Read a lot of blogs, they will prove most helpful and don’t give up. Individuals with a CBS mutation (elevated activity) often have high levels of taurine and ammonia and low cystathione and homocysteine (2,3). Hopefully you’ll take a moment to contact at least Lynch and get the correct information out there. This site is for informational purposes only. Coughing and runny nose? Ammonia is a normal product of protein metabolism in the body is generally excreted through our urine. But I think I am falling apart from a sulfur deficiency. But the hyperness and the Fall afterwards is better now. Now somehow everything you wrote is a Part of it. Also, look into his GABA/glutamate balance, which can be affected by variations in the GAD snps among others…that would help explain several of his issues including high calcium. Has any one here had any luck with Yasko’s RNA CBS tinctures? I REALLY needed to know this. Please read the Privacy Policy carefully before you start to use The liver normally receives ammonia from the intestines as it is metabolized from amino acids. I have parasites & tick crap under control with intense herbal treatments & Rifing but I fear unless I can get the Hg out I will never get the fungus under control. It also disrupts normal glucose metabolism and can lead to instability in blood sugar. When the body is producing excessive ammonia and/or when it is not filtering and excreting enough ammonia we can end up with very serious problems. The Health & Wellness Center 703-354-7336; Address: 4501 Ford Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22302 Hours of Operation: Customer Support: +1 703-354-7336 Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - 12 a.m. EST He’s been on a low Sulphur diet for about 4months now and reintroducing it very slowly in small amounts. It is possible that you have an issue with something in the capsule or your body was pushing liver detox too quickly with that! chris, Interesting. Wow D this sounds like an intricate case. Trust your body’s response to these things. It decreased when I stopped using NAC. It s always everything somehow in a Differenz combination. Hey Maggie, I would not make any recommendations based off of genes alone. Does this have anything to do with sulfur? These are all important but L-Ornithine may be the most critical as it helps remove ammonia from the brain. At 10 gallons per week, this equates to more than 11.5 years of healthy clean drinking water! Some individuals have alterations in their gut microbiome to where ammonia producing bacteria are overpopulated. I’m just so confused. Getting Protein on a Low Histamine Diet. What is going on here? : ) Thanks Dr Jockers for all you do…The Cool Docs answer questions on their forums , Your email address will not be published. L-glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body and plays an important role in stabilizing blood sugar and reducing ammonia levels. Thank you. Trying to move over to low histamine, low lectin diet (will play with oxalates too, in time), as well as making lifestyle and environmental changes, as the worst has happened and have found myself in a rolling state of anaphylaxis and sub-anaphylaxis where the action of swallowing water is enough to trigger an intensification of symptoms. I think the problem stems from Ritalin. I have had quite a few basic tests done, but no help. Can you tell me if the CBS mutation is still an issue if you are heterozygous only? A high b12 can be due to gut issues. Thanks Dr.Jockers. Any medicines mentioned on the site must be prescribed by a licensed professional. Michelle Can you tell me what would be a good resource to point my doctor to for backing up this statement: “Other supplements to avoid will be L-methionine, L-cysteine, L-taurine, glucosamine, L-glycine, DMSO, SAMe, methylcobalamine, methyl-folate, Betaine, HCL and choline.”? I was going to post something similar. If you are feeling great while using those then I would not go by the genetic data alone. They are poison and attack our CNS wreaking havoc on our lives. I realise that is a lot to digest, however any advice as to where to start would be very much appreciated. I’ve already made mistakes thinking foods were low sulfur when indeed they were not, because the information on the internet is inconsistent. By using or by clicking to accept or agree to Terms of Use when this option is made available to you, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the Privacy Policy. Or protein. This dosn’t mean you have a CBS mutation. If my doctor has another source, I’ll pass it on to you. I thought Methylcobalamine and Methyl folate should not be taken by those in this situation? I have listed those above I case they impact the CBS gene. I’ve read about various other sites comments about CBS and sulfur intolerance but have no idea what that means… please link me to a primer on what afflicted persons can expect. The brain is especially sensitive to ammonia levels and doesn’t have an effective way of buffering ammonia. Potassium has a strong alkalizing effect and changes the pH of the urine. Maybe you should disregard quacks like Yasko and stick to the original list. Dr Jockers, thank you for the excellent article, I’m finding it so useful. I m just glad somehow I m not the only one. Light Intermittent Fasting Benefits for Histamine Intolerance. I am now wondering if the is a result of ammonia toxicity, and maybe other associated toxicities? This is why a good water filter is SO CRITICAL for a sulfur intolerant individual to get well. Hello Dr J…….Do you have any thoughts on dealing with Gadolinium toxicity? Dr. Jockers, I’m curious as to why the safe food list in the article includes turmeric, however, turmeric appears on the avoid list in the shopping list when you download it on the separate page? Papers are difficult to find, but this article has good info: Thank you so much for this easy to read article with great first steps in aiding my ammonia detox. 17 After eliminating the organisms that cause the dysbiosis, care must be taken to rebuild a healthy gut lining. My previous statement is a reply to Lawrie. Lisa, do you take any “binders” for the toxins? Misc. For more info on this medically induced toxic heavy metal poisoning #2 go to Third, gelatin contains glycine which is a methyl donor and should be avoided. Eating celery and drinking celery juice is another helpful strategy to remove excess ammonia and provide good electrolyte balance in the body. I’m almost addicted to sulfur rich foods because of the “boost”, but then fairly quickly followed by almost complete immune system shut down Chilled, excitory feeling in the forehead, feels like a sunburn across the forehead/eyebrows, brain function slows real fast, pain between the shoulder blades.