The most common use of Portland cement in concrete production. Types of Cement - CEM. There are a number of different cement types, referred to as CEM I up to and including CEM V, with a smaller or larger content of Portland cement and slag or fly ash. Type 2 ... Types IA, IIA, and IIIA are cements used to make air-entrained concrete. Portland cement is the most common type of cement in general use as it is an essential component of concrete, mortar, and non-special mortars. The infographic below shows the whole ASTM classification of cement. Portland cement is the most common type of cement in general use around the world as a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar, stucco, ... II, and III. There are other types for various purposes such as masonry cements, just to name two examples. Type II(MH) - For general use, more especially when moderate heat of hydration and moderate sulfate resistance are desired. 1.1.6 Type II(MH)A— Air-entraining cement for the same uses as Type II(MH), where air-entrainment is desired. Type II(MH)A - Air-entraining cement for the same uses as Type II(MH), where air-entrainment is desired. 1.1.4 Type IIA— Air-entraining cement for the same uses as Type II, where air-entrainment is desired. Type 1 is a general use cement. Product Codes: Portland Cement Type I, IA, II, IIA, III, IIIA, IV, IVA, V, VA, White Cement, CSA Type GU, MS, HE, LH, HS. TYPE IA, IIA, IIIA Specifications for three types of air-entraining portland cement (Types IA, IIA, and IIIA) are given in ASTM C 150. • Portland Cement (ASTM C150) – Type I (normal) general purpose – Type II (modified) resistance to alkali attack – Type III (high early strength) high heat – Type IV (low heat) used for massive structures – Type V (sulfate-resistant) max. Type III is chemically and physically similar to Type I, except that its particles have been ground finer. It can be mixed with aggregate to make base-coat stucco, concrete and mortar. Quikrete 92.6 lb. It is same as Type II but just having air entraining agents. Types IA, IIA and IIIA Types I, II, and III have corresponding air-entraining specifications to increase their resistance to freeze-thaw action. 1.2. Type IA – Air-entraining cement for the same uses as Type I, where air entrainment is desired 3. Hydrated Lime - Type S or SA of ASTM Specification C207. It is typically used in applications such as precasting or prestressed concrete where early strength gain and quick form turnaround is desired. For the placing on the market of the product in the European Union/European Free Trade Association (EU/EFTA) (with the exception of Switzerland) Regulation /(EU) No. A cement factory (Juan Enrique del Barrio / Shutterstock). Type III. • Type V -For use when high sulfate resistance is desired. They have the same properties as types I, II, have small quantities of air-entrained materials combined with them. These types of cement are generally used where the property of air-entrainment in concrete is needed along with the properties of the respective types of cement. Type I – For use when the special properties specified for any other type are not required 2. Since we have no control over other ingredients mixed with this product or final application, we cannot guarantee the finished work. The considered cement belongs to the main cement type CEM II inaccordance with/EN 197-1/. 1.1.5 Type II(MH)— For general use, more especially when moderate heat of hydration and moderate sulfate resistance are desired. Type III and Type IIIA are similar to Type I cements. Type IIA. To compare to the hydraulic cement types, some of the Type II cements meeting the standard for the moderate heat of hydration type. There are 5 types of cement : CEM I, II, III, IV, V. For general construction use only types I and II are relevant. This specification covers eight types of portland cement: type I, type IA, type II, type IIA, type III, type IIIA, type IV, and type V. The cement covered by this specification shall only contain the following ingredients: portland cement clinker; water or calcium sulfate, or both; limestone; processing additions; and air-entraining addition for air-entraining portland cement. CEM III is a mixture of OPC and blast furnace slag. Basically, Type IA, IIA, IIIA cement are type I, II, III cements with the presence of air-entraining agents. Type I, II Portland Cement gives the user versatility in the type of mix that they want to make. CEM I: Portland cement with a maximum of 5% other materials. White Cement, Portland Limestone Cement, * Portland Cement Type I, IA, IL, II, IIA, II L.A., III, IIIA, IV, IVA, V, VA, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, GU, GUL, MS, MH, HE, LH, HS, OWH, OWG Cement, OWG Class G HSR Manufacturer/Supplier Argos Cement 3015 Windward Plaza Drive Suite 300 Alpharetta, GA 30005 Contact Person: Michael J. Heaton Telephone number (678)368-4300 (8 AM … Types of cement Type IIA Type IIA MPC MPC,, airair--entraining entraining Type IIIType III RHPC RHPC,, Rapid Hardening PC,Rapid Hardening PC, Type IIIA Type IIIA RHPC RHPC,, airair--entraining entraining Type IV Type IV LHPC LHPC,, Low heat of hydration Low heat of hydration Type V Type V SRPC SRPC,, High sulfate resistance High sulfate resistance . Type II – For general use, more especially when moderate sulfate resistance is desired 4. However, they have higher early strengths because they are ground finer. Individual composition of hazardous constituents will vary between types of Portland cement. Types IA, IIA and IIIA are cements used to make air-entrained concrete. Infographics on ASTM Classification of Cement. Types of Portland Cement • Different types of Portland cement are manufactured to meet the requirements for specific purposes • The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Designation C150 specifies the following eight types of Portland cement Type Name Type I Normal Type IA Normal, air entraining Type II Moderate sulfate resistance