To not come into such a responsive relationship is to ensure we have little or no chance to be raised from the dead when the Lord appears and to be caught up to meet Him in the air. If we would maintain a balanced perspective concerning the one Body of Christ, we always must keep in mind that the royal priesthood, the household of God, primarily is a Jewish entity. We know there will be many Christians who will not be pleased with Already Compromised and its revealing results. Because the work of Christ—Head and Body—is to drive the enemy, all sources of rebellion and wickedness, from the creation of God. The huge country to the south is a sleeping giant, waiting for its chance to become sufficiently industrialized to have real prosperity. If I am hearing correctly, the Lord is saying now is the time to begin to think about the forming of the Body of Christ. A consideration of these makes a fascinating study. If so, how big were they? First he shall be formed. Internet Explorer is no longer supported. Which Christian colleges will build your faith? God will permit evil to shatter the power of the saints. Yet through Jacob the Abrahamic blessing came upon Ephraim. This is a debilitating attitude to say the least. We are so tired from keeping up with the cash flow that we just go from day to day and trust God will save us. Ephraim, you remember, was born of an Egyptian mother. Christians have been intimidated by the constant attacks from scholars and intellectuals on the accuracy of the Bible. Yes, no, and yes. Why is this? In fact, it appears in America that many if not most of the members of the Christian churches are not disciples. The Olive Tree is the Lord Jesus Christ, the one Seed of Abraham. Ephraim and Manasseh became true Israel through the determination of Jacob, just as we become true Israel through Christ. But we did not live in continual interaction with the living Jesus. The Bible says that this was wrong, because God made the angels to live in heaven. The Bible says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” (Psalm 29:2) We have certainly experienced that reality. We attended church and met the requirements of our church. This will be an unprecedented event, resulting in the catching up of the supreme Ruler to His place at the right hand of God. But there is only one Administrator of the Kingdom of God. Many homeschoolers began to âwake upâ to the fact that false teaching had been creeping into the homeschool movement through speakers and their Bible-compromising resources. God has to proclaim His will for us, and then we have to respond by presenting our body a living sacrifice. He is waiting to see who is intelligent enough to realize the Body is to respond to the Head, not the Head to the Body. According to the Scriptures, the giant will awaken in the last days. Today the Body of Christ is as a sleeping giant. We do not have enough time to seek the Lord as we should. The time will arrive when the Body of Christ is filled with eternal resurrection life, the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ. THE SLEEPING GIANT IS AWAKENING Everyone can have their own opinion and believe what they choose to believe. If we are to be raised from the dead and to ascend to meet the Lord when He appears, we have to decide right now—today—to make certain of our place in the Body of Christ. The two days and then the third makes us think of the Tabernacle of the Congregation. Working together, this core team will create a vision for men based on the pastor's vision for the church while initiating their own spiritual path. New Proposal: Deny Accreditation to Schools Based on âScienceâ, Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions Volume 1, This year is the 50th anniversary of the publication of. From that point forward we are to maintain such an awareness of the Presence of Christ that we respond to His slightest prompting. That giant is now awakening, for the time has come to go beyond Pentecost and to see the glory of the Lord as it begins to cover the earth. “I will put breath in you.” As you pray and train together, God will create a powerful unit of God’s men capable of attracting other men. The mystery of God that is to be accomplished is “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” For two thousand years the Christian churches have emphasized “Christ with us.” Now the emphasis is on “Christ in us.” There is a vast difference between having Christ with us and having Christ in us. 5.0 out of 5 stars Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Call for Intercession(Sleeping Giant Bible by Pat Holliday Reviewed in the United States on August 23, 2017 This book is … The “first month” would be the time of the fall rain, that is, the beginning of the civil year, the time of the Blowing of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the feast of Tabernacles. They have never been taught to deny themselves, to take up their personal cross of self-denial and follow the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord. Napoleon has been credited with the statement, "China is a sleeping giant. Not everyone is the same. