Aggravation of Pitta – meaning excess of fire and water – leads to a range of health problems. To help people achieve and maintain optimal health and well-being. Hot, spicy foods, extremely sour foods, and overly salted foods are especially pitta-provoking. Lastly, if you feel the need to do a cleanse, a short fruit or juice fast (think apple or pomegranate), or a longer monodiet of kitchari can be very supportive. The nutritional regime for this vital energy is based on its characteristics. The bitter taste predominates bitter greens—like kale, dandelion greens, and collard greens. In general, Ayurveda recommends that people with a Pitta constitution consume a Pitta diet of cooling, heavy, and dry foods and sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes. Kapha Food List Grains Toasted breads are very good, as they are drier. Pitta is defined from the fire element. Dr Prasad believes pitta imbalance may result from excessive alcohol or hot, spicy, oily, fried, salty, fermented foods. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Since sour, pungent and salty tastes increase Pitta, those should be reduced. When cooking, use a moderate amount of a high quality oil or ghee. Rice, wheat, moong beans, (other pulses can be there too), cooked vegetables, a small amount of raw salad, cereals, sweet potato, soups, etc. Located in the navel, lungs and throat. Include Foods with a bitter and sweet flavour – An easiest and quite powerful way to say bye-bye to pitta dosha is by including foods that in one way pacify the pitta effect. If food lists tend to have that effect on you, do your best to internalize the qualitative guidelines above. The diet recommended for Pitta dosha is more cooling and alkaline based. Veggie (or turkey) burgers with sautéed mushrooms, goat cheese, lettuce, avocado, and a side of home fries. Food Guidelines. Because pitta is relatively substantive in nature, an appropriate diet is actually a very effective way to support a return to balance. "The Pitta dosha is associated with heat, so people with predominant Pitta should eat a variety of green vegetables and ripe fruits and use ghee or olive oil in cooking," says Apte. The pungent taste is particularly hot and light—both qualities that disturb pitta. Seasoned tofu and steamed collard greens over wild rice. List of ayurvedic recipes to reduce pitta dosha. Pitta personalities have a warm body temperature, a fiery energy and a strong appetite. Would you like to know how to balance your Pitta dosha? It’s commonly described as hot, light, sharp, oily, liquid, and mobile. Chill Out With Cooling Foods. Examples: Cucumber; Watermelon; Raw vegetables; Milk; Zucchini; Mint; Coriander; 2. For more information pertaining to your personal needs please see a qualified health practitioner. Ayurveda agrees with the old saying of ‘lunch like a King’ - digestion is at its strongest during the middle of the day. At the same time, these foods should also promote proper digestion and elimination. Grains and root vegetables are examples of foods with grounding and stabilizing qualities. For example, have baked tofu served over steamed greens and rice, rather than tofu miso soup. Specific adjustments for individual requirements may need to be made, e.g., food allergies, strength of agni, seas on of the year and degree of dosha predominance or aggravation. Generally, these foods will naturally taste sweet. Before you read any further, please understand that following a pitta-pacifying diet is a practice far more than it is a collection of absolutes. Pitta is pacified by the sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes and aggravated by the pungent, sour, and salty tastes. Is buttermilk good for pitta dosha? Today we will be telling you the fruits recommended to balance Pitta dosha. The basic rule is that the somewhat more pronounced Dosha should take precedence. Garnish the pasta with crumbled chèvre, olive oil, and cilantro. An egg white and vegetable omelet, served with avocado and whole grain toast. When a dosha is aggravated, use foods which have properties opposite to that of the dosha in question. Whole wheat pasta, pesto, and fresh vegetables (like bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, celery, green beans, mushrooms, zucchini, or black olives). Pitta characters generally have a strong digestive system and can tolerate virtually any food. Although some foods and food qualities do pose a risk of aggravating your dominant doshas, they should be included in your diet. Vegetarian foods, in general, are the best for Pittas, as consuming red meat tends to heat the body from the fat. Generally, warm, well-seasoned food and drinks are suitable, as well as oils and ice-cold drinks from time to time. Embrace eating regularly and being fully present with your meals. Pitta is oily, sharp, hot, light, spreading, and liquid, so eating foods that neutralize these qualities – foods […] Pitta is oily, sharp, hot, light, spreading, and liquid, so eating foods that neutralize these qualities—foods that are dry, mild, cooling, grounding, stabilizing, and dense—serve to balance excess pitta. Too much sour taste can increase thirst, disturb the blood, create heat in the muscles, cause pus formation in wounds, and give rise to burning sensations in the throat, chest, or heart. In fact, it is often far more helpful to pay attention to the generalities and overarching patterns. They should consume abundant amounts of milk, grains, and vegetables. 