This story was told in 1890, when the world was excited over tales of the mighty gorilla. Whos overall the better animal . The gorilla is the world's biggest primate and the strongest animal in the African jungle vs the leopard, the smallest, stealthiest and deadliest of the roaring cats (Panthera). who would win this fight? Close, a big male Nile crocodile gets out of the water to explore the territory of the ape. That kind of estimations are based on nothing. Still, that doesn’t stop us from being hypothetical. A gorilla does have an even more powerful bite than the bear, but it also has much smaller jaws, and would be unlikely to fasten its teeth onto enough of a bear to do serious damage before the bear could retaliate. Mountain Lord. However, lions spend their time on the savannah. Which might as well be worlds away from the mountains – the natural habitat of the silverback. Opinions expressed here are solely those of the posters, and have not been cleared with nor are they endorsed by The Miniatures Page. Who has a better pride/troop. actually had this arguement with a friend of mine once. An African lion may have lesser biting power in the jaw than a gorilla, which a single fact would not matter. Big gorilla , Lion vs Sư tử ⇝ EXTREME CRAZY ANIMAL FIGHTS To DEATH. Watch Gorilla Vs Animals Fighting | Gorilla Vs Lion | Gorilla Cartoons For Children | Dinosaur Movies Gorilla Vs Animals Fighting | Gorilla Vs Lion | Gorilla Cartoons For Children | … I think this fight is the equivalent of Cain VS Brock. In any animal vs. animal fight in the wild, there is a general presumption of bigger animal winning, with their mass and strength, with the obvious exemption of weaponry like venom in snakes. Find answers to important life and education questions on the TSR forums: lion vs. gorilla The bite strength of a gorilla is about 1300 pounds per square inch (PSI) which is much higher than that of a great white shark (525 PSI) and lion (650 PSI). Anonymous. This is a possible encounter, seeing that both mountain gorillas and African lions inhabit the same general area in east Africa. i have to go with the gorilla. Lmao at comparing a German Shepherd vs Human to a Lion vs Gorilla. Whos Stronger. That means, their biting power is more than a lion. Jason Sudeikis. Emperor Bengal301. Vanilla Coke Zero. UightaMcclearn85066327. This is how we predict the fight would unfold… Oh wait, we need some ring music. The fight takes place in the forests of Central Africa. Dilzo999 Badges: 19. 5 years ago. Blue_Mason Badges: 10. Dog Crazy Reaction For Fake Lion and Gorilla Attack in public place. The problem is a Gorilla hardly ever fights to the death, whereas a Lion does, so would have the edge. Gorilla vs Lion. 1 0. These animals do not overlap and even if they did, they would probably stay away from each other. However, did you know that silverback gorillas have a bite twice as strong as a lion? Emperor Bengal301. Well, The lion wins. English. Lions bring down animals that are larger than Gorillas. My money is on the lion raty tat tat, Mar 22, 2014 #7. Of course, lion vs bear remains completely hypothetical. Follow. Why Are G orillas So Strong – How Are Gorillas So Strong. Here is bear vs lion so you can make up your own opinion. Silverback Gorilla vs. Grizzly Bear: who would prove to be a better contender? Although they've crossed paths many times strangely a fight has never been observed to take place. The biggest Gorilla ever recorded weighing in at 590lbs (266kg) or one of the smallest African Lions weighing in at 355lbs (160kg)? Whos More Aggressive. No way he is just straight Brock Lesnar GNPing the Lion out. Gorilla could literally tear a lion in half but is probably too stupid to do so.