Yet the baleful moment can be named, which brings this entire dialectic into play. Myriads of people make their living out of a condition, which follows the liquidation of occupations. After such a long life, one just can’t distinguish who did what to whom. Thus one no longer learns to close a door softly, discreetly and yet firmly. Thought, by allowing the administrative schema of the analysis to recall its unconscious origins, forgets to be thought. Departamento de Filosofia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2019. Even the tree which blooms, lies, the moment that one perceives its bloom without the shadow of horror; even the innocent “How beautiful” becomes an excuse for the ignominy of existence, which is otherwise, and there is no longer any beauty or any consolation, except in the gaze which goes straight to the horror, withstands it, and in the undiminished consciousness of negativity, holds fast to the possibility of that which is better. The defense of the naive, undertaken by irrationalists and intellectual-haters of all kinds, is ignoble. But far beyond this, the demand for intellectual honesty is itself dishonest. The fear of the powerlessness of theory yields the pretext of declaring fealty to the almighty production-process and thereby fully concedes the powerlessness of theory. The reflex of this can be felt between individuals. Tact and humanity – to him the same – have meanwhile gone down precisely the road which, according to his belief, they were to preserve us from. Texts which anxiously undertake to document every last one of their steps, decay unavoidably into what is banal and into a boredom which relates not just to the tension during the reading, but also to its own substance. Violations of the exchange-principle have something mad and unbelievable about them; here and there even children size up the gift-giver mistrustfully, as if the gift were only a trick, to sell them a brush or soap. Not the least fault for the dying out of experience is due to the fact that things assume a form under the law of their purposiveness which restrict their interaction to mere application, without the surplus – were it that of freedom of behavior, were it that of the autonomy of the thing – which might survive as the kernel of experience, because it is not consumed by the moment of action. Life does not live – Ferdinand Kürnberger. 31 Full PDFs related to this paper. In the place of that catharsis, whose success was never guaranteed in advance, steps the winning of pleasure [Lustgewinn], of being an exemplar of the majority in one’s own weakness; not in order to earn the prestige of the interesting pathological case, as with the sanatorium inmates of yesteryear, but on the contrary in order to prove that one belongs to the group precisely by means of those defects, and to transfer the power and greatness of the collective to oneself. The compulsion of the consideration is however located in the work of art itself. Nevertheless the glance at what is remote, the hatred of banality, the search for that which has not yet been grasped, for what has not been encompassed by the general conceptual schema, is the last chance for thought. «Quella che un tempo chiamavano vita, si è ridotta alla sfera del privato [...] Lo sguardo aperto sulla vita è trapassato nell'ideologia, che nasconde il fatto … Thus it works as a corrective against manic fixity as well as the unresisting and empty drift of the paranoid spirit [Geistes], which pays for the absolute judgment with the sacrifice of the experience of the matter [Sache]. Knowledge may broaden only where it persists by the individual, so that its isolation is disassembled by this insistence. Adorno-T-W-Minima-moralia-1951.pdf (file size: 32.28 MB, MIME type: application/pdf) THEODOR W. ADORNO, MINIMA MORALlA. Invitation to dance. In contrast to the embarrassment of the usual gifts, their pure fungibility still represents something which is more humane, because they at least permit the receiver to give themselves something, which is to be sure simultaneously in absolute contradiction to the gift. That is the phenomenon of being already taken: that a person beloved by us is inaccessible not because of inner antagonisms and inhibitions, too much coldness or overly repressed warmth, but because a relationship already exists, which excludes a new one. However if this one-sidedness is sublated by a consciousness of the universal imposed from outside, if the particular is harried, substituted and weighed up, then the just view of the whole makes the universal injustice, which lies in exchangeability and substitution, its own. The bourgeoisie have lost their naïvété, and for that reason have become wholly obdurate and malevolent. Grassy seat. One should beware above all of seeking out influential types from whom “one can expect something.” The eye for potential advantages is the mortal enemy of the construction of relationships worthy of human dignity; though solidarity and consideration for others may ensue from these latter, they can never originate in thoughts of practical deals. Theodor W. Adorno. In the light they switch on, the advertising-character