9. The point being, successfully following a pitta-pacifying diet is not a matter of sticking to a strict set of dos and don’ts, or getting overly bogged down in the details. Known for being associated with a tenacious personality, the pitta dosha is based on fire and water. – are the best choices for lunch. Is there anything that you can do to serve this food in a more pitta-pacifying manner—by reducing the quantity and by adding some cooling herbs and spices (like cilantro, coriander, cumin, fennel, or mint), lime juice, avocado, or coconut? When it comes to pacifying pitta, how we eat is surprisingly important, so this is an especially useful place to focus if the prospect of radically changing your diet feels overwhelming right now. This combats the fieriness of the dosha. On the other hand, it is best to minimize your exposure to fiery hot dishes, foods with a sharply warming energetic, alcohol, and caffeine; all of these influences will naturally increase internal heat. How to balance Pitta dosha with food. Even the most recognized Ayurvedic teachers have the occasional difference of opinion, which can create some discrepancies between different Ayurvedic diet and recipe resources. Fruits that are sweet to taste and slightly astringent help pacify pitta. The astringent taste is heavy, cold, and dry. Use your developing awareness to continue to inspire one small step forward at a time, keeping tabs on how your health and well-being are improving over time. It is also found in. Does it increase the presence of pitta symptoms in your digestive tract (heat, burning sensations, heartburn, or loose stools)? Maharishi AyurVeda, TM, Transcendental Meditation, Maharishi Amrit Kalash, Vata, Pitta and Kapha are registered or common law trademarks licensed to Maharishi Foundation USA, … Other good breakfast options for a pitta-kapha constitution include warm oatmeal porridge with cardamom, cinnamon, and berries. This means that a Pitta will most likely be intelligent, discerning and have a high level of concentration. Fruits that are sweet to taste and slightly astringent help pacify pitta. Representing fire and water, a Pitta dosha regulates metabolic functions of the body and its hormonal balance. Pitta. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Pitta Dosha Pitta dosha – Pitta is derivative from “tapa” = heat und means, to consume something through heat. Since Pitta has a tendency to accumulation we need to lower it, and this can be done through the properly chosen foods. These help balance the fiery qualities of pitta. This section offers a closer look at how you can begin to recognize the qualities of different foods. Vegetarian foods, in general, are the best for Pittas, as consuming red meat tends to heat the body from the fat. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Bitter and astringent flavours can also be opted for. Soft cooked pears are a balm for the heart and comforting in the tummy. Constitution, Glossary of Choose … Nutritional Guidelines for Pitta. Bitters cleanse the pallet and improve the sense of taste. Pitta dosha individuals must prefer cool food … Sharp flavors like pineapple, pickles, vinegar, and sharp aged cheeses are better replaced with milder, gentler tastes, like those found in apples, cucumbers, lime juice, and soft cheeses. A simple but nourishing meal or a slightly smaller serving of lunch can work well. Vata types need foods that … This will help to prevent overeating, which is a common side effect of pitta’s voracious appetite. The Pitta dosha is strengthened by pungent, salty and sour flavours. Since an excess of Pitta dosha overheats the mind and body, favor cool Favor naturally sweet foods like sweet fruits, most grains, squashes, root vegetables, milk. Since sour, pungent and salty tastes increase Pitta, those should be reduced. Pitta: Pitta is the fire element. Due to the fact that an excessive amount of Pitta dosha overheats the body and mind, individuals with Pitta dosha need to follow a proper diet plan of the food items to lead a happy and healthy lifestyle. Eating at consistent times from one day to the next also helps to balance an overactive digestive fire. Milk, ghee, butter are good pitta pacifiers. A pitta dosha diet should focus on sweet, astringent and bitter tastes. These help balance the fiery qualities of pitta. Pitta types fare best when they minimise spicy, salty and sour foods, such as alcohol, chillies and citrus fruits. Minimize especially heating oily foods like eggs (egg whites are better), hard cheeses, olives, nuts, sour cream, and the like. Pitta has liquid element. Nonetheless, the food should calm the fire associated with Pitta; in other words, it should not be too pungent, salty or sour. 2. The salty taste can disturb the blood’s balance, impede the sense organs, increase heat, aggravate the skin, intensify inflammation, lead to the rupture of tissues, or cause water retention, high blood pressure, intestinal inflammation, grey hair, wrinkles, and excess thirst. Food should be fresh, well-cooked, tasty, pleasing, and satisfying. That is as good a starting place as any. Favor sweet, juicy fruits such as ripe mango, ripe peaches, soaked raisins, dates, avocados, coconut, fresh figs, pears, ripe apricots, watermelon, and sweet plums. They nurture focus, logical thinking and an analytical character. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. and Kapha, Managing Your Sweet, juicy fruits, especially pears, can cool a fiery Pitta quickly. Prefer sweet fruits over the sour ones. Because the Pitta dosha is characterized as light, Pitta types should incorporate heavier and denser foods. It produces fractionation through liberation of energy. Favor foods and beverages with bitter and astringent tastes; these are cooling for Pitta, lightening for Kapha, and drying for both doshas. Think of the process as an intention that you are holding, and also a powerful invitation to increase your self-awareness.