Whether we work with dogs, cats, horses, cows, monkeys or mice, we risk teeth marks every time we interact with our patients. Some breeds are high prey drive. Accordingly, I would have thought that you are in the clear both from a civil and criminal standpoint. Turns out it's not the case. “The servals long legs [the lo, It’s the beginning of a new week and to start that week off with a smile I’d like to present adorable photos of dogs babysitting kittens. Try and stop this happening and kick this person’s arse at the same time. It is the fault of that pet's owner for not properly restraining the pet. I think the dog owners will be liable for the vets bill but nothing further. I am not sure they are correct. If I caught a dog or coyote actively biting Cheeto, I would shoot the dog or coyote. My cat took off running, however, and Like me. The law went into effect in 2011, at the time Jan Brewer was governor. Maybe she can’t have them indoors or is allergic or lives with someone who won’t allow them inside, and maybe she thinks giving them to a shelter is crueller and the cages there are smaller and they may be put to sleep. However, if your dogs go after the neighbors cats and kill one outside of your yard, then you will have problems. Apart from civil liability, as set forth above, the owner of a dog/animal may also be held criminally liable in terms of common law or statutory law, for example the The Animal Matters Amendment Act, 1993 (Act 42 of 1993), which allows the courts to make certain directions in respect of injuries caused by animals. Help? The neighbor said the alleged attack happened 2 nights ago. Funny isn,t it a driver can run a cat over leave it suffering and drive off and nothing can be done yet when these dogs do something that is natural courts order them to be got rid off. i've been warning them (family of 4) for a long time to keep their cat under control and out of my fenced yard because one day one for my dogs might actually catch it. Generally speaking, here in the US, the owner of the dog would not be responsible for the vet bill. She has not taken the cat to the vet for treatment yet. Subscriber. He was on the lead, head restraint, harness - the works. The neighbour tried to involve the RSPCA, the council, the police, but no-one wanted to know. However, our law firm does NOT handle cases when a dog attacks another dog.We only handle dog … They actually use specific methods to make them mean, such as constant teasing and physical abuse. It does NOT make your dogs dangerous in the least. Why is the door open? Dangerous dog laws: Check out your local state, municipal and neighborhood dog laws that ban or restrict the ownership of specific breeds of dog, or mixed breeds of dangerous dogs. The cat owner may be liable for your injuries. Should your dog attack and kill an animal, even on your own property, some cities can take action because they see the dog as a threat to the public safety. Some states have “strict liability” laws that make owners responsible for damage caused by their dogs, even if they weren’t negligent or didn’t know that their animals had dangerous tendencies. That sounds strange to me. In Arizona, House Bill 2137 holds dog owners liable if their dogs attack other people’s pets or other people. A dog that had attacked a cat doesn't instantly mean it could attack a child. When the dishes were frozen did you take any action? If my dog attacks the neighbours cat am I at fault? If a dog has bitten somebody, attacked another dog or seems likely to attack, you should report it immediately to the police on 101. None. How can one wander into your garden if they are penned? Your email address will not be published. I looked up “dog attack house cat” and found this blog. I think the right thing to do is tell them. I'd talk to your neighbors definitely and tell them that their cats are definitely in danger in your yard but it IS your yard and their cats are off their property and ARE running loose. My only complaint is that there is snow in the food dish which makes me wonder if there is roofing or some sort of shelter in the pen or if it is wide-open. What should I do if a dog attacks me? The ‘new normal’ caused by COVID-19 may make this the wors... 16-year-old cat dropped off at a vet clinic to euthanize because owner... $2,000 reward for two cats dumped by a transport driver who ‘nee... We have the knowledge of the world at our fingertips yet we choose to ... Feral cats may be ‘outsmarted’ by the new Tomahawk “... Compassion fatigue: Animal rescuers can’t save them all and the ... Missouri man admitted he would scour Craigslist ads for free cats then... Donald Trump brings cats into the presidential election campaign, National Geographic bird watcher agrees that killing cats to save birds is not the answer, Feral cats prefer insects and frogs on island with many migrating birds, National Geographic article “To save birds, should we kill off cats?” is poor. KRS 411.182; Hilen v. Hays, 673 S.W.2d 713 (Ky. 1984). All dogs are descended from wolves who hunt and kill to survive. I always suggest a nice enclosure if there