of culture radiates . Now that the entire society is becoming hierarchal, opaque relationships adhere everywhere, wherever there was still the appearance [Schein] of freedom. Always say it, never think of it. In the meantime, the curves of the pure purposive form have become independent of their function and pass over into ornaments, just like the basic shapes of Cubism. The genesis of the belabored talk of the “phony war” lay in precisely this moment. Instead of expecting miracles from pre-capitalist peoples, the mature capitalist ones ought to be on their guard against their own sobriety, their slipshod affirmation of what is traditional, and the successes of the West. In the best of cases, they give what they themselves would have wished for, only a few shades of nuance worse. – It is customary to link the development of psychology to the rise of the bourgeois individual [Individuums: individual], in antiquity and since the Renaissance. The enemy functions as patient and corpse. – In psychology, in the boundless fraud of what is merely interiorized [bloss Inwendigen] (it is not for nothing that this has to do with the “properties” [in English in original] of human beings) is reflected what the organization of bourgeois society has since time immemorial practiced on external property. But since the free and equal exchange is itself a lie, whatever denies it stands at the same time for the truth: lies accordingly become a corrective on the lie of the world of commodities, and consequently denounce such. They were already this way, and their line of least resistance to the intellectual goods they produced meshes seamlessly into the line of least resistance to political rule, whose ideological methods included, in the Fuehrer’s own words, above all comprehensibility for the most stupid. It breaks the promise which is posited with the form of the judgement itself. Such iciness recoils back on those from which it spread. Were it any different, then such an arrangement would equate to the most unbearable assault on freedom. Hegel does not pay heed to the subject in accordance with the requirement, which he otherwise passionately defends: that of being in the matter [Sache] and not “always beyond it,” instead of “entering into the immanent content of the matter [Sache].” If the subject is disappearing today, aphorisms take on the weighty responsibility of “considering that which is disappearing itself as essential.” They insist, in opposition to Hegel’s procedure and nevertheless in concordance with his thought, on negativity: “The life of the Spirit [Geistes] wins its truth only by finding itself in what is absolutely torn apart. a definição do vocábulo: “Máxima – … The broad conscience passes itself off as greatness of mind [Weitherzigkeit], which forgives everything, because it understands it all too well. For Anatole France. These are always immediately blasted out of the landscape, and the more successful their smoothness and breadth, the more relationless and violent their shimmering path stands in contrast to its all too wild, overgrown environs. If life fulfilled its determination straightaway, then it would forfeit the latter. This relates not merely to the absence of farm-fields, the stubbly and often tiny scrub-like forests, but above all the streets. He has gotten used to outrage. An unreconciled inner sensibility [Gesinnung] is the opposite of wildness, neophyte status or “non-capitalist zones.” It presupposes experience, historical memory, the lability of the intellect and above all a thorough share of the social surplus. Today however we find ourselves facing a presumably younger generation, which is in every one of its impulses unbearably more grown up than the parents ever were; which has renounced, before things ever came to a conflict, and which derives their authority from that, implacably authoritarian and unshakeable. The immediate occasion for writing this book was the fiftieth birthday of Max Horkheimer on February 14, 1945. The end of the family cripples the counter-forces. What is incommensurable is made, precisely as such, commensurable, and the individual [Individuum] is hardly capable of an impulse anymore, which could not be named an example of this or that publicly acknowledged constellation. Rather, they want to annihilate each other. To be sure, no thought is immune to such interweaving, none may be blinkered. The dissolution of rationalizations becomes itself a rationalization. Minima Moralia: Reflections from Damaged Life. One cannot account for the newest human types without an understanding of the things in the environs which they continually encounter, all the way into their most secret innervations. The rejection of the hegemonic overgrowth of culture presumes that one has participated enough in the latter to feel it in one’s fingertips, as it were, simultaneously drawing from this participation the forces to dismiss it. Cat out of the bag. – Reports of air raids seldom fail to mention the names of the firms which manufactured the aircraft: Fokker-Wolf, Heinkel, and Lancaster appear where one once talked about cuirassiers, lancers and hussars. The mistake lies in all too much