1900s. ... We've collected the official stats for the top 100 Australian baby boy and girl names over the year, below you'll find the most popular baby names in the year 1940. Most common german names decade by decade. Meyer is particularly common in the Low German-speaking regions, especially in Lower Saxony (where it is more common than Müller). In addition to his current work, Dr. Amos is using his vast experience to … "2000s" refers to the years 2000-20005 only, other decades include all the years (e.g. Dr. Amos Grunebaum, MD, FACOG is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and among the world's leading authorities on fertility and pregnancy. Read Dr. Amos' full bio, the book about him "Lessons in Survival: All About Amos," and a fictionalized account of his father's life in the novel, "Through Walter's Lens." The ultimate A-Z list of German boy names, complete with name meanings and origins for all German baby boy names. Top 100 Baby Names in 1940. This name was borne by many royal historical figures, including a son of Charlemagne and a king of the West Franks. 1. This is how the tradition of having a first name, middle name, and last name, began. The table below includes last names ranked 1001-2000 in America. List Of Popular German Last Names Or Surnames. Once the child had its holy name, the parent could provide them with whatever given name they chose. Top Baby Names 1940s | UK Baby Names. 100 Latest Sanskrit Names For Your Baby. List of the Most Popular Last Names in the U.S., rank 1001-2000 The following tables include all surnames with over 0.001% frequency in the US population during the 1990 census. 1. Popular Names in Germany 1930 (top 20) Information from Beliebte Vornamen.Different spellings of similar names have been combined, with only the most popular spelling shown. The common names Schmidt and Schmitz lead in the central German-speaking and eastern Low German-speaking areas. Henry; 5. Harold; 8. Home » 1940 names Top names from the 1940s. Knowing the history of how German names began, let’s get into some of the most popular and common German names in history. The list below includes all names in the top 40 during any decade , with a record of the decades when they were among the top 40 names. Clifford; 3. Popular German Last Names. Common & Popular German girl names. Bauer leads in eastern Upper German-speaking Bavaria. 81 Artsy Bohemian Baby Names For Boys And Girls. Jeffrey; 2. 1900s = 1900 - 1909 ). Ernest; 4. Lists of German names can be found on a variety of websites, such as www.beliebte-vornamen.de who estimate that around 16% of all boys had a German name in the top 10 in 2016. German girls’ names tend to change in popularity more frequently than the boys and so certain traditional names on the list may not be as common or popular as some of the traditional boy names. Names in bold were among the top five names during at least one decade. happy family © Gouraud Studio – Fotolia.com. The name Ben was reportedly the most popular German boys’ name in 2016, and forecast to also top 2017, with Noah and Elis also joining the top ranks. Top girls names Top boys names Baby names by region Names by origin A to Z of names. Check it out! Allan; 7. Francis; 6. ... 150 Nice, Beautiful, And Cute Baby Boy Names With Meanings. No. Abel. CARLOMAN: German name composed of the personal name Carl, "man," and the word mann "man," hence "Carl the man" or "man of man." 101 Charming And Chirpy Bird Names For Baby Girls And Boys. These are some of the most popular and common names for baby girls in Germany, as of 2018.