While stool can be watery, liquid, and show classic signs of food poisoning or the stomach flu, other times bowel movements are simply softer than normal without a clear cause. Here are six foods to eat during loose motions that will give you relief and have always been recommended by our mothers and grandmothers. Elderly rabbits should be taken to the veterinarian for possible arthritis treatment. This medicine must be given slowly, and the IV infusion can take 4 to 6 hours to complete. About a week after that her diarrhea got worse. Rabbits do not have canine teeth. Symptoms should subside in a day or so, but keep your rabbit’s hind end clean until then. However, if the diarrhea is acute, it is likely the rabbit will need fluid therapy which may include semi-solid feeding via a syringe. b) Control Loose Motion Using Honey Honey is a natural medicine which is used to cure a lot of health problems and controlling loose motion is no exception. Diarrhea… Rabbits, cats, dogs, livestock, people – Regardless of the species, a bout of diarrhea can range from temporary nuisance to life-threatening situation. When I did the massage to his abdomen he started to have a bunch of bad diahhrea and I heard gurgling sounds. Because we, at Rabbit Pedia care about helping you, our experts have combined resources to provide our viewers with the most common ailments and diseases of rabbits. This causes lethargy, decreased appetite, weight loss, and diarrhea or constipation. Rabbit Diarrhea – Treatment, Prevention and Causes Of Bunny Diarrhea. It is vital if you see that you look at other symptoms when your rabbit has wet stool. Homeopathy is an alternative modality that can be very effective for treating disease in rabbits. Luckily, my bunny was able to make it! AnimalWised looks into what might be the cause of such a problem and whether it is of serious concern. You have entered an incorrect email address! Often, diarrhea will be a symptom of a passing condition. You may have heard it more specifically as gastroenteritis. Healthy stool in a rabbit should, generally, take one of two forms: While the pellet droppings of a rabbit will not always be the same size, they should be fairly uniform in shape. When a rabbit suffers from diarrhea, regardless of the cause, it is likely suffering from something called enteritis. They are high in vitamin B, which bunnies cannot produce on their own. This is because they are taken from their mothers too soon, depriving them of essential antibodies in their mother’s milk. Your bunny may have a condition that’s slowing their cecotrope production or causing stress. Although soft cecotropes aren’t a medical emergency, keep your vet informed so that they can guide you in keeping your rabbit healthy. We all get loose stools or diarrhea from time to time. Loose stools are bowel movements that appear softer than normal. So, how is diarrhea in rabbits different from the other types of waste that bunnies produce? If the feces is irregularly shaped or too small, then this implies there is some gastrointestinal issue. I tried gentle gastric massage and cleaned him up. Decrease carbohydrates, increase fiber and cut back on high-sugar and starchy elements in their diet. Keep the bunny's hutch clean and replace their fodder regularly. Leave a comment about your experience! Drugs.com provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. They don’t seem to be eating much but are drinking. Depending on the underlying cause, the following treatments may be used: Preventing diarrhea in rabbits is not always possible, but using some simple hygienic and dietary measures can help give our rabbit the best chance for health and well-being. This, combined with not taking in nutrients, is a dire situation. Find out why diarrhea in bunnies occurs, how to prevent it, plus home treatment and medicine. If your rabbit has diarrhea but is still eating, treat them as a sick pet. Your vet will likely administer IV fluids and vitamins to your bunny before obtaining blood and stool samples to determine the cause of diarrhea. Diarrhea in rabbits can be worrying. This may include taking samples of both cecotropes and fecal pellets to check for bacterial and viral infections. Diarrhea is often a symptom of another disease or condition, meaning that treating the underlying pathology will stop the symptom. A thorough history, including a detailed dietary history, can provide invaluable clues to the problem at hand. Dietary changes must be implemented progressively. In this article, we’ll discuss what causes it and rabbit diarrhea home treatments. Symptoms should subside in a day or so, but keep your rabbit’s hind end clean until then. Thank you for the help! Rabbit diarrhea may be caused by any of the following: Soft cecotropes may be caused by any of the following: Also, overweight or elderly rabbits who are unable to reach their anus and ingest cecotropes may appear to only have soft stool or diarrhea. Published 2003. So maybe part of it is stress? “Feeding Recommendations For The House Rabbit.”. We will look into this a little further below. Unlike normal feces, which is hard and round with visible pieces of hay, if your bunny has diarrhea it will be soft and loose. As is giving your bunny too much of a good thing, like pellets or starchy, sugary treats. Overview Information Arrowroot is a plant. Bananas. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If your bunny has soft-looking poop for the first time, you probably have some questions, such as “Why is my bunny’s poop soft?” or “My rabbit has diarrhea, what should I do?”. Clicking on the name of the problem will open up a full page document including the symptoms, cause, treatment, and when possible – ways of preventions for each problem. Dr. Mark Newkirk, a companion-animal veterinarian who uses both traditional and alternative approaches with his patients, considers the modality to be “another tool in my medical toolbox.” All of a sudden he started having a bit of Diarrhea but was eating and drinking his milk regularly. Look for diets that are made from novel protein sources (e.g., duck or rabbit). It is easy to find medicines for loose motion but like all other medicines, they can create some side effects. Want to get loose motion . MediRabbit, Steve Clegg, Questions in relation to the administration of a drug to a rabbit; House Rabbit Society, Dawn Sailer-Fleeger, Appropriate Use of Antibiotics in Rabbits Some may see their rabbit has softer pellets than usual, but the color is the same. Unable to consume them, these bunnies simply sit on their cecotropes and press them into their fur, creating the appearance of runny poo. Jenkins, JR. 1999. I got some older bunnies and soon after the one female had a little diarrhea. Observe the rabbit daily and keep a specific eye out for changes in. Wait two full months before weaning them from their mother’s milk. Rat Names – Over 200 Great Ideas For Naming Your Pet... Hamster Breeds – Differences, Similarities, and Choosing the Best One, Inappropriate use or overuse of certain antibiotics, Parasitic infection, often coccidia, roundworms or tapeworms, A diet too high in carbohydrates (too much alfalfa hay or pellets) or too low in fiber (not enough grass hay), A diet too high in fiber (more than 20% crude fiber), Excessive amounts of water-rich vegetables such as, High-sugar fruits, vegetables, grains or human foods. As you will read, enteritis is caused by many factors. As we’ve mentioned a few times in this article, a diet high in fiber and low in carbohydrates and sugar is ideal. And what makes it so serious is that the symptoms are extremely difficult to spot. Do not use antibiotics continuously as a preventative. This is more common in baby rabbits than adults. If the stool is watery, then diarrhea is present. Along with this, it was also … Ayurvedic Medicines That Provide Relief From Loose Motion. Some people also give their rabbits little treats, like a raisin or a big sprig of parsley, after each medication. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Puffed Rice. You may be given other medications to help prevent serious side effects or allergic reaction.