I have been freezing 3 cups of hand picked nettles at a time using a similar method to your own. This is such a gorgeous site and so heart opening! The more significant issue is that those tiny hollow barbs also release a chemical mixture made up of serotonin, acetylcholine, histamine and formic acid. They still look like seeds though. According to botanist Laura Reeves who I mentioned in the article, the black spiny caterpillar of the Milbert’s tortoishell butterfly only lay their eggs on nettle. You’ll find my favorite recipes, tips and how to’s for making tasty homemade food & preserves. I have endless stinging nettles on my little farm and after walking thru them early on I quickly learned to give them the respect that they demand LOL, but since then I have also been fascinated by them. Frittatas are an excellent way to use up leftover bits in the fridge. Nettle fabric was used by Europeans and Native Americans for linens and sailcloth as early as the 16th and 17th century. Store in a cool, dark, dry place where temperatures are consistent. Nettles in full sun will flower before those in the shade and will also produce seeds earlier. I take them down before they are completely dry and finish them in the dehydrator but that’s just because years of living in damp houses have made me cautious of air drying anything. Thank you for this page. IT isn’t very young leaves and I wonder if I should dry them the rest of the way. Our nettle is covered by 2-3 feet of snow for 5-6 months of the year! I help put healthy, seasonal food on tables and agendas. Why is it not recommended to harvest the seeds once they go black? Stinging nettles (Urtica dioica) are a perennial lawn weed covered with tiny hairs that cause a painful welt that lasts for hours.Heating or drying the plant prevents the sting. Drying is done as quickly as possible in the sun. All the best, Nettle Leaves. kind regards, Paul. Good luck! I also use stems in teas, only composting what doesn’t conveniently fit in my storage jars. They should be fine, I personally wait till they are at the green seed stage to use them but I have read a couple of American herbalists saying that they use them more at the ripening stage. You could even turn the dried nettle into a powder and add it to smoothies, soups or sauces – as much or as little as you like. Nettles are primarily used in the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), diabetes, and arthritis. I believe the restaurant used blanched or dried. These nettles did not sting. You'll get plenty of practical everyday tips from a Professional Home Economist who enjoys all food in balance and moderation, tries to limit the amount of processed foods, works to reduce food waste and is always open to questions. By mid summer, you should be able to harvest these again. How to Use Nettle. If you like baking, the drop nettle cheese biscuits are also a great way to introduce others to nettle – let them think it’s spinach at first! Thanks for your article. Namaste, It’s good karma to let them be. Stinging nettle should never be applied to an open wound. By cutting just above that spot, you actually encourage new growth. So if I’m harvesting seed, is that aslo gonna itch? Nettle pesto pasta is one of many delicious recipes using nettles. Place on well-ventilated screen to dry. Puree the potatoes in the stock and add the nettle leaves – puree more if needed. After hanging the stems to allow the insects to escape, cut off the small strands of seeds and allow to air dry or use a dehydrator like this one. All the best, Have a look, stay a while, leave a comment or drop me a line. (i.e. I didn’t realise nettles were so versatile until I read your article, I love spinach so will definitely be trying nettles, and they’re free and ample here in Wales lol. can you help me? You may use it in place of spinach in recipes, freeze or dehydrate for later, or make an herbal tea with the leaves. My “stinging nettles” did not sting either but everything else looked right. The leaves and stems are very hairy with nonstinging hairs, and, in most subspecies, also bear many stinging hairs (trichomes), whose tips come off when touched, causing paresthesia. Thanks and blessings. Store your cuttings in a paper bag or basket. If not how can I remove them. Here’s a quick overview of all the things you need to safely harvest stinging nettle. Getty. Updated from the original post from May 2015. Reading all comments trying to get motivated for my first harvest in the morning. What do you think? You can put the seeds in (or on) whatever you like, but nettle seed in water won't work: the nettle seed is so light that it'll stay on top of the water, and if you stir things around a bit you have a glass of water with nettle seeds floating on top and climbing up the sides of the glass. When dry, take small handfuls of the seeds and rub through a sieve. You can usually tell when things start to lose their vibrancy by the colour starting to grey and the taste fading. With just a couple of easy tips, harvesting and using stinging nettle is absolutely safe. Well that was a whole waste! It's creamy, https://www.gettystewart.com/how-to-saute-stinging-nettle-with-garlic/, https://www.gettystewart.com/how-to-make-stinging-nettle-soup/, https://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/herbalsupp. I'd love to know what's cooking with you. I’m guessing that I can, but all of the recipes I’ve found have required fresh nettles. Cooking. Have you tried these chocolate banana oat cookies? The sting is a combination of tiny barbs and the release of chemicals. Reblogged this on Andrea Cullen and commented: Just harvest and dry the seeds and store as you normally would, in a dry place etc. The long stems make nettle perfect for hang drying. Hi Lee Frittata: olive oil, potatoes, eggs, blanched stinging nettle leaves, onion +or green onion, garlic, milk, chedder cheese if desired, tomato pieces if desired, salt and pepper. Fabulous article. For some of the more unfortunate who have gout. Hi Dennis, It may be hard to believe if you've ever been stung, but this is a delicious spring green! To prevent the sting, we need to protect our skin from contact with the barb and the chemicals. So - Seed ID: the seeds grow on the female plant. You’ll find patches in disturbed soils, along streams or river banks, on old homesteads and along the edge of clearings, fence lines or forest pathways where the sunlight comes through. Also, most sites recommend you not use the stems. And more….. we have nettles in abundance as you know from my posts on nettle soup… fabulous blog. Are you ready to put on your gloves and harvest some stinging nettle? Most of us are familiar with the properties and benefits of the leaves but the seeds are actually more potent again. As for the brown spots, I’m not sure what they might be, but I probably would avoid them. I hope that clears up any confusion and makes it easier to get out and enjoy your harvest. This time, I'm. Pic: Nettle seed climbing up the sides of a glass of water. I’ve been eating stinging nettle for over 10 years and look forward to harvesting it every spring. Drink a cup of tea per day-love the taste too. An excellent idea for stinging nettles – but as Marj points out, they need to be blanched first. I wonder, can you tell me, Your site is lovely. Try using dried nettles mixed into herbal teas or grind them into a powder and add a tablespoon in soups or smoothies. I really would like to know how you use the stinging nettle seeds because it’s so difficult to find news about it in Italian. Thank you thank you thank you! Hi Aaron, thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed the article. You’ll get recipes, practical tips and great food information like this. Is there something I should or should not use the stems for? I have written more about using nettle seed here: Thanks for sharing such an important lesson, Dee. I have some from last year too, wondering if they still as effective. All content copyright © 2019 Getty Stewart | Website & logo design by, How to Saute Red Cabbage – A Classic German Recipe », For your Valentine’s breakfast try this strawber, It's always good to have a hearty pot of soup on t, You've got to try this blueberry lime labneh chees, I love a good salad and firmly believe that a grea, Not going to lie - roasting chickpeas can be trick, Are you a soup lover? Nettle leaves are best when collected in the spring and can be used fresh or dried. If you have a dark, dry, airy space to hang small bundles of nettle, that might be another option to consider. Dried seed, when taken (chewed well, or ground) orally, promotes a sense of clarity, wellness, heightened energy levels, … Hummus wit. Do you have an all time favo, Who doesn't love a good taco bar?! Most foragers suggest cutting the stems and hanging them to dry in order to allow for insects to escape (this is after all a plant-based protein). 95 ($1.04/Ounce) Get it as soon as Fri, Jan 15. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Great to hear from you. I am aware of great improvement from allergic rhinitis and undiagnosed hip joint pains over the last two years and this seems long term. Let me know anyway, it is always interesting to hear what people’s experience is! FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. It grows rapidly and will reach its typical 3-5 foot height quite quickly. gratitude for your info. Just a word of caution to be careful with look a-likes. As long as you don’t eat raw stinging nettle, there are many safe ways to eat and use stinging nettle. we just harvested a lot of nettle seed and are now dehydrating them in our NESCO dehydrator. In the nook of the leaves, you’ll off see new growth emerging. How much is enough? Hi Karen, Raw nettle will irritate the throat and cause pain and discomfort. Nettle herb can be useful for hormonal issues and the root too depending on what you are trying to achieve. Reputed to give energy and have adaptogenic properties, helping to deal with stress, fatigue, endocrine, adrenal and kidney issues. I’ve just harvested a bunch. