A fuel gas code, like any other code, is intended to be adopted as a legally enforceable document and it cannot be effective without adequate provisions for its administration and enforcement. Vehicular Natural Gas Fuel Systems Code: NFPA 53: Recommended Practice on Materials, … AGA's later code printings are revised to include these corrections. It consists of a figure and notes that visually depict code requirements from Chapter 5 for vent terminals concerning the openings found in building exterior walls. chapter 3. general regulations. If you are designing a building using propane as the fuel gas, be sure to let the equipment manufacturer know which fuel you will be using. The following is a review of both codes. It provides design guidance, useful facts and data, and multiple examples of how to apply the sizing tables and sizing methodologies of Chapter 4. That means natural gas is lighter than air and will dissipate when released into the atmosphere. The specific gravity of butane is 1.95, which is much heavier than air. Typically, in low-pressure piping systems, a lubricated gas cock is used. • IFGC Appendix C — Exit Terminals of Mechanical Draft and Direct-Vent Venting Systems. However, they are not required to be permanently located in any spaces. chapter 4. gas piping installations. This chapter covers piping plans, a provision for location of the point of delivery, interconnections between gas piping systems, sizing of gas piping systems, operating pressure, acceptable piping materials and joining methods, gas meters, gas pressure regulators, overpressure protection devices, backpressure protection, low-pressure protection, shut-off valves, excess flow valves, and expansion and flexibility. chapter 2. definitions. In 1980, portions of the ASME B31.2 piping code were included. The flammability range of propane is from approximately 2.1 percent to I0.1 percent volume in air. Over the years, many additions have been made to incorporate important … These gases — when designed, installed and maintained properly — can provide a relatively clean-burning energy source for fuel-burning equipment such as generators, boilers, water heaters, furnaces, infrared heaters, cooking equipment, fireplaces and many other fuel-burning appliances. Gas piping systems are sized to supply the maximum demand while maintaining the supply pressure necessary for safe operation of the appliances served. Most mechanical codes have pressure limitations of 5 psi in a building. Sizing gas piping should be done in accordance with the sizing tables in the mechanical or gas code. This chapter regulates the design, construction, installation, maintenance, repair and approval of chimneys, vents, venting systems and their connections to gas-fired appliances. Pennsylvania Fuel and Gas Code Uploaded by Public.Resource.Org. Check the fuel gas appliance manufacturer’s recommendations for minimum and maximum gas pressures for the equipment to operate properly. Please type the text you see in the image into the text box and submit If a gas appliance is not connected to the gas piping system, gas outlets that are not connected to appliances are required to be capped gas-tight. of pressure. The ICC continues to update its code in three-year cycles. When designing fuel gas systems, the design professional or installer should determine which code has jurisdiction in the municipality where the project will be built. Butane has a BTU content of approximately 3,200 BTUs/cubic ft. With many recent fuel gas explosions and fires associated with fuel gas purging operations, NFPA 54 requires combustible gas detectors or indicators to be used when purging fuel gas lines or locating a leak during pressure testing of new or modified gas piping systems. • NFPA 54, Chapter 11 — Procedures to Be Followed to Place Appliance in Operation. Chapter 8 provides the full title and edition year of the standards and codes, in addition to the address of the promulgators and the section numbers in which the standards and codes are referenced. This chapter covers additional requirements for single-appliance vents and multiple-appliance vents. Gas cylinders are designed and constructed to safely contain a gas under pressure. FUEL GAS CODE 1. The format of the IFGC allows each chapter to be devoted to a particular subject, except for Chapter 3, which contains general subject matters not extensive enough to warrant their own independent chapter. Gas Fired Water Heater Chimney Codes in the U.S. See the National Fuel Gas Code, Chapter 24, Fuel Gas, that includes discussion of venting requirements in Section G2427 p. 360, Venting of Equipment (cited at the end of this page). • NFPA 54, Chapter 2 — Referenced Publications. The pressure often is reduced to about 1/2 psi or 14 in. Over the past 40 years, I have been involved with the design of fuel gas systems, inspection of fuel gas installations and investigation of fuel gas system explosions and fires that have led to the loss of life and property. This will shut off the fuel when the flue gas temperature reaches the temperature limit of the connected plastic flue pipe material, whatever the temperature/material may be. Fuel gas includes natural, liquid petroleum, and manufactured gases. It can travel along the pipe and enter the basement or crawl space if not properly sealed. Butane and mixed gases are less common fuel gases but found occasionally. fuel gas code: chapter 1. administration. Errata Z223.1-2018-1; PPT Presentation on 2018 NFGC Revisions The National Fuel Gas Code is the oldest model fuel gas code and it has undergone revisions and renumbering over many years. We use cookies to provide you with a better experience. The fuel gas codes have a section on approved materials for fuel gas pipe, valves and fittings. International Fuel Gas Code Overview: Codes are used by contractors and inspectors as a guideline for the safe installation of appliances and piping. 1. The manufacturer’s instructions should have the clearance information. 