Apples, peaches and strawberries are also important New Jersey crops. New Jersey's geographical location between Philadelphia and New York City has helped New Jersey to grow and thrive since the time of its creation as a state in 1702. Baptism and communion were offered only by the occasional traveling minister. New Jersey's settlement The settlement of New Jersey was a contest between the Dutch and the Swedes Jan 1, 1638. The colony had originally been settled by the Dutch as part of New Netherland, but came under British rule after the surrender of Fort Amsterdam in 1664, becoming a proprietary colony. With so many valuable resources, you can live a successful life here and ensure the prosperity of you and your family for generations to come. The colony was called New Netherland, and included parts of modern-day New York and New Jersey. Included influences from New England, which were originally Medieval, Salt Box, and Cape Cod. (1) With 222,060 employees in 2018, the financial services industry accounted for 6.4% of total private sector jobs in New Jersey and contributed $33 billion to the state economy. A Government: This government keeps our economy one of the best there is. It was simple in the beginning, 1 story, 2 rooms and a chimney. Posted on January 22, 2020 by Mimin . What colonies did New Jersey trade with? (1) - 1676, The colony is split into East and West Jersey. Our colony also has shipbuilding industries that bring in quite a profit for New Jersey. If you enjoy seafood, New Jersey is a great place to live and work. New Jerseyby D J By Dsims1 On Emaze. We have many well paying jobs for you to work at such as lumbering, farming, fishing, trading, and even iron mining. The Dutch West India Company worked to stimulate settlement in the area by granting patroonships, land grants in which the grantee was given proprietary and manorial rights over settlers he sponsored. The US average is 3.7%. Economy. This diversity enables New Jersey to weather volitility in the national economy and it contributes to New Jersey's low unemployment rate, which is well below the national average. Economy; The Govenment of New Jersey Colony The government of New Jersey was mostly based on freedom of religion. New Jersey Colony Economy Facts. The political division existed for the 26 years between 1678 and 1712. New Jersey has an unemployment rate of 3.5%. Almost a century passed before colonization began with the arrival in 1609 of the English navigator Henry Hudson, who sent a party to explore Sandy Hook Bay. New Jersey - New Jersey - History: Before the Europeans arrived, the Delaware (or Lenni Lenape) Indians had long occupied the region. By 1701 the colony had 45 distinct congregations. The colony of New Jersey was initially part of the New Netherlands colony. New Jersey has seen the job market decrease by -0.2% over the last year. New Jersey's economy was fueled mainly by its rich soil and high lumber availability. The state's most valuable fruit crops are blueberries and cranberries. The principal crops grown in colonial New Jersey were wheat, barley, flax, oats and rice. The Motivation for Founding the New Jersey Colony . New Jersey is a major producer of asparagus, bell peppers, eggplant, endive, lettuce and spinach. A Swedish colony is established A Swedish colony is established along the Delaware River, but it was taken over … We have everything you need to start a new life in the new world. In 1664, James the Duke of York, received control of New Netherland. About Us ; Benefits; Citations; Industries. New Jersey is a leading producer. In 1664, the British conquered New … New Jersey colony Jan 1, 1630. Future job growth over the next ten years is predicted to be 25.0%, which is lower than the US average of 33.5%. In other words it was a royal colony. New Jersey is the ideal place for you. With this sale, New Jersey was divided into East Jersey and West Jersey, two distinct provinces of the proprietary colony. Fact 2: new jersey was an english colony from 1664 to 1776. fact 3: they did not join the 13 colonies till 1776. fact 4: new jersey was named after the british island of jersey. New Jersey’s early colonial history is similar to New York’s. Government. All surrounding areas, like settlements along the Hudson and Long Island, followed suit. It also enforces the law so that our colony has a safe living environment. Like Delaware, the early European settlement of New Jersey was a contest between the Dutch and the Swedes. The New jersey Colony embraced a variety of religions. New Jersey was a melting pot arcitecture aesthetics. Target Residents. New Jersey architecture was inspired by the Dutch. Our economy is very good. DEPTH/AFFECTS SETTLERS DECISION: To explain in more detail, New Jersey was made by Lord Berkley in 1664 in order to receive land and profits for the king. 3. People found jobs in colonial towns as tradesmen and merchants, and on the sea as fishermen and sailors, but the majority of people made their living on farms. The colony of New Jersey was founded by Dutch explorers who colonized the area, then in 1664 a fleet of ships under the control of Colonel Richards Nicolls defeated the Dutch, thus annexing the land for England, the English then became the dominant owners and leaders of the area. Like New York, the area was first colonized by Dutch settlers around 1613. fact 1: the colony was near the atlantic coast of north america. The New Jersey Colony was founded by Sir George Carteret and Lord Berkeley in 1664. New Jersey was an amazing colony bursting