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Our nettle is itchy! Nettle seeds Are some of the easiest wild seeds to harvest I know of, along with cow parsnip, wild fennel and angelica. I set the timer so i can report back how long it takes with this process…. There’s a lot you can do with stinging nettle. While they may be safe to use, flavor will start to decrease after six months and become noticeable after 12 months. inspiring. I’m interested in learning more. Once nettle has gone to seed, the leaves will become tough, a little bitter and develop gritty particles that may irritate the urinary tract of some people. When I harvest stinging nettle, I harvest it before the seeds form, in spring. Or our the ones I have not usable? Store in paper bags or glass jars (avoid plastic bags as they may lead to condensation). I would love any recommendations . It would be a shame to let them all go to waste. How great is it that you and I can have the same edible plant growing across the globe in two very different habitats. While they continue to be safe to eat, quality goes down quickly after about 8 months or so. Genevieve, Thank you Genevieve, it makes writing this site so worthwhile to read a comment like this Use within 6-12 months. Peace Rene’. The sensation may last just a few minutes or a couple of hours, depending on the amount of contact and each individual. If I wait until they are ready, it may be too late to cut the stalks for regrowth! I’m so glad you’ll give it a try! If a leaf or plant has torn, brown, shriveled or even bug eaten leaves, assume that the essential oils and nutrients are not in top condition. Can you elaborate on the sizes of the leaves you use? https://www.gettystewart.com/how-to-harvest-dry-freeze-use-stinging-nettle See how they feel in your body, how the medicines you make differ etc., and then see which you prefer. Hi Laverne, Hi Glad I found you. Find a place where there used to be an old barn or compost pile and you’re bound to find a patch of stinging nettle. And got meds but the hives continued-about to drive me nuts with the itch-checked on internet and it mentioned a short blurb about nettles-picke a bunch sauted them at about 11:00am by about 5:00 pm was totally relieved-also cured my gout which I was on meds for. It’s also used to deal with intestinal disorders in ruminants. Hi Getty – I have a large bag of dried nettles. May Reduce Inflammation. When is the best time of year to harvest nettle seeds please. I feel the green seeds have more nutrients in them myself but you might feel different. It flowers tiny, fuzzy white blooms in the spring and summer, and self-seeds in the fall. Increase Your Energy Levels: Nettles are used as a traditional spring tonic to strengthen and support … Think I’ll make some tincture out of both stages of the seeds, also. White dead nettle (Lamium album) is from a different family of plants than stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), while it may mimic the look of stinging nettle, it is quite different. Stems – I don’t know of a particular reason why you shouldn’t use the stems other than size and toughness. Once brown and dry, the seeds are of no use. Collect the green seeds rather than the brown or black. After hanging the stems to allow the insects to escape, cut off the small strands of seeds and allow to air dry or use a dehydrator like this one. You could try to plant them and see what happens next year. A great reminder for all of us to be 100% certain of what we’re harvesting. Hi Renee, Your photos have really helped me, so thank you. Hi Leandra, However, clinical trials are limited. They are encased in what looks like green bishops hats (mitres) gathered in funny geometric clusters and are best gathered when green. Thanks for all of the great info! Being near the Equator there are always new leaves on it though early in the year it is a little yellow and more fibrous. The small grey green strands; can be used for a tea? But I think I’m ready now. However, personally, I think it’s still worth it, especially if the alternative is not having any dried nettle at all. Hope you find a way to enjoy your nettle. My new backyard is woodsy and natural, and I have plenty growing…so I will be drying, harvesting and freezing…for the first time. Thanks for showing the seasons and the sieving, it gave me the impetus to get out there and gather this wonder-herb. Adjust seasoning as required. I can’t wait to try it. It’s not difficult to see that they would cause a prickling sensation. Excellent – you go for it Dee! I encourage you to continue reading up on stinging nettle and like spinach and other dark leafy greens if you have any kidney issues be aware that there may be some concerns https://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/herbalsupp. … How to Use Stinging Nettle Seeds for the Best Health Benefits Eating them in their raw or dried form. Use 3 cups of loose fresh nettles in the biscuit recipe, 6 cups in the soup. A friend gifted me some harvested nettle. The seeds are cleaned of above-ground parts, washed and left to drain. Getty. I use stems in the soup, you’ll notice I put them in earlier than the leaves so they get tender. In early spring, I cut the top third to