2021 International Fuel Gas Code® New subscription offering Premium Complete offers access to all premium code titles and features for one simple price.Click here to learn more.. Get digitally empowered and transform your code experience with a Digital Codes Premium Subscription.Whether you're just getting started or a seasoned professional, we've got you covered. • NFPA 54, Annex E — Flow of Gas through Fixed Orifices. The scope of Chapter 7 is not limited to any particular use of hydrogen (see Sections 633 and 635). The code often uses terms having a unique meaning; the meaning can differ substantially from the ordinarily understood meaning of the term as used outside of the code. Following is a summary of the major changes to the National Fuel Gas Code for 2018 edition: 1. Therefore, 1/2 lb. All fuel gases have a heat content or caloric value when burned. An appliance’s electrical grounding connector is permitted to be used as the bonding means for a listed arc-resistant jacket or coated corrugated stainless-steel tubing (CSST), and stainless-steel smooth wall pipe and tubing products have been added as acceptable piping materials. • IFGC Appendix B — Sizing of Venting Systems Serving Appliances Equipped with Draft Hoods, Category I Appliances and Appliances Listed for Use with Type B Vents. The flammability range of natural gas is from 3.9 percent to 15 percent volume in air. The orifices in the burner will be smaller for equipment using propane and even smaller for butane. This italicization helps the user become familiar with and consult the definition’s chapter. ICC Digital Codes is the largest provider of model codes, custom codes and standards used worldwide to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. It covers direct-vent appliances, integral-vent appliances, side-wall mechanically vented appliances and exhaust hoods that convey the combustion byproducts from cooking and other process appliances. For further information contact Paul Cabot, Secretary, at pcabot@aga.org or 202.824.7312. Before 1974, the contents of NFPA 54 appeared in several other documents; in 1974, they were combined into one document. The odorant added by the gas utility had faded away and was not readily detectable by smell. It also covers compressed natural gas (CNG) for vehicle fuel systems, appliances for installation in manufactured housing, fuel-cell power plants and outdoor flame decorative appliances. The utility company will typically provide a gas regulator with the gas meter assembly at each service connection to reduce the pressure to the customer's desired pressure. appendix b. reserved. Propane also is a common fuel gas in rural areas where the gas delivery is in liquid form; it evaporates into the piping system at lower pressures. Piping connections to equipment should have a gas shut-off valve with a dirt leg and a union for removal of the equipment. The other model fuel gas code is the 2018 edition of the NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code, developed and maintained in a three-year revision cycle by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Used They produced power and sold it to nearby industrial facilities. Subscribe to our newsletters & stay updated, ASA Appointed to the ICC Plumbing, Mechanical, and Fuel Gas Code Action Committee, Natural Gas Pipeline Systems On Site Distribution – Strength Considerations, Using Pressure Regulators for Site Distribution in Natural Gas Pipelines, Emergency fixtures and emergency fixture mixing valve standards, Part 1, CISPI Issues Statement in Response to US CBP Findings to Antidumping and Countervailing Orders, Ferguson Assists Cities and Water Utilities to Manage Infrastructure During Sunday’s Big Game, How To Plan For A Curbless Shower Installation, BOILER 2021 – ABMA Boiler Technology Conference & Expo. Portable LP-Gas equipment of all types that are not connected to a fixed fuel piping system. The definitions are essential to the correct interpretation of the code and the user may not always be aware the terms are defined in this chapter when they are using the code. • IFGC Appendix A — Sizing and Capacities of Gas Piping. G2427.3 (503.3) Design and construction. • IFGC Chapter 4 — Gas Piping Installations. The Seattle Fuel Gas Code regulates design and installation of fuel gas distribution piping systems, appliances, appliance venting systems, combustion air provisions, gaseous hydrogen systems, and motor vehicle gas fuel stations. The amount of combustion air required for propane is 25 cubic ft. of air for every cubic ft. of gas or 1 cubic ft. of air for every 100 BTUs. of gas pressure. Natural gas pressures are expressed in several different ways. The IFGC is published in partnership with the American Gas Association (AGA). Please see our page on the California Building Standards Commission for more information on these documents. I have consulted on many fuel gas explosions where purging operations were conducted on new piping that had experienced odor fade because the gas had been in the pipe for an extended period. Each main section applies to a unique type of gas-fired appliance and specifies the product standards to which the appliance must be listed. The following regulation is duly adopted and promulgated by the Arkansas State Board of Health. Fuel gas systems can be a safe and economical choice for space heating, water heating or process applications if designed, installed and maintained properly. The two model codes in the United States are the International Fuel Gas Code, which is administered by the International Code Council, and the NFPA 54 —National Fuel Gas Code. Check with the gas supplier or gas utility to confirm the caloric value of the fuel gas. Xoserve Limited provides a range of services to support the GB gas industry, for example billing services and managing and booking of capacity. • NFPA 54, Annex F — Sizing of Venting Systems Serving Appliances Equipped with Draft Hoods, Category 1 Appliances and Appliances. History of Fuel Gas Code Development.