with new, shining ideas and interesting recreations. The founders for the New Jersey colony was John Berkeley and George Carteret.The first men to reach here were Giovanni de Verrazano and Henry Hudson. There were many industries in New Jersey. Like New York, New Jersey was once clutched in The Netherlands’ big colony, New Netherlands. Are you short on money? New Jersey Colony: Home; Market Analysis; Location; Religious Freedom; Government; Economy; Industries. Strengths of Our Colony. Determination of an exact location for a border between West Jersey and East Jersey was often a matter of dispute, as was the border with New York.. Farms in New Jersey were common, as was hunting/trapping. As we talked about with our target residents, we have a colony where people can buy and sell goods. One of them came with 3 ships, and the other one just came to explore this wonderful place with a few men coming along as well. These two men were told to explore the land. However, the Dutch were slow to settle the colony. New Jersey is linked to Delaware and Pennsylvania by many bridges across the Delaware River. Initially they settled some of the land that surrounded New York Harbor. In 1524 the Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano was the first European to reach New Jersey. This allowed them to pick up some popular Dutch customs and forms of recreation. Or is your colony poor? New Jersey's economy surrounds the ocean. The New Jersey Colony was one of the Middle Colonies which also included the New York Colony, the Delaware Colony, and the Pennsylvania Colony. REASON: The middle colony of New Jersey was was founded in 1664 in order to farm and barter. The men of the Colony believed that by having freedom of religion and speech, the colony would be more successful. United states geography for kids new new jersey by laura flanagan the 13 original colonies a plete new jersey by laura flanagan husetts bay colony religion. Corn and hemp farms also played a vital role in New Jersey's economy. Economy in New Jersey. Other Colonies; Economy. new jersey ECONOMY. You can expand your business, increase your profits, and be a contribution to our economy. The New Jersey Colony was one of the Middle Colonies of Colonial America and became the U.S. state of New Jersey in 1776. Contents. fact 5: there were … Imagine is the year 1670, and you're living in the 13 Colonies — the colony of New Jersey, to be exact. The New Jersey colony is the best there is! He sent a small English force to blockade the harbor at New Amsterdam.Peter Stuyvesant surrendered to the English without a fight. There are three huge advantages in New Jersey, let's take a look. (1) - 1664, The colony is taken over without bloodshed from the Dutch by the British. The middle colonies were known as "the bread colonies" for their export of grain, and New Jersey produced precisely that. New Jersey's economy and culture were similar to the other mid-Atlantic and New England colonies. Colony Of New Jersey A Brief History "New Jersey was so named, in 1664, at the time of its conquest by the English from the Dutch, in honor of Sir George Carteret, who had been governor of the Isle of Jersey, in the British Channel, and to whom, with Lord Berkley, the Duke of York conveyed the territory. It is not just based on the richest people in the colony, everyone plays a part. We have several small profitable farms in the colony, but we rely mainly on fishing as our colony is aptly located on the shore. The main industries were iron mining and manufacturing, livestock, agriculture, and lumbering. New Jersey is the best colony there is, and the best colony there ever will be. Colonists from New Sweden settled in Southern New Jersey. The New Jersey Colony was originally named the Province of New Jersey, after the British island named Jersey. Trade in the Colonies - New Jersey Trade in the New Jersey Colony used the natural resources and raw materials available to develop trade in corn and wheat and livestock including beef and pork. - 1613, the Dutch establish the first fort in New Jersey called Fort Nassau (2) - 1660, the Dutch establish their first permanent colony called Bergen, or Jersey City. New Jersey Colony. The people were unable to afford churches, so most of the people wanting o worship would have to do it in a home or a barn. In 1664, James, the Duke of York, received control of New Netherland. Farms grew wheats, oats, barley and rye, and also harvested fruits and vegetables. The New Jersey colony was originally a proprietary colony, but it soon became a royal colony. Colonial New Jersey was called a breadbasket colony because grains fared better in the mild climate as opposed to the cold climate of New England. Thanking lord Berkeley and also Sir George for taking this colony in the year 1664 which was the year it was founded. In the end, the colony concluded to have freedom of religion. The New Jersey colony is a very wealthy colony that can take care of all your financial problems. New land, New laws, New start, New Jersey : Home. The area on the eastern seaboard of America that became the English colony and then the state of New Jersey encompasses a landscape of mountain ridges, fertile valleys and fields, pine forests, salt marshes, and long white beaches stretching from the mouth of the Hudson River and the Atlantic to the Delaware River and Bay. Interesting Facts ; One of the original 13 colonies, New Jersey was an important battleground during the American Revolution. Cabbages, snap peas and corn are also raised.