half of the plant where the most tender leaves are. I make home cooking easy, enjoyable and deliciously fun! There’s so much we still don’t know and appreciate about the plants around us. The only thing you can’t do is eat it raw! Getty Stewart is a Professional Home Economist, speaker, frequent media guest and writer dedicated to putting good food on tables and agendas. Hi Getty, I would just sow the seeds on top of pre-moistened seed starting mix in a 12"x9" tupperware container, use a hand sprayer and spray down the top layer damp so the seed clings to the soil. To store your dried stinging nettle, keep the leaves and stems in big pieces to retain as much flavor and essential oils as possible. They are, however safe to eat. I have never tried using stinging nettle root, nor have I seen much about it. Getty. Hi, my friend had given me a bunch of stinging nettles. $24.95 $ 24. Urtica dioica is a dioecious, herbaceous, perennial plant, 1 to 2 m (3 to 7 ft) tall in the summer and dying down to the ground in winter. (Urtica dioica) Yes, it’s the very same plant that causes unwary hikers such discomfort! Welcome to my site! Wishing you well! It’s this cocktail that causes the long lasting stinging or burning sensation we experience. In herbal medicine they are used as an adrenal tonic for people who are burnt-out, run down, fatigued and low in energy, zest for life and libido. I sometimes toss a handful into spaghetti sauce. Tea and possibly a skin wash. Can I make nettle soup from them? Nettle seed is a standard botanical and is commonly found as an ingredient in tinctures and other herbal preparations. I’d love to hear what you thought, please let us know! Another option is to dry herbs in a dehydrator on the lowest temperature setting that is possible, typically 95°F for 12-18 hours. Nettle makes a nice hair rinse. I don’t want to have to throw it out. The usual advice is not to use the leaf after flowering but you can normally find some fresh green growth from nettles that have been cut down which is fine to use. After drying put through a sieve to get rid of any tiny hairs that can still sting. Nettle is a hardy and sprawling herb that can grow up to four feet in height. Blessings to you x, I also get annoyed when writers skim the surface! Looks like root veggies, dark l, What are you snacking on these days?⁣ to dehydrate them in a oven at it’s lowest temperature, or will this in some way lower the nutritional value of the plant ? What do you use yours for? Do you know if they /the seeds, keep their potency for more than a year, or how long. Here they are used both as food and as medicine. https://whisperingearth.co.uk/2010/08/23/harvesting-nettle-seeds/, Tackling anxiety with herbs – Hawthorn Rising. ( Log Out /  I’ll try it out this summer. I’m not sure if the spittle bug which make white foamy homes like nettles. Question, I’m in Michigan. How Much – It all depends on what you want to make. One site recommended I check the underside of the leaves for “white spittles” when I harvest do you know what the heck it was talking about? Before you start picking stinging nettle let’s look at what causes the sting so you know what to do to avoid getting hurt by nettle. Collect the green seeds rather than the brown or black. Leaves dried or fresh about 2 hands full just enough boiling water on them, leave solution till cool enough for foot and then soak for about 20 mins helps relieve pain and swelling. How interesting, yes nettles are something of a pregnancy super food! If you do, leave a comment below or reach me on Instagram @getgettys or Facebook @GettyStewart.HomeEconomist. I did harvest some at the green stage now. There you have it - dried nettle seeds. You could even turn the dried leaves into powder that could be added to just about anything. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Nettles come up in Spring at which time you can harvest them for soups, to eat raw, to add to juices, vinegars, teas or enjoy as a steamed or cooked green. I sure hope you give it a try. I’m not sure of the nutrient break down over time. You could try adding the leaves toward the end of the soup making just to long enough for them to rehydrate. Lemmesee if I can get a pic of that here... yep: Farmers know that old manure or compost piles are a favorite hang out for stinging nettles. Thanks for the info. Hi there, whereabouts are you? LEARN MORE... Sign up to harvest practical recipes, time-saving tips, seasonal and preserving tutorials and helpful kitchen ideas. It has been in a paper bag a few days and is partly dry. Oh hello February! My web page is under costruction…. :0)))) i feel the world is a better place for your having created this site, or rather the realities of this being available for me to know froma site although so far away now in miles. See those tiny prickly barbs on the stems of the plant in the photo above. Or just cut back half the patch and you’ll have both! Anytime from the end of July to around now depending on the site and where you live. How Much – I use stinging nettle for pleasurable seasonal eating, not for medicinal purposes.