Offer the following food items to your baby goat as it grows: Grain. Then front left leg began to's like her left side is weak. Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rare autoimmune disorder in which your immune system attacks your nerves, causing tingling and weakness that usually begins in … It is caused by a deficiency of selenium and/or vitamin E. Generally, it is not known which. Risk of predators – When the kidding area is not well protected from predators, newborn kids may be killed or … The main symptom of FKS in an otherwise normal and healthy kid is the sudden onset of extremely weak baby goat legs and a loss of all muscle tone around three to 10 days after it is born. Feed your baby goat new foods. Mal-presentation. She was first limping the left back leg...breathes like she is in pain, gave her bits of asprin. Does with poor mothering ability may not provide enough care and also may abandon their kids. That should only take a couple of mins to whip in the holes and put on, I usually have … Barely. Some causes of lameness may be associated with systemic disease. This shows how we work with newborn boer kids to correct weak hind legs they were born with Oats. CAE can also develop into a more serious neurological condition, with your goat showing signs of paralysis of the neck or legs. Leg problems. The most common causes seem to be hypothermia, hypoglycemia, dehydration, acidosis, sepsis, and diarrhea with acidosis and electrolyte changes being the most common causes. In goats, as in other species, locomotor difficulties usually involve the musculoskeletal system directly, but … Until a month or two your baby goat will drink mostly milk and water. Therefore, a thorough physical examination should always be performed, followed by a detailed examination of all four limbs, with a specific assessment of gait and mobility in an attempt to localize locomotor problems. Hi I have a buck goat 3 years old, He is a Nigerian Dwarf. CAE is a viral disease. What is it? Others might wobble when standing. My neighbors goat had triplets last night. If you are seeing scouring, then I would have a fecal done again and treat for coccidia with a sulfa drug if there are coccidia present and make sure that the kids receive a probiotic. In older goats, the same disease is seen as swollen joints, particularly the knees. It can take several days or up to a week getting a kid fostered onto another doe, but it beats 90 days of bottle feeding. Rub the baby’s legs and back to restore full circulation. If the bending is not severe, you can just keep a careful watch of the situation. Selenium deficiency occurs when the soil contains less than 0.5 mg Se/kg of soil and locally harvested feeds contain less than 0.1 mg Se/kg of feed. She flops over on her side and has difficulty holding her head up and straight so it ends up at an odd angle. Weak joints are a fairly common problem in newborn goats. I just bought a doe and she kidded the second day after she arrived with twins. Although this may come in handy for another ewe that has weak thin lambs every year. telling me those wobbly legs just need a few days and they are fine. About 3 or 4 months ago he started sitting when eating, and seems very stiff in both back legs. White muscle disease is a degenerative muscle disease found in all large animals. It's sort of a sad looking ailment which may give you a strong desire to intervene. It can be extreme with goats displaying bowed legs, walking almost on pasterns, buckling down over the knuckles, or bending back legs in at the hock joint toward the body so it looks like the leg is broken. Their scours consists of watery or pasty diarrhea that cakes the backside. This will also help move the heat from the limbs to the baby… While a weak baby goat may seem floppy at birth, a newborn is most likely not suffering from FKS. By rubbing the limbs, blood circulation can be restored. Grass (pasture feeding). It effects not only the kids in the form of weak legs but, respiratory problems, heart problems, and immune system weakness. Floppy Kid Syndrome in goats is a new condition that was first reported in 1987 and affects primarily kids, or young goats in meat goat herds. I brought the weakest one home with me because the neighbor won't be home to take care of him. and all in all seems fine, Coccida are the number one cause of unthriftyness in young goats, and can result in death if not treated. One was stillborn, the other 2 are weak. Its head and ears may droop. This is a summary of goat diseases & conditions with symptoms and possible treatments for goats, only built on experience .You should consult your vet or goat medical books for more details and appropriate treatments trying these possible treatments is at your own discretion and risk, the L AND S GOAT RANCH IS NOT RESPONSIBLE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES . In young kids symptoms include a weakness in the rear legs, with no fever, or loss of appetite, However, the unused legs lose muscle strength and structure and the infected kids eventually die. Certain areas of the U.S., including the Northeast, are considered low in selenium levels. … By the time it was diagnosed by the vet it was a severe problem through out my herd. In cases of baby goat hypothermia, the goat has a reduced heart rate, a reduced breathing rate and slower blood circulation. This is not good for the animal and is both time consuming and expensive. Hay (alfalfa). Vet came and gave her dewormer and penicillin, but it didn't seem to help. What is floppy goat syndrome? I am trying to feed him with an eye dropper. eColi infection and tetanus are the most common killers among baby goats. He won't suck at all. It’s very common for healthy kid goats to display a condition where they start walking on the front of the front hooves. Symptoms of Floppy Kid Syndrome include: Depression Selenium deficiency in newborn goats is also noticeable because they are unable to move their hind legs. Weakness or lethargy: Your goat might not walk normally, or won't be its usual playful self. During and after the weaning process, your goat will want to eat some other foods. In a perfect kidding, all goats come out with their feet and head pointed forward. He eat and drink well. This will cause the kid to walk on the back part of the lower leg.   Not getting up at all would be the most extreme sign of weakness. Baby goats younger than a month old are most susceptible to scours. 1 Posts . Floppy kid syndrome in baby dwarf goats is an assortment of disorders that can result in weak, depressed, and or dead kids. CAE is contracted from mother goat to baby via milk, so when CAE shows up in a goat, it’s a good idea to separate the babies right after birth and bottle feed. In adults you can see, fertility He will go out graze and spar a little with the other buck that is with him. Goat unable to stand, legs seem very weak. Baby goat left legs are weak? 4. I always check to see if the kid’s feces are black and pelleted. Floppy Kid Syndrome causes extreme muscular weakness or paralysis in goat kids 3-10 days old. Weak newborn kids – They may not be able to stand up and suckle on their own. Dark diarrhea runs from under the tail and down the legs. One is drinking milk replacement in a baby bottle, the other won't even try. A bottle baby loses all its adaptability and its identity as a goat. If left alone, most of these problems will improve with age, and within one or two weeks, the kid … Corn. I had four prepped in 10 minutes and just need to wait to see about the holes for the legs. Discussion Starter • #1 • Dec 23, 2013. Symptoms of selenium deficiency in baby goats include: Weakness while suckling Coughing and milk aspiration Weak immune system and development of pneumonia due to lung weakness Kids with ankles that bend backward and are unable to stand