(John Kass is a columnist for the Chicago Tribune. It’s not the power. The left knows this. Because of the children? His e-mail address is jskass@chicagotribune.com , and his Twitter handle is @john_kass .) Our goal with article comments is to provide a space for … This is all quite ripe for satire. [11] Kass lives in the southwest suburb of Western Springs. [9] Kass also writes about lighter topics, particularly beer can chicken. John Kass is a columnist for the Chicago Tribune. The important yet under-told story in America is that politics does abhor a vacuum, and taxpayers get sucked out of the blue states, to be deposited in more tax-friendly states, like Florida, Texas, Indiana, Tennessee. It was safe then, as now, to mock conservatives worried about unfettered illegal immigration. John Kass: Political Establishments Getting Kicked Where It Hurts. Too bad Kass was too busy being smug to hear this obvious point, if indeed he actually had this conversation with an actual person. In September, the Cook County Democratic Party took the unusual, and … Yet there was some delicious satire back in 2004. John Kass: ‘A Day Without Republicans’: a film…, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Submit to Stumbleupon (Opens in new window), John Kass: ‘A Day Without Republicans’: a film for blue state taxpayers, Noah Feldman: The courts aren’t coming to save voting rights, Karl W. Smith: Biden’s economy will depend on school reopenings, Noah Feldman: Trump’s lawyers are helping advance impeachment’s purpose, Ramesh Ponnuru: Republicans’ 5 bad excuses for not convicting Trump, Elizabeth Schiltz: By this measure, Minnesota is not doing so well in deciding who gets a vaccine, Soucheray: ‘Concerned’ about crime? John Kass writes a column for the Chicago Tribune. And now those states are bleeding middle-class taxpayers, who flee. … Since 1980, John Kass has been a fixture at the Chicago Tribune, where he writes columns about political topics. John Kass is a columnist for the Chicago Tribune. Kass hosted, first with Jake Hartford and later Lauren Cohn, a weekday morning talk-radio program on Cumulus Media-owned WLS-AM. And in the blue states, in Illinois, New York, New Jersey, California and Connecticut, who pushes back on behalf of taxpayers? John Kass: If Biden and Democrats truly support 'equity,' why are they silent on school choice? Good satire cuts deeply, and those with power in the blue states who drive taxpayers out will not be mocked. The Democratic Party and the teachers unions that get out the Democratic vote aren't all that enthused about school choice. By John Kass. Or the votes? John Kass: Take Donald Trump's charges concerning a rigged election more seriously . Noah Feldman: The courts aren’t coming to save voting rights John Kass: "My mother is 90 years old, one of the elderly isolated in nursing homes, unable to hug and kiss her children, alone because of the pandemic. Geesh, this crap would have gotten D's from my high school history professor. They take them with them, if they can. Our goal with article comments is to provide a space for … But the CTU represents public employers, paid not by politicians, but by taxpayers. So there's no mistaking either my political leanings or party affiliation. John Kass: When politics become too personal (What we didn't talk about at Sunday dinner) ... We might even talk of the push for political purges and tribal revenge fantasies, and of … Noah Feldman: Trump’s lawyers are helping advance impeachment’s purpose The spike in violence in Chicago and other Democratic Party-controlled big cities, from New York to Los Angeles, is … But if you’d like to see what America would look like without Republicans, in a place under absolute Democratic control, where the left demands more and more from taxpayers, with no pushback from the conservative side of the aisle, then look to the city by the lake. All these states had big-government Republicans, the go-along-get-along kind. The Chicago Way w/John Kass (02/10/2021): During the COVID-19 pandemic, John Kass & Jeff Carlin continue to podcast socially distanced from secure locations. [7] He regularly covers political topics for the newspaper. John Kass As you comment, please be respectful of other commenters and other viewpoints. John Kass. In their second impeachment of the man who is now no longer president, … And the children? Huh? It’s all for the children. John Kass The “We the People”-themed Democratic National Convention, like the Republican one to follow, shows us what America has known for years: that conventions are only infomercials designed to bend reality to political will. But there and in the other tax-heavy blue states, where the go-along-get-along Republicans have finally been crushed, there is a growing realization among ruling Democrats.Related Articles The spike in violence in Chicago and other Democratic Party-controlled big cities, from New York to Los Angeles, is … [6] He studied film at Columbia College in Chicago and worked in the student newspaper there but he never graduated. We can do this if we open our souls instead of hardening our hearts. John Kass As you comment, please be respectful of other commenters and other viewpoints. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. By John Kass. John Kass: Electoral College is in the Constitution for a reason, like the Bill of Rights . ©2020 Chicago Tribune. As you comment, please be respectful of other commenters and other viewpoints. He wrote about the Democrats' political logic in The Wall Street Journal and warned of miscalculations. The Democratic Party and the teachers unions that get out the Democratic vote aren't all that enthused about school choice. (John Kass is a columnist for the Chicago Tribune who also hosts a radio show on WLS-AM. Private-sector employees — steelworkers, plumbers, carpenters — do just that. And this will be our first Christmas apart." His Twitter handle is @john_kass. The Chicago Way w/John Kass (01/12/2021): During the COVID-19 pandemic, John Kass & Jeff Carlin continue to podcast socially distanced from secure locations. John Kass As you comment, please be respectful of other commenters and other viewpoints. Whom do they vote for? We reserve the right to remove any comment we deem to be defamatory, rude, insulting to others, hateful, off-topic or reckless to the community. "Why is John Kass on A2 of the Chicago Tribune? It could only happen when there is no pushback. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! In the film, Californians woke up one day to find that one-third of the state’s population had vanished. Democrats campaigning for president, like Warren; and Bernie Sanders a few days ago; Joe Biden, the so-called center-left candidate; and others rush to signal support to the CTU. No. Chicago Tribune ... Democratic Party politicians and their legions of … Black people who become conservatives and dare question Democratic Party policies, from social programs to public education, are a threat to control. John Kass As you comment, please be respectful of other commenters and other viewpoints. John Kass's friend is not being a partisan, he is making the obvious point that a political party, unlike a statue, does much more than sit around in a park being symbolic. Try ‘livid’ instead, Hector Garcia: A Gen-Z and elders alliance for an American renaissance, 'It’s not easy for us to let go': Baytown family farm sold to developer, With 14 east metro carjackings in last week, sheriff says watch for these tactics, Statistics show thousands of Minnesotans will die after getting the COVID vaccine -- but not because of it, Suspect arrested in rash of St. Paul business break-ins; one victim, owner of Gnome Pub, had criticized officials, Trump acquitted, denounced in historic impeachment trial, The Latest: Biden says all Americans must ‘defend the truth’, Here's what the Twins roster might look like in April, Walz loosens COVID restrictions for restaurants, gyms and events -- slightly, Report: Buffalo police granted Allina Clinic shooting suspect gun permit, Gold Line inspires two apartment projects in Oakdale. This past summer, a delegation of CTU members visited the socialist paradise of Venezuela. [8] His columns are syndicated by Tribune Content Agency. Oh, no. Some think California is grinding to a halt right now, with taxpayers fleeing amid all those rolling power blackouts. That dominates the news narrative, not the politics. Conservatives know this. See our full terms of use Print this article Font size -16 + 0 share; Share; Tweet; Comment Now . By John Kass Aug 29, 2017 at 8:04 PM Riot police stand before Antifa members and counterprotesters during a No To Marxism rally on Aug. 27, 2017, in Berkeley, Calif. (Amy Osborne / AFP/Getty Images) The center of both political parties collapsed long ago under the sodden weight of the corrupt elites. Because of the children. here. By Bil Browning Wednesday, January 20, … John Kass. It’s always for the children, isn’t it? He’s very good at this sort of thing, which is why Democratic Taxpayers understand, even if news analysts pretend not to fathom it. Our goal with article comments is to provide a space for … So there's no mistaking either my political leanings or party affiliation. Biden was offered up by his party as a moderating voice against the hard left that brings energy, rage, and an ever-present threat of political force to muscle through its agenda. Kass was born on the South Side of Chicago, and grew up there and in the Chicago suburb of Oak Lawn. Sen. Elizabeth Warren swooped into Chicago from that economic fantasy planet of the democratic socialists — the strange world where math is all about feelings — to tell the striking teachers union she stands with them. Trending: The 15 Best Conservative News Sites On The Internet. John Kass: "My mother is 90 years old, one of the elderly isolated in nursing homes, unable to hug and kiss her children, alone because of the pandemic. In her role as party boss, Preckwinkle engineered a political hit on Toomin. ... Townhall.com is the leading source for conservative news and political commentary and analysis. Ramesh Ponnuru: Republicans’ 5 bad excuses for not convicting Trump. By John Kass - Is there anything more frightening to the American political left and their high media priests of the woke world than Black Americans who think for themselves and refuse to kneel? In swing states and GOP bastions, state and […] GET BREAKING NEWS IN YOUR BROWSER. And still, they want more from taxpayers. No? They thought it was wonderful and stood strong with their hero, dictator Nicolas Maduro, whose people starve, but not the Venezuelan ruling class. Our goal with article comments is to provide a space for … CLICK HERE TO TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS. A mysterious fog surrounded the state and California was cut off from all communication. A significant majority of Republicans would either join or consider joining a new political party formed by former President Donald Trump, new polling shows. And taxpayers who pay for it? But satire is a dangerous tool in these supremely tribal political times. Everyone in America should support you in this strike, and the reason is because when you go out and fight, you don’t just fight for yourselves — you fight for the children of this city and the children of this country.”. And filmmaker Sergio Arau released his devilishly brilliant mockumentary, “A Day Without a Mexican.”. [10] They have twin sons. John Kass As you comment, please be respectful of other commenters and other viewpoints. There’s nothing like the warm, satisfying sound coming out of American presidential politics these days: He understood he couldn’t afford a political fight with his party’s hard-left base. John Kass (born June 25, 1956) is an American columnist and editorial board member for the Chicago Tribune. John Kass As you comment, please be respectful of other commenters and other viewpoints. 0. My quibble is not with John's political party affiliation, but with his junior high-level political analysis. ", "20 years without the legendary Mike Royko", "John Kass, columnist and editorial board member", https://www.olpl.org/documents/GoldenYear1974.pdf, "Chicago Tribune's John Kass to talk politics over breakfast at Elmhurst College", "After 30 years, it's good to be married", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=John_Kass&oldid=984173325, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 18 October 2020, at 16:53.