years ago to avoid that problem. Carpal Pad. ... that is unless your dog is a hard working breed such as a Border Collie, or actively running at top speeds to herd sheep or cows. Dogs diagnosed with canine carpal hyperextension have likely suffered a traumatic event, such as falling from a significant height. They are super active and always ready to work. Prescription NSAID pain relievers certainly have their place, but they can be tough on your Border Collie’s liver and steroids come with a host of side effects. Stopper pad injuries are common in dogs and it is very distressing when your dog tears or slices a (carpal ) stopper pad (the 'extra' little pad at the back of the front legs.) Signs of Canine Carpal Hyperextension It was a tiny protruding tip of something hard. Threw his ball for him in the back yard and he sliced one of his carpal pads half way off where it is attached to the leg. Border Collies are at a much lower risk (2-3%) than Rough and Smooth coated Collies. Bramble, the oldest border collie even lived to be 27 years old! ... She is likely in a lot of pain, and may have serious internal injuries as well if she was hit by a car. Border collies are a healthy breed overall. He started licking the paw pad of the lame leg. A partial or complete tear of the cruciate ligament in the knee (stifle). Puppies may experience developmental hyperextension. Older dogs, especially Collie breeds, may show signs of hyperextension due to a degeneration of the ligaments. We dont know how it happened, she absolutely does not mind it, not limping, not even licking it, nothing. Luckily there are natural steps you can take to keep your dog comfortable. The carpal pad is that stand alone gumdrop-shaped pad located higher up the leg.