Bicuspid aortic valves can deteriorate or become infected, so it is advised that all girls with Turner syndrome undergo annual cardiac evaluations. In some cases, they may have to resuscitate patients with cardiac or respiratory emergencies. The resulting low cardiac output can cause hypotension, renal insufficiency and/or acute hepatic ischemia. 2. The systole is not altered in length, but the diastole is very much prolonged, and since this is the period not only of cardiac rest but also of cardiac "feeding" - the coronary vessels being compressed and occluded during systole - the result is greatly to benefit the nutrition of the cardiac muscle. The essential point here to be added is that death takes place from combined cardiac and respiratory failure. Adapted from / Example sentences are all from The Tell Tale Heart. This, in turn, can cause life-threatening high blood pressure (hypertension) and irregular heart beat (cardiac arrhythmia). The cardiac form of parvo is usually transmitted to unborn pups via the uterus of an infected mother. The circulation in the brain may be lessened by warmth to the feet, cold to the head, warm food in the stomach, warm poultices or compresses to the abdomen, antipyretics, which reduce the temperature and consequently slow the beats of the heart in fever, and cardiac or vascular tonics, which slow the heart and tend to restore tone to the blood-vessels, so that the circulation in the brain may be more efficiently regulated. Many of the sentences have audio, too. Digitalis contains four important glucosides, of which three are cardiac stimulants. : Three quarters of all deaths from myocardial infarction occur after cardiac arrest in the community. In adults, less common effects of Lyme disease are heart abnormalities (such as irregular rhythm or cardiac block) and eye abnormalities (such as swelling of the cornea, tissue, or eye muscles and nerves). Dictionary ... and on integrated cardiac neurobiology. PRIMARY care Hand-held echocardiography for primary care Han B Xiao echocardiography for primary care Han B Xiao Echocardiography is a commonly used diagnostic tool in assessing cardiac disease. 41. An assessment of the matrix 96 direct beta counter for cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursor frequency analysis in human cardiac transplant recipients. There is a joint program with cardiovascular medicine on the molecular genetics of myocardial contractile proteins, and on integrated cardiac neurobiology. Between 10 and 14 weeks of pregnancy, physicians may use an ultrasound to look for a thickness at the nuchal translucency, a pocket of fluid in back of the embryo's neck, which may indicate a cardiac defect in 55 percent of cases. Cardiac output sentence examples. Once somebody has suffered a cardiac arrest, there are only a few minutes in which defibrillation is likely to succeed. In summary, treatment with RSG improved cardiac energetics by lowering plasma FFA and hs-CRP. The third cardiac malposition is dextrocardia. Symptoms are often vague and include (in order of frequency) fatigue, headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances, cardiac symptoms, apathy, nausea, and memory disturbances. Thiourea and many of its unsymmetrical derivatives have marked physiological action; thiourea causes a slowing of the pulse and respiration, cardiac failure, and death in convulsions; phenyl-, ethyland acetyl-thiourea are actively toxic. 0. thus cardiac output and blood pressure are maintained despite the direct myocardial depressant action. Sentences always begin with a capital letter and end in either a full stop, exclamation or question mark. If the disease is not treated, the parasitical infection can cause anemia, cardiac disease, kidney disease and endocrine failure. In this case, birds who do not have a cardiac arrest at stunning will still be alive when they enter the scalding tank. Lv 4. In many cases, the child may have few or very minor outward signs of the disorder, and the diagnosis may be missed until the child develops vision problems or cardiac symptoms. cardiac in a sentence - Use "cardiac" in a sentence 1. Cardiac muscle, in vertebrates, one of three major muscle types, found only in the heart. 27. He went into cardiac arrest again in t For this discussion, it's especially noteworthy that vitamin E may have direct beneficial effects against cardiac ischemia [5] . Cardiac-muscle sentence examples. cardiac myocytes express do express this adhesion molecule. accelerometer attached to the cardiac walls of patients who are recovering from by-pass surgery. At the cardiac catheterization lab, you will lie on a table. Spectral analysis showed that cardiac vagal tone was increased by beta blocker therapy, even under conditions of stress. The orphans’ heart-wrenching tale included being deserted by her parents and scorned by nearly everyone in her hometown. : The importance of free fatty acids in aerobic metabolism is best shown in cardiac muscle. The most important derivative pharmacologically is allyl-thiourea, also known as thiosinamine or rhodallin, NH2 CS NH CH2 CH:CH2. A procedure called a cardiac catheterization can then be performed during which a small thin tube (catheter) with a balloon tip, may be used to enlarge the opening between the two atria until surgery can be performed. autonomic neuropathy is the lack of perception of cardiac pain by the patient. 