honesty. That which has most recently happened is always portrayed as if it had been destroyed in a catastrophe. It is not only, as Nietzsche knew, that all good things were once evil: even the most tender of these, left to its own momentum, has the tendency to culminate in unthinkable barbarity. Download Full PDF Package. By drawing on the fact that the subject is not really one in the exchange-society, but is in fact an object, psychology could deliver the weapons which enabled that society to turn it into one, and to keep it down. One of the most reliable is the reproach that an expression is “too subjective.” If this is laid down with that indignation, which echoes with the furious harmony of all reasonable people, then one has reason to be satisfied with oneself for a couple of seconds. – It is well-known that the former life of emigres is being annulled. Ultimately, emancipated, purely individual tact turns into a mere lie. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas. One need only observe outbreaks, in which the individual [Individuum] reacts energetically against the environment, as for example rage. This illustrates something of the difficult relationship which individual persons have vis-à-vis their property, so long as they still own anything at all. French]. The generality of the opinion, immediately assumed as one in society, as it is, necessarily has consensus as its concrete content. It is not this power as the positive, which looks away from the negative, as when we say of something, that it is nothing or wrong, and now, done with that, pass over from there to something else; rather it is this power only when it stares the negative in the face, tarrying on it.”. Minima Moralia Dedication The melancholy science, from which I make this offering to my friend, relates to a realm which has counted, since time immemorial, as the authentic one of philosophy, but which has, since its transformation into method, fallen prey to intellectual disrespect, sententious caprice and in the end forgetfulness: the teaching of the good life. 2019. The matter-of-factness [Sachlichkeit] between human beings which clears away the ideological ornamentation between them, has itself already become an ideology of those who wish to treat human beings as things. Con la perspectiva del intelectual en el exilio siempre presente, el autor articula en tres partes y un apéndice un corpus poderoso y coherente de aforismos, teñidos de un profundo sentimiento de desgarro, en los que aborda algunos … It originated to be sure from the Fascist technique of dismissing the real horrors of the war as “mere propaganda,” precisely in order to facilitate those horrors. Minima Moralia – Reflexionen aus dem beschädigten Leben ist eine im amerikanischen Exil verfasste philosophische Schrift Theodor W. Adornos. A quid pro quo steps between one’s own guilt and that of others, which is resolved in favor of whoever got the best of the deal. Meditazioni della vita offesa in formato elettronico? “It is a typical feature,” goes an Eranos essay by G. R. Heyers, “of those not fully formed by civilization, that a theme may not be immediately dealt with, indeed may not even be mentioned; on the contrary the conversation must move in spirals by itself towards its actual object.” Instead, the shortest connection between two people is now the straight line, as if they were points. Mínima Moralia - contra o simples ser-para-si da subjectividade em todos os seus estádios. Objective means the non-controversial side of the phenomenon [Erscheinung], its unquestioned imprint, taken as it is, the facade constructed out of classified data, therefore the subjective; and they call subjective, whatever breaks through such, emerging out of the specific experience of the thing, divesting itself of prejudged convention and setting the relation to the object in place of the majority decision concerning such, which they cannot even see, let alone think – therefore, what is objective. Of this the Cartesian rule, that one should only turn to objects, “to whose clear and undoubted knowledge our mind [Geist] seems to suffice,” including all order and disposition which relates to such, gives as false an account as the opposing doctrine of the apperception [Wesenschau], which is nevertheless inextricably entwined with the former. Compre Minima Moralia, de Theodor Adorno, no maior acervo de livros do Brasil. The gaze at life has passed over into ideology, which conceals the fact, that it no longer exists. If on the other hand illiterates come to intellectuals in order to have letters written, these latter may indeed make a reasonably good impression. But such a relaxation of tension affects the quality of the thinking: the difference is hardly less than that between the philosophy of revelation [Schelling’s later philosophy] and the gossip of the mother-in-law. When a man of advanced age becomes famous for being especially benign [abgeklärt: clarified, mellowed], one can presume that his life represented a series of scandals. Meanwhile, such an externally adopted and perfected identification – one beyond, as it were, its own dynamic – ultimately abolishes, along