(Hans Bernhard/ CC BY SA 3.0 ). Researchers believe they have uncovered the first clear example of a treasure the ancient Egyptians brought home with them from the legendary, lost Land of Punt. Left: Somali youth dancing the “dhaanto.” ( Somali Egyptian-Puntite History ) Right: Ancient Egyptians with similar white clothing in a fresco from the Tomb of Pashedu at Deir el-Medina. Unfortunately, the relief neglected to provide an accurate map or directions to put the last recorded trading expedition to the land of pun happened in the twelfth century, BCE under the reign of Ramsey's, the third records of this trip making. The first problem is that we have to rely solely on ancient Egyptian information. The Puntite items were in return for the pharaoh’s weapons , jewelry, metals, and tools. The only problem is that nobody today knows where Punt was. Punt may currently lie below mounds of earth and sand. It seemed straightforward enough. The Mythical Land of Punt – Will ‘God’s Land’ Ever Be Found? Achilles and Patroclus: Close Confidants or Passionate Paramours? The Pharaohs of Egypt didn’t own naval ships designed to sail through rough Oceans. Mennefer is Memphis, Waset is Thebes and Irem and Nemyw are lands that supposedly border on Punt. Then, they passed through the Pharaoh’s Canal in the eastern Delta. Eurocenticity has dictated a highly skewed narrative with regards to ancient history. The Legendary Treasures of Punt At times, the ancient Egyptians called Punt Ta netjer, meaning "God's Land". The only problem is that nobody today knows whe… The culture of Punt Land bears several resemblances to that of the ancient Egyptians, such as language, ceremonial dress, and the arts. Why are Noses Missing from so Many Egyptian Statues? ( Public Domain ). From the records the events and characters mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible were highly likely to have happened in Punt Land. This is possibly reinforced by an alternate name of Punt that translates into “Land of the God(s).”. What happened to the Roanoke Island colonists? The Land of Punt Study Pack contains: Encyclopedia Articles (1) Hatshepsut's Expedition to Punt 2,179 words, approx. In the landscape of modern Africa, they are a link to the long-ago past. Punt Land is described in ancient Egyptian texts as the "Land of the Gods" and a region rich in resources. Historic Mysteries provides captivating articles on archaeology, history, and unexplained mysteries. The expedition presented a fair exchange by both parties and the treasures offered by the Puntites were gold (even though the Egyptians had their own gold mines), wild animals, live apes, elephants, leopard skins, ivory, spices, precious woods, cosmetics, incense, aromatic gum, and frankincense and 31 incense trees ( Boswellia). Dark Skin and Blue Eyes: European Hunter-Gatherers Did Not Fit with Common Representations. The ancient city of Opone in Somalia is identical to the city of Pouen referenced as part of Punt by ancient inscriptions. Georgia Guidestones: Who Paid for It and Why? Egyptian expedition to Punt during the reign of Hatshepsut. According to the art that has survived, men from the land of Punt, unlike ancient Egyptians, had long hair and little facial hair. This article is misleading and doesn't at all show the multiple sources that indicate the opposite views on the land of punt , there's strong evidences that land of punt is a mystical land, not even a real land , Ancient tribes of east africa Irem, and intey setu , were shown with distinctive look She ordered the construction of five ships for the journey which traveled down the Nile through Wadi Tumilat. References: The discovery of such a society would be a huge accomplishment for an archeologist. In this scene, Egyptian soldiers carry tree branches and axes. They also recorded trade expeditions with the land of Punt. Doug MacGowan lives on the San Francisco peninsula with his wife, a dog, and far too many cats. A trading partner of Egypt, it was known for producing and exporting gold, aromatic resins, blackwood, ebony, ivory, and wild animals. It is a 3,300-year-old baboon skull – a remnant of ananimal that was revered in ancient Egypt but was not native to the land of the pharaohs. Surviving paintings and writings show details about almost every aspect of life in that place and era. What we have here today, is that people like you tend to think that ancient Black Phoenicians are todays Lebanese, ONLY BECAUSE PRESENT DAY LEBANON EXISTS IN THAT AREA ha ha ha…..You must remember that while the land might remain the same, THE RACES AND CIVILIZATIONS OF PEOPLE ALWAYS TEND TO CHANGE.. For instance, ANCIENT AMERICANS were not PRESENT DAY AMERICANS, and nor were ANCIENT AUSTRALIANS the same as PRESENT DAY WHITE AUSSIES… Ancient Black Egyptians were name Ramses, Tutankamen, Hathesphut, Nefertitti, etc...They were not named Mohamed, Abdul, Hussein, Bin Laden, Abdullah etc. I viewed statues of ancient Black Phoenician Gods such as “Baal” and ‘El” and they are both of Negroid phenotype, and they wear similar ancient Black Egyptian clothing. The following is a step in the direction of exploring the pharaohs’ roots and establishing a trip along history and time. I dropped the class. Based on newly revealed hieroglyphic texts that described Punt as a source