0. . ventricular myocardium The muscle cells of the ventricles influence the force of contractions by the cardiac muscle. There may be bleeding from the nose, cutaneous congestion, deafness, blindness, coma or delirium, and even death from cardiac failure. Second, for the possibility to look into an area that has always fascinated me: the mechanisms of human cardiac and systemic anaphylaxis. cardiology inpatient ward with a specialist team of cardiac rehab nurses. If you have concerns about your cardiac health, talk to your doctor before beginning a diet and exercise program. A cardiac monitor and EKG showed heart problems, but he was taken to surgery anyway. Summed up, its action is that of an irritant, and a cardiac and nervous depressant. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Rarely, however, an epileptic seizure may induce a cardiac arrhythmia which in turn leads to syncope. POEcabulary for The Tell Tale Heart . In the region of the neck lateral strands pass through the transverse canal of the cervical vertebrae; but from the thoracic region onwards, where the cardiac branch to the heart is given off, each strand is double and the basal ganglia are successively connected with the next by a branch which runs ventrally over the capitulum of the rib, and by another which passes directly through the foramen or space formed between capitulum and tuberculum. The polyunsaturated fats can cause an abnormal heartbeat which may lead to a sudden cardiac death, doctors warn. Choking is a major cause of respiratory emergencies and cardiac arrest in infants and children. Blood may also be drawn to ensure that your cat isn't suffering from specific nutrient deficiencies that can lead to cardiac failure. Women with symptomatic cardiac disease face one of the biggest challenges in pregnancy. Sentences Menu. In some cases, cardiac catheterization, a more invasive diagnostic procedure, may be performed to diagnose atrial septal defect. 2. 2. Histology, immunohistochemistry, and ultrastructure were highly suggestive of transdifferentiation from cardiac muscle to adipose tissue. Get your answers by asking now. 23. Cardiac definition: Cardiac means relating to the heart. Cardiac arrest definition is - temporary or permanent cessation of the heartbeat. Her cardiac history included a myocardial infarct 5 years previously, mixed aortic valve disease, hypertension and rheumatic fever in childhood. As it does not depress the heart when used in medicinal doses, it may be given to patients suffering from cardiac disease. 63697 Don't lose heart. CK 1 2245500 Follow your heart. There is a reduction in cardiac output and an increase in hemoglobin oxygen affinity. If the foreign body cannot be expelled from the child's airway using the Heimlich maneuver, cardiac and/or respiratory arrest may occur, and the child may stop breathing. A cardiac monitor was in place, and a bag valve mask was over his face. Brittany Murphy died after suffering a full cardiac arrest on Sunday, December 20, 2009. The time interval from the onset of symptoms to … Treatment is administered as needed for cardiac arrest or cardiac dysrhythmias. Frequently, other congenital cardiac complications are also present. It can only be laid down that the drug is a valuable though temporary stimulant in emergencies, and that its use as a plaster or internally often relieves cardiac pain. 2. cardiopulmonary arrests due to cardiac disease attended by the Scottish Ambulance Service during May 1991 to March 1998. cardiopulmonary treadmill testing at the end of cardiac rehabilitation. In addition to following a healthy cardiac diet eating plan, there are other things you can do to keep your heart healthy. Patients with cardiac disease, especially significant shunts or stenotic valvular lesions, are vulnerable to these changes. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The cause of death was cardiac arrest, his family said. The essential point here to be added is that death takes place from combined cardiac and respiratory failure. ‘The cardiac exam revealed distant heart sounds without murmurs or gallops.’ ‘Two days after the cardiac injury, the hearts of all the rats were removed and examined.’ ‘Once cardiac arrhythmias, structural heart disease, and non-cardiac causes of syncope have been ruled … Placement of the cardiac device called a pacemaker helps patients who are suffering from irregular heart rhythm. The British Heart Foundation reckons that 37% of cardiac deaths are due to inactivity. loop diuretic is likely to be necessary in patients with renal or cardiac disease. He helped to pioneer the modern heart catheterization, now widely used to treat cardiac patients. 258+3 sentence examples: 1. 0. 0. Adrenaline may also be administered to increase cardiac output. Epinephrine is a powerful cardiac stimulant. 6. The catheter-based cardiac implant procedure involves the implantation of a closure device that seals the defect. CK 1 3231007 Tom has a bad heart. 3. Here is a comprehensive list of 101 examples of onomatopoeia in sentences. emotionally saddening evoking pity or empathy. Double outlet right ventricle A cardiac defect in which both great major vessels emerge from the right ventricle. Amantadine may provide some limited improvement in ataxic symptoms, but is not recommended in children with cardiac abnormalities.