If she hadn’t had scours I would never have thought anything wrong with her. Again, good nutrition prior to freshening will prevent this from occurring. Shes been getting baking soda even when I had to stick it in her mouth. Corid works well, but it only treats coccidiosis. I have a 6 month old buck. We have a Male nubian goat. William has alfalfa to nibble on. I think the reason she had me dose the whole herd was because it started with one, then another got it, and there was a good possibility the other two had it. A dear friend of mine has been suffering with abdominal discomfort for over a decade. We’ve been bottle feeding her but it turns out we’ve been putting too much formula in the mix. They start eating food when they are only a few days old, but they still need the protein and calcium that is in milk, because it is at a high level that you can’t get in any other food without giving them diarrhea. Sweetlix Meat Maker and Purina goat minerals are both excellent choices for free choice minerals. In the fourth edition of Diseases of the Goat, author John Matthews has a 28-page chapter entitled “Diarrhea,” which should give you an idea that this is not exactly a simple problem. How sad! Also, we have Red Cell. I’d still remove the new kid, especially if you have other kids in there. She came to us a week ago with the diarrhea. For me, it’s just time for a nap. His eye color is good. No, this has nothing to do with them mounting each other. I hope you are not feeding electrolytes and avoiding milk. Plus research has shown that usually 80% of the worms in any herd are in only 20% of the goats, so you are wasting your money when giving a dewormer to most of your goats on a schedule. Any ideas? Clostridium type D is a more common type of bacteria that affect the goats. (I do hope he’s a wether if he’s with a doeling.) When you say “grain feed,” do you mean a goat feed? When this yellowish watery started he could no longer suck again as if it is sick. At first, his stools were normal pellets, but two days ago they started to get like soft “turds” (sorry). You didn’t say how much you are feeding, which is really important. Here is more info on floppy kid: Since it didn’t seem to improve I checked her famacha two days ago and it was at a 5! Raw goat milk is best because it has the natural antibodies in it that protect kids from things like coccidiosis. If your local vets won’t see goats, they should at least give you the contact info for one who does. A bacterial disease that causes loss of interest in the feed, loss of weight, depression, diarrhea, and death in goats. Milk replacer? Broadly speaking, it can be caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoa, worms, stress, toxic substances, and diet. That means that if you purchase something after clicking on the link, we will get a small commission while you pay exactly the same as you otherwise would. Otherwise you wind up with a very fat kid and a low milk supply. I treated my goat with corid last night he has had diarrhea for a few days we treated like we were told with red cell vitamin b complex shot sub q and safe gaurd for goats that didn’t really work he is anemic was wondering if I should give the red cell with the corid treatment the diarrhea has seemed to have stopped but he is still anemic. If goats eat something that disagrees with them, it affects them almost immediately, so if he has been home for three days, he would not be reacting to something he ate 3 days ago. I’m assuming that you’re saying that her back end looks like someone squirted mustard on it? I give them free choice orchard grass and a little bit of alfalfa, but they usually seem to want to eat weeds from their pen instead. The fact that they can eat food is not relevant. I also wonder if feeding him cracked corn could be contributing to the problem as I feed it to all of them daily. Now we’re adding the correct amount will she be ok naturally or do we need to see a vet? we have checked his pin thoroughly to no prevail of anything out of the ordinary. Hi we have a Doe who keeps getting bright green (looks like alfalfa or the grass they are eating) D. It clears up then it comes back. I will go back to the normal amount in future! Diarrhea usually follows. Goat Diseases – Other General Problems in Goats:-Bloat: Generally, Bloat will be formed when goats feed on (consume) young leaves and grasses, unknown weeds, easily digestible cereals, rotten vegetables and fruits. If yes, what brand and name? Shes such a sweet goat, it’s sad not knowing what to do to help her. We bought them, dewormed, and have them pastured with plenty of blackberries, saplings, nettles, and we free feed good hay and both loose and block mineral. This is pure water with a little yellow tinge. Coccidiosis is the most likely culprit in a kid this age. Acidosis is usually occurring due to overfeeding of grains or concentrates. Whole cow milk or a goat-specific milk replacer will work equally well if you don’t have access to fresh raw goat milk. The bad news is that a goat can have more than one type of worm at the same time, which means that anemia can install as well if this is left untreated for a longer time. Scours are the increased fluidity, frequency, and excretion volume of the faeces. Barber pole, which causes anemia in goats, does not usually cause diarrhea. She eats and drinks. I can afford electrolytes but not