Type IIA […] Type V portland cement is for concrete near soils and water with severe and very severe concentrations of sulfate. Various types of admixtures are used in concrete to enhance the performance of concrete. The air-entrainment must meet the minimum and maximum optional specification found in the ASTM manual. Portland Cement Type I, IA, IE, II, I/II, IIA, II L.A., III, IIIA, IV, IVA, V, VA, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, GU, GUL, MS, MH, HE, LH, HS, OWH, OWG Cement, OW Class G HSR, ONECEM®, INFINICEM® Synonyms: Lafarge Portland Cement (cement) Note: This SDS covers many types of Portland cement. Concrete admixture is defined as the material other than the aggregate, water and cement added to the concrete. The ASTM Spec. Individual constituents will vary. It is a composite material consisting of concrete, aggregate (gravel and sand), cement, and water. Cements used in wells are subjected to conditions not encountered in construction, such as wide ranges in temperature and pressure. Types IL, IS, IP and It are blended hydraulic cements that offer a variety of special performance properties. • Type lV-For use when a low heat of hydration is desired. • Type III -For use when high early strength is desired. This SDS covers many products. They correspond in composition to ASTM Types I, II, and III, respectively, except that small quantities of air-entraining materials are interground with the clinker during manufacture to produce minute, well-distributed, and completely separated air bubbles. Type III has much finer particles than other cements, and has shorter set times. Constituents: Clinker: 80-94%; Fly ashes: 6-20%; Minor constituents: 0-5%; These values refer to the cement core excluding calcium sulphate or any other additive. CEM I is pure (100%) OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) CEM II is a mixture of OPC and additives such as fly ash, slag or limestone, up to a maximum additive content of 35%. The 10 current cement types listed in ASTM C150 are: 1. Type II and Type IIA contain tricalcium aluminate, but no more than 8%. Specifications for three types of air-entraining Portland cement (Types IA, IIA, and IIIA) are given in ASTM C 150. Type III (High early strength cement/Rapid hardening cement) High C3S content upto 70%. Portland Cement Association. Quikrete 92.6 lb. As a building material, concrete can be poured in almost any form desired. Type Name Type I Normal Type IA Normal, air entraining Type II Moderate sulfate resistance Type IIA Moderate sulfate resistance, […] This cement provides high early strength at an early period (usually a week or less) when compared with Type I. MSDS NAME: PORTLAND CEMENT, PORTLAND CEMENT TYPE IIA Assigned IND: Y Company: LAFARGE CORPORATION Street: 11130 SUNRISE VALLEY DR, SUITE 300 City: RESTON VA Zipcode: 20191-4393 Health Emergency Phone: 800-424-9300 (CHEMTREC) Label Required IND: Y Date Of Label Review: 10/12/1999 Status Code: A Origination Code: G Hazard And Precautions: N/PN/PN/P ===== Disclaimer … Types of Portland cement Many kinds of Portland cement are produced to meet the needs for various purposes American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) designation C150 has specified the 8 types of Portland cement. CEMEX guarantees Victor Portland Cement, when shipped from our mill or terminals, to meet the current requirements of ASTM C-150, (Standard Specification for Portland Cement). CEM II: all kind of hybrids of Portland cement with for example slate, fly ash, slag… minimum 65% Portland cement. Do not mix with gypsum or other type of cement; SPECIFICATIONS • Specifications UNE 80303-1:13. 5420 Old Orchard Road; Skokie, Illinois 60077-1083; 847.966.6200 ; 200 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 200; Washington D.C., 20001 Type III portland cement – It is a high early strength cement and causes concrete to set and gain strength rapidly. 305/2011 Construction Product Regulation (CPR)/ applies. • Type IIIA -Air-entraining cement for the same use as Type III, where air -entrainment is desired. It is used where formwork is to be removed quickly or sufficient strength for further construction is required. Portland Cement - Types I, IA, II, IIA, III or IIIA of ASTM Specification C150. These cements are designed to meet the varying needs of the construction industry. Type Ia, IIa, IIIa These types are almost identical to the basic I, II, and III types, respectively, except that they contain small amounts of air-entrainment admixtures which are blended with the cement during its manufacture. The standard types of portland cement are: Type I – for general purpose; Type IA – same as Type I, but when air entrainment is desired; Type II – for moderate sulfate resistance; Type IIA – same as Type II, but when air entrainment is desired; Type II(MH) – much like Type II, but when moderate heat of hydration is desired These are very short descriptions of the basic types of cement. Blended Hydraulic Cement - Types IS, IS-A, IP, IP-A, I(PM), I(PM)-A of ASTM Specification C595/595M ; Quicklime - See ASTM Specification C5. alkali resistance . Type IIA - Air-entraining cement for the same uses as Type II, where air-entrainment is desired. The only difference is that in Ia, IIa, and IIIa, an air-entraining agent is ground into the mix. Type IIA portland cement – It is identical to Type II and produces air-entrained concrete. Also it has high fineness and have minimum surface area of 325 m2/kg. • Type IIA (MH) -Air-entraining cement for the same uses as Type II (MH), where air -entrainment is desired. C150 provides for eight types of Portland cement: Types I, IA, II, IIA, III, IIIA, IV, and V, where the “A” denotes an air-entraining cement. Type I, II Portland Cement is a high strength cement designed for a number of different applications. They have the same properties as types I, II, and III, except that they have small quantities of air-entrained materials combined with them.