is room and enough money etc. The cat was in my own garden though so slightly different. The good news is, most cats are smart enough not to enter a yard where there are dogs. Greyhounds have a very strong prey drive. I also hate the idea of cats living their lives in pens 8 x 6 feet in dimension. I suggest you speak with your neighbors and let them know the situation. I hope the same thing happens in the USA. Am i responsible for the vet bills? Kentucky applies principles of comparative negligence. Lots of dogs would kill a cat if given a chance, not just pit bulls. It seems natural to me. Cats in pens made for dogs that are much larger than them doesn’t sound like cruelty given that they are fed and cared for, especially if they get attention, vet care, and have access to interests such as ramps for climbing and posts to scratch so there nails stay healthy. Cats kill two million wild birds a year plus mice voles etc. I mean, they should have enough control over their pets to keep them from going into other people's yards. Should the dog have caused injury by biting, who is liable for the vet fees, supposing the owner of the dog did nothing to encourage the attack? While, yes, a declawed cat can be somewhat defenseless; I don’t see that as a part of the question. Since I brought my cats home from Portugal as they were rescue cats I’ve formed a close bond and fear anything bad happening to them and since I’ve heard a few horror stories of peoples cats and dogs being killed in there own gardens near by so everyday when I let my cats out I normally sit on the doorstep and wait til they want to come in as they don’t stray far and return within half hour. If you don’t want to see a solicitor just write a letter requesting compensation or else..litigation. This can be a pretty emotional scenario. A neighbors cat got into my backyard and my dog killed it. If YOUR DOG is in YOUR YARD then you would NOT be liable. Cougar. Finally this could make or break what happens, if the judge sees that its a pitbull that killed that cat your in a heap of trouble because if u watch the news Pitbulls have been attacking small dogs, cats even humans aand ALOT of pitbulls were put to sleep becuase of this. Unfortunately, liability does not extend to the mental anguish or emotional distress … Not as good as going out but safe for the cats and peace of mind for you. Are they really more dangerous than a regular dog? It is breaking my heart, but right now MY cat is in surgery because MY dog attacked it. The conditions those cats live in don’t sound right to me,those people have a duty of care to their cats to be treated as fitting to their species. Here's how...', szColor:'',whatIsThisUrl:''}); Hi, I'm a 72-year-old retired solicitor (attorney in the US). At one time American pit bulls were the most popular family dog in the U.S., just as bulldogs and beagles are today. Where do you people live? Frankly, if they control their animals, they shouldn't be in your yard, therefore, it couldn't happen without them BEING in your yard...not your fault. A dog is not suppose to be in even your own yard unsupervised. Hi James… Thanks for visiting and asking. It just so happened on this day it wasn’t to be the case . Bottom line: you don’t want to be in dispute with people particularly neighbors. Freckles is front, This is the infuriating (and heartbreaking) story of two cats who were dumped by a transport driver on a cross country trip from Virginia to California. i.e. If you are being charged it is a criminal matter and you should have a lawyer appointed to help your defense. My dog killed a cat this afternoon. The RSPCA will say a cat loving concerned passer by alerted them and they are obliged to check the situation out. I urge everyone to push for change however which way you can, one day this person may come round your way and let his dog run all over your garden killing your cat, dog anything on your property with NOTHING you can do about it in regards to the law. But being a pit and having them already biased, it's hard. Thankyou for your advice it is much appreciated and it will help me in to taking the situation further if necessary. Legally, not morally please. Additional charges are pending. Pit bulls have a strong sense of loyalty to their masters (as do many other breeds), and a few really sick people use this to twist the personalities of what otherwise are actually very gentle animals. A dog that had attacked a cat doesn't instantly mean it could attack a child. When the dog who attacked your pet is a dangerous breed , the owner may be automatically negligent and liable … It is a special problem. 6. 14. The garden is secure. Different towns and counties have different laws about how they handle a dog that has been deemed agressive. I have decide that this is a bat. Title: A cat recently attacked me and my dog on a walk and I had to defend us, am I liable if the cat was injured and what should I do? 32. The RSPCA will either educate those people or remove the cats if their conditions are very bad. Dog was prob. Out with dog this afternoon. If a cat was harmed or killed by a dog on their own property it is no ones fault except for the owner that allowed the kitten or cat to wander off. We may, Feral colony cats may be outsmarted by the new Tomahawk live trap. Your dogs could be the kindest in the world but that wont matter to some people. Keep it legal but keep it outside the law. A dog is not suppose to be in even your own yard unsupervised. My neighbour has 2 Ginger Cats Housed in a outside pen aprox 8’x 6′. Popular Days . Negligent owners can be criminally liable and face up to 10 years in jail for "conduct leading to an attack". Sometimes aggressive dogs can attack other dogs – or even people – causing serious injury and incurring expensive medical bills. It tore my dog's ear, throat and flank and caused internal injuries which still occasionally bother him. Unfortunately, this is the second time in a year my cat has been attacked by this dog and he was not so fortunate the first time. He doesn't like ... Noah Stryker is a renowned bird watcher. What to do if your dog is attacked by another dog. Good luck. Why is this dog running into your house? I witnessed the attack and was able to stop it relatively quickly by kicking at the dog. My concern would be not that my dog would kill the cats but how best I could help these cats that appear to be living like dogs which as Micheal said against our animal welfare laws. i was watching tv when i heard these screams, i separated the dog and took the cat to the neighbors house and they rushed it to the vet. Its even been the other way around for my family the dog came on our property and our cat defended itself and amazing killed the jack russel. Anyway, the dog owner is paying for the vet bills, she has phoned council and has … I’ve learned this the hard way, after many, many bites. Most states have “strict liability” laws that make owners automatically liable for most dog-bite injuries; there’s no need to prove the owner was negligent or knew the dog was dangerous. 5 If your dog is attacking a cat at this very moment , you should physically separate them as soon as possible and firmly tell your dog off so it understands it has done something wrong. By the way its not in your dogs nature to kill small animals unless you teach him. Dog off lead in seemingly empty field. The cat owner may be liable for your injuries. Your fault . My neighbor's dog, a female miniature schnauzer, keeps trespassing on my property, defecating, digging it up, etc. I don’t know how you’d stand if your dog did kill a cat but please find it in your heart to do something about those cats as soon as you can as they don’t deserve that life they are being forced to live. I was just walking my dog when she saw and bit a cat that was sitting in front of a parked cars front right headlight on the street. Previously, there was no such law holding dog owners responsible for their dogs attacking other dogs or pets; however, an incident in 2009 led to a couple fiercely advocating for such a law. The best thing for you to do is talk to the neighbors so when this does happen they aren't surprised. The modern day barn cat is as close as we can get, With the complications of our ‘new normal’ created by countries and states going into strict quarantine due to COVID-19, many who care for feral cats are worried. Technically it is the cat owners fault for letting the cat be an outdoor cat and therefore not caring that the cat was invading your property. The same would apply if your dog attacked and injured a person or assistance dog but the penalties are harsher. The law wants to make up its mind. Try not to panic. Apr 20. The neighbor then ripped off one of the fence panels to get at the cat… I have just spoken to a young man who has been ordered by Keighley magistrates to get rid of his Patterdale dog because it killed a cat. The neighbour's cat stupidly ventured into our garden, and two of our sausage dogs attacked it. I don't know for sure but I would think that it wouldn't be in their rights to take you to court or anything like that. But it doesn't sound like that would happen. December 7th, 2010 at 4:07 am. Police are just not interested. They have as much of a right to the yard as you do. Is that the case? One issue is whether a colony caregiver can physically even get to the, This is Freckles, a 16-year-old female tortie. She just informed us of this last night. Not just on your property, but in your house. Find out more from the Dog and Cat Management Act, 1995. Assistant: What steps have you taken so far? She always keeps her dogs in a safely fenced so it hardly seems fair to me. What if another person’s dog attacked and injured your dog, cat, or horse? But what I mean is that the law (criminal or civil) is a bit of an ass in these situations. I will confirm registration in a return email. Be careful, since it will probably be frightened and may lash out if it feels threatened. Stace, I love barn cats. But if your dogs attack them, it is NOT your fault. Firstly - if your dog is (or was) “dangerously out of control” then that is a criminal offence which has a maximum punishment of 6 months’ imprisonment.