of aromatic substances situated to the east of Egypt, Heinrich Karl Brugsch first suggested, in the late 1850s, that Punt lay on the Arabian Peninsula. Wherever that land was. Business and trade were no different–extensive documentation chronicled who the ancient Egyptians were trading with and what exactly that trade was. He has published five books on the topic of historic true crime. Hathor, the goddess Hatsheput claimed as a mother, lived there, as did Ra. There are even some tantalizing allusions that the Egyptians believed they originally came from Punt, and that they journeyed and founded ancient Egypt after leaving that homeland. Priests wore leopard skins, gold became statuary, and incense was burned in the temples. The goal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ). The people share remnant of the ancient culture. After all, the Greeks had glorified the "perfumes of Arabia," a land that lies due e… The Fifth Dynasty (c. 2498-2345 BC) witnessed Egypt’s flourishing through trade with Punt Land. It was recorded on a papyrus scroll stating that a fleet of Egyptian ships arrived in Punt, a land “unaffected by (any) misfortune, safe and respected.” A Net Inceptions project. Conventional scholarship, however, convinced that Punt was a distant land on the southern shores of the Red Sea, assumes that Hatshepsut did not take part in the expedition. Polynesians are famous for their voyages to remote islands in distant parts of the Pacific. 1 Chronicles 1:8).The name Put (or Phut) is used in the Bible for the people of the Kingdom of Aksum (Ethiopia), but a few scholars proposed the Land of Punt known from Ancient Egyptian annals. The Land of Punt, also called Pwenet, or Pwene by the ancient Egyptians, was an old, Sub-Saharan kingdom. Ancient Egypt traded with this place since at least 6.000 BC. While Punt was certainly a wealthy land, trade wasn't the only reason the Egyptians were so intrigued about it. It is undeniably likely that the Land of Punt was in what is now know as Somalia. But the Egyptians either forgot to put concrete directions to Punt in their temples or we have yet to uncover such evidence. Military success is Punt as "God"s land"The main issue regarding textual references to Punt is when it is referred to in a religious context, as part of "God"s land"; a region regarded as holy by the Egyptians due to its role in providing luxury goods. Mohamed Prince, This article deals with absolute facts, and not with manipulative lying and meaningless racist points of views to your dislike….By the way, the land of PUNT was definitely present day Somalia...As far as Yeminis are concerned, they were simply a COLONY of the Ethiopian empire. In fact, since you mentiond that the Yemenis were the only peeople who wore wigs similar to the ancient Black Egyptians, I have to tell you that is simply a LIE ha ha ha...The fact of the matter is that ancient kingdoms along the “LEVANT” which included present day Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon were actually “VASSALS” of the ancient Black Egyptian government. Hatshepsut made petition at the stairs of the Lord of the gods. From the descriptions that survived, the land of Punt was a peaceful and prosperous country that seemed to have a wide variety of highly valued goods to trade. From the descriptions that survived, the land of Punt was a peaceful and prosperous country that seemed to have a wide variety of highly valued goods to trade. This was proven by DNA in studies that made the news in June 2017. The Land of Punt, or Pwenet and Pwene, also called Ta Netjer, which means Land of God, is a commercial site that appears in the stories of ancient Egypt, the location of which is still uncertain. 8 pages. Any country with so many riches and expensive goods would be ripe for conquest, and yet there is no mention of Egypt (who went to war frequently with neighbors) ever going to war with Punt. Hatshepsut then commanded that the will of the god be done. It's about an expedition in ancient times and what we might have learned from it. The crews carried their ships overland to the Red Sea after disassembling them. A large relief of a trading mission to Punt is featured on the walls of the temple. We know of Punt through Biblical references and it is generally assumed that Pwenet, referenced in Hatshepsut’s mortuary temple as well as even Old Kingdom sources, is Punt. Take it for what it is. These Arabic names came about only around the 7th century A.D. (anno domini) ….. And yes, Cush incorporated both where modern day Ethiopia/Somalia is plus the western bank of Arabia. “History’s Greatest Mysteries”. Egyptian sea explorers found a land filled with treasures and riches known as the Land of Punt. The importance of Punt to the queen is evident at her temple; where scenes from Hatshepsut's life decorate the walls of the colonnades; her birth, the transportation of obelisks for the Temple of Amun in Thebes , and the great expedition to Punt are all depicted. (Keith Schengili-Roberts/ CC BY SA 2.5 ). The Theopetra Cave and the Oldest Human Construction in the World, The highly advanced and mysterious ancient civilization of the Nok, Arkaim: Aryans, Advanced Astronomy and Untold Secrets of a Russian Citadel, Parallel Twin Ziggurats: The Tower of Babel and Pyramid of Cholula.