with the genuine consciousness of the impulse, this last as well. The denial of objective truth through the recourse to the subject implies its own negation: no measure remains for the measure of all things, it decays into contingency and turns into untruth. The Munich before WW I was a breeding grounds for that spirituality [Geistigkeit], whose protest against the rationalism of the schools culminated, via the cult of the costume festivals, in Fascism even faster than the half-hearted system of old Rickert. He partakes, in the words of the Introductory Lectures, of “the general estimation... that social goals stand higher than fundamentally, self-servingly sexual ones.” As an expert psychologist, he takes the contrast between social and egoistic as a given, statically. Eccellente: questo libro è sul nostro sito web Nothing less is demanded of those who think today, than to be at every moment in the matter [Sachen] and outside of the matter [Sachen] – the gesture of Münchhausen, who pulled himself out of the swamp by his own pigtails, becomes the schemata of every cognition, which wishes to be more than either a fixed determination or a proposition. It is thereby turned into a possession and precisely in such petrification to something functional, which can be exchanged for another, equivalent possession. All this is not to deny what is debatable in such an attempt. No less dangerous are the mirror images of power, the lackeys, toadies and leeches who make themselves agreeable to those better off than themselves, in an archaic manner which could only flourish in the econonomically extraterritorialized conditions of emigration. Indiscriminate benevolence towards all constantly threatens that coldness and remoteness against each, which are once again communicated to the whole. This inadequacy resembles that of the life-line, which runs on bent, diverted, disillusioning according to its premises, and yet solely in this course, because it is continually less than what it should be, may it portray under the given conditions of existence an unregimented one. However, the moment when you hope for the slightest sign of the same solidarity from them, or even mere sympathy for your own share of the social product of suffering, they show you the cold shoulder, which is the only thing left remaining of atheism and materialism in the age of restored popes. The violence which drove me into exile simultaneously blocked me from its full recognition. »Minima Moralia« neu gelesen (edition suhrkamp) buch hörbuch online download [PDF] Theodor W. Adorno.»Minima Moralia« neu gelesen (edition suhrkamp) buch zusammenfassung deutch Theodor W. Adorno.Theodor W. Adorno. It crystallizes in the conception [Vorstellung] of the right society and its citizens. Hardly anyone is still capable of this. The lie is concealed in their sadism, and it is as liars that they truly become sadists, agents of repression. The opposites of the strong man and the compliant youth fuse into a social order, which unreservedly asserts the masculine principle of domination. This mechanical rhythm however completely determines human conduct towards the war, not only in the disproportion between individual bodily strength and the energy of motors, but deep into the most secret cells of the modes of subjective experience. Those who are organized want intellectuals of prominence to issue proclamations on their behalf, but the moment they fear they have to issue proclamations for themselves, the latter are capitalists, and the same prominence on which they speculated is now ludicrous sentimentality and stupidity. Above all one thing, my child. On the ethics [Moral] of thinking. For this they have devised a unique rubric. With the dissolution of liberalism, the authentic bourgeois principle, that of competition, was not overcome, but passed over from the objectivity of social processes into the composition [Beschaffenheit: character, constitution] of pushing and shoving atoms – into anthropology, as it were. The conception of a totality harmonious throughout all its antagonisms compels him to rank individuation, however many times he designates it as the driving moment of the process, as something lesser in the construction of the whole. But perhaps the fault already lies with the question and not primarily with me. Perhaps one always experienced the parental generation as harmless and disempowered, once the latter’s physical energy subsided, while one’s own generation seemed to be threatened by youth: in the antagonistic society, the relationship of the generations is also one of competition, behind which stands naked violence. So much is true, that they do not allow themselves to be compared. No caso mais favorável poderiam Among today’s cunning practitioners, the lie has long since lost its honest function, of concealing something real. Instead of comprehending the facts, behind which others are barricaded, it hurriedly throws together whatever it can grab from them, rushing off to play so uncritically with apochryphal cognitions, with a couple isolated and hypostatized categories, and with itself, that it is easily disposed of by referring to the unyielding facts.