much more than than what are some cheap ways to cure it. I haven’t heard of Johnes disease. https://thriftyhomesteader.com/goat-minerals/ The more you use a dewormer, the closer you come to dewormer resistance. I am worried and need to know if there is anything else I can do? If she has it, the others do too, and they will probably all waste away and die. Have you contacted the breeder? The other confusing thing is that her sister, who we picked up at the same time from the same place, and who has always been around and bedded with her, is very healthy. That could be why they are not looking good now. If it was the milk, the diarrhea should clear up within a few hours. One baby’s feces is pasty, log-shaped, like dog feces and it is now a bit runny. You really don’t need to do fecals to manage parasites. thank you again. The goat may have signs like bloat, loss of appetite, scours, and eventually death. They checked her pooped because it was pasty and runny and he said no coccidious. Thank you! Type D causes the neurological signs in goats along with the development of diarrhoea. One of the goat's diarrhea was not to bad and it cleared up overnight. The whether that was tired down has had scours off and on during our ownership, and we are trying to stabilize his condition and get some weight on him. As long as a goat has blood, the barber pole worm stays alive and keeps sucking their blood — until the goat is so anemic it dies. I’m glad she found someone so caring! Its day 4 they are kinda getting better but not great. Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by bheila, Jun 8, 2009. The scours caused by coccidia may have mucous or blood in it and the diarrhoea is very watery. They both had extra oats, but only the buck had the issue. It will reduce the bacteria population that is essential for the digestion of fiber. Thank you for this and I concur completely. Most adults have coccidia in their digestive system and don’t have a problem with it, so diarrhea in adults is rarely caused by coccidiosis. Some vets might also say nematodes, which is a different way of saying the same thing, just using a different scientific classification (like saying poodle rather than dog — both are right). Diarrhea never smells like roses, but if this is unusually bad, it could be that he ate something that completely threw off his microbiome. https://thriftyhomesteader.com/bottle-feeding-goat-kids/ Thanks for your response! Any advice for when I check in her in the morning? Her bloodwork came back very poor, she is so anemic that the vets were amazed she is still standing. Bloat is over-distension of the rumen caused by the accumulation of fermentation gases in the rumen. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. It is treated with over-the-counter oral meds. One of the first things to be noticed by the caregiver in case of diarrhea in goats is that the feces no longer have the usual shape and consistency. It’s hard to find a vet who knows anything about goats, so that may be why he doesn’t want to see her. In this disease, the young ones drool more saliva and have a cold mouth. This is why I always remind people that a fecal can confirm worms but it can’t rule them out. What do you mean when you say he gets vitamins in his grain? We do all our own goat testing with a simple blood draw and shipment to a goat lab.It’s actually easier than you think! Before I submit a stool sample? Thanks in advance! SDM solution at 1.5cc once a day for 20 days. Although many people think coccidiosis is unavoidable, it can usually be prevented with good management. Vomiting, Diarrhea And Weight Loss In Elderly Cats. She lost some weight and now have diarrhea, she kind of hide but she is drinking water. This parasitic disease also affects the kids within the age of 5-10 days. Bloat for animals isn’t quite like the bloat that I get after eating a lot. If it’s something he ate, it should be cleared up by today. Constipation may be followed by diarrhea, muscle tremors, groaning, drunken behavior, increased heart and respiratory rates and fever. If you under-dosed him, and you have more of it, you might try it again at the correct goat dosage. what could it be??? It’s all about risk of exposure, which varies from one pen to another. DIARRHEA: A Symptom of a Problem, Not the Problem Itself. The textbooks say that floppy kid syndrome does not happen until 3 days, but if he can’t suck, that sure sounds like it. When my friend dropped the goat off at our house, it seemed lethargic and its whole backside was covered in diarrhea. Could it be change diet and surroundings. Our other 5 goats seem to be doing fine. And how often do you deworm and switch treatments? How much? Please, no corn syrup for baby goats or electrolytes or any of the other stuff. My mother {their owner} is out of town, and I would hate for anything to happen. If you’ve been keeping them in a small pen where they’ve eaten the grass down to an inch or two, their wormload could be growing out of control, but it’s a pretty weird coincidence that it would just show up right after you gave the one extra oats. If you give me info on what dewormer you used and exactly how much, I can let you know if it was enough. what can I do? Probiotics at 2cc once a day (till I run out I assume). My weekly newsletter includes recipes and articles on homesteading, raising livestock, health, and gardening.