in bothe cases. An Ogive Chart is a curve of the cumulative frequency distribution or cumulative relative frequency distribution. To get the less than ogive and more than, the upper class limits (lower class limits) are taken along X-axis and the corresponding less (more) than cumulative frequencies along Y-axis with appropriate scale . There are 69-52=17 competitors who took more than 2 hours 39 min. Another way of graphical determination of median is through simultaneous graphic presentation of both the less than and more than Ogives. From graph, median = 54. Graphs are charts consisting of points, lines and curves. What this means is that about 4 runners took less than or equal to 13.25 seconds, and about 6 took more than 13.25 seconds. How to plot a More than type Ogive: In the graph, put the lower limit on the x-axis. Cumulative frequency graph (ogive) We can represent the cumulative results from a cumulative frequency table with a cumulative frequency graph or ogive. Mark the cumulative frequency on the y-axis. It looks like an upside down S. Greater than or more than Ogive. Less than Ogive [Image will be uploaded soon] The graph given above represents but and therefore is greater than the Ogive curve. Less than Ogive. How To Construct An Ogive Cumulative frequencies of a distribution can also be charted on a graph. So 17/69≈26.4% took more than 2 hours 39 min. Find the median of the following data Solution: Question 24. The obtained curve is less (more) than Ogive. The curve that results by plotting these is called the Ogive Curve.Since the cumulative frequencies can either be ‘less than’ or ‘more than’ type, there are two type of ogives called ‘less than’ type and ‘more than’ type ogive. 2.Less than and more than Ogive approach. one slopes down while the other slopes up So the ogive says that P(x <= 13.25) = 0.4 The answer is "about 13.25 seconds." For drawing such a curve, the frequencies must be expressed as a percentage of the total frequency. Plot the points (x,y) using lower limits (x) and their corresponding Cumulative frequency (y) Join the points by a smooth freehand curve. So, to get from a frequency polygon to an ogive, we would add up the counts as we move from left to right in the graph. Ogives do look similar to frequency polygons, which we saw earlier. The most important difference between them is that an ogive is a plot of cumulative values, whereas a frequency polygon is a plot of the values themselves. The rising curve is shown (Brown Curve) also represents the Ogive, and therefore the falling curve (Green Curve) represents the greater than Ogive. Less than type is drawn by olacing the upper limits on x axis while more than type is drwan by drawing lower limits on x axis. 6 For more than ogive the x-axis represents :(a) upper limits of class-intervals (b) mid-values of class-intervals(c) lower limits of class-intervals (d) frequency7 Ogive is the graph of :(a) lower limits and frequency (b) upper limits and frequency(c)lower/upper limits and cumulative frequency (d) none of these8 The - Math - Statistics iv. Suitable scales are to be chosen for both x and y axes, so that the entire data ... One is less than ogive and the other is more than ogive. The upward cumulation result is greater than or more than the cumulative series. Ogive Chart. Less than ogive: Here the cumulative frequencies are plotted against the upper boundary of respective class interval. The time taken is estimated using the 20th percentile. y axis is C.F. The Median of the following distribution is 35.Find the value of x: Solution: Question 23. Question 22. In more than ogive the graph come down...but in less than ogive the graph goes upward. The plotted points on the graph are joined by smooth curve. Charts are drawn on graph sheets. The point at which it touches the x-axis will be the median value of the series as shown in the graph.