It shows a real generosity of spirit. I am having an issue with lavender and I cannot find a way to be tested nor can I find the amount of salicylates in it. It is irresponsible to forbid all essential oils and forbid people with SS the opportunity to benefit from EOs just because of a few outliers that contain appreciable levels of salicylates unless a severe intolerance to salicylates exists. Salicylates occur in a wide range of foods, in varying degrees. Salicylate sensitivity is any adverse effect that occurs when a usual amount of salicylate is ingested. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read … Hi I have hives with foods and cosmetics that have salicylates in them. Sources include: Herbal products (most will contain salicylates) What are salicylates and where are they found? Are you aware of one? Until then don’t use anything you don’t know the ingredients to! Thankfully, discovering what salicylate sensitivity is, has helped me figure out a lot and I can maintain an acceptable balance in my life. Liver enzyme issuesLiver enzymes (namely phenolsulfotransferase-P) and sulphates usually easily break down salicylates. Scott your info is wrong. And all my life I’ve reacted to gluten. Salicylates … So, when salicylate particles are allowed to enter the bloodstream repeatedly, it can trigger an immune response and lead to salicylate sensitivity. Salicylates are chemically very similar to the manmade chemical acetylsalicylic acid, a key ingredient in aspirin and other pain medications. To obtain a full salicylate food list please fill in the form below: (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Salicylate intolerance symptoms in adults and children may include: Many people report only experiencing salicylate sensitivity symptoms after consuming a larger amount (usually over a couple of days) when they’ve exceeded their tolerance “threshold”. If after a month on the diet you feel no difference, recommence a normal diet. Salicylate sensitivity differs from salicylism, which occurs when an individual takes an overdose of salicylates. Salicylates are toxic to everyone in very high doses, but with a salicylate sensitivity the threshold is much lower before a reaction occurs. My customers would be very very wary of trying a bar with any essential oils in them. So how can we use the herb oils? What is a salicylate sensitivity or salicylate intolerance? Many individuals report a sensitivity to MSG. Suddenly in my 40’s I’ve become sensitive to almost everything. All essential oils, depending on carrier oils, source co diction(dried, stem, flower, and method of extraction: steamed, boiled, freeze extracted. Tea tree oil was the first oil I reacted to years ago(skin rash). In fact, the relationship between oxalate in our diets, the oxalate in our bodies, and the formation of oxalate stones is far from linear. My information is regarding steam distilled essential oils, of which, I have evaluated thousands of GC-MS reports, rarely seeing salicylates except for in a few isolated botanicals. With practice, it’s possible to rise above, let go and still feel in harmony with the world. Then it just becomes a way of life. Salicylate allergy or salicylate intolerance is common, yet most people aren’t aware that it can be treated. Designed by, Health & Wellness Australia & Auckland (HWA), Fruits – all fruits (in varying degrees) except bananas, limes & pears, Vegetables – all vegetables (in varying degrees) except cabbage (white/green), celery, lettuce and potatoes, Some oils – especially coconut and olive oil, Beverages – fruit juices, teas, coffee and flavoured soft drinks, mood issues – brain fog, irritability, fatigue and, draws on kinesiology and acupressure techniques, aims to re-train your body to minimise reactions to substances like salicylates. © Copyright - Scott A. Johnson Author 2016, Discover Essential Oils—Nature’s Miracle Molecules,,, Optimize Your Health with Proven Dietary Supplements, People who experience migraines, headaches, or itchy rashes from certain foods, Respiratory problems (asthma, sinus infections, nasal polyps). It is the only way I can consume the oils.. I’ve tried chilling non-gmo canola oil and then freezing it for 12 hours and thawing it again to strain out the plant matter… it worked but just tasted and smell horrible, especially the tea tree canola oil heated. Can I share this with my Pinterest followers? There should be no salicylates in genuine tea tree essential oil. Trying a Salicylate Free Diet. Along with a histamine intolerance I also reacted badly to salicylates (the natural protective compounds found in plants) nightshades, FODMAPs, yeast, grains and dairy! Everything I research about lavender says it is unknown if it contains salicylates. The mental aspect is challenging as reactions affect your mood and one can feel isolated and frustrated. You may also find the information in this video useful: These salicylates are usually only present in trace amounts, perhaps not even enough to cause a reaction. However, for those with a sensitivity or intolerance to salicylates, even a small amount can cause a severe reaction. Look forward in hearing back your reply to my questions.. Hello, I am a Clilnical Aromatherapist, trying oh so hard to make a Natural Moisturiser for my Salicylate Free friends and customers, I have made one, however it lacks any essential oil. These effects can be cumulative, meaning that a salicylate sensitive person may be able to tolerate small amounts of salicylates, but over time this build-up causes symptoms from excessive exposure. As reported in Evidence-Based Essential Oil Therapy, both birch and wintergreen contain significant amounts of methyl salicylate (a compound similar to aspirin), usually over 95%. Herbs have high amounts of salicylates. Although the research into this intolerance is still limited, the definition has expanded to a more inclusive definition including sensitivity to foods and to cleaning and beauty products that contain high levels of salicylates … However, for those with a sensitivity or intolerance to salicylates, even a small amount can cause a severe reaction. They are also created synthetically for use in personal care products like toothpaste, shampoo, medications (e.g. I have IBS and (more than likely) salicylate sensitivity – although histamines are also an issue. A cold extracted tea tree LEAF oil had a 0.09% concentration and a cold extracted lavender flower tip had a 0.07%…, Which is why I now freeze kettle one vodka, out the leaves or flowers in for only 36 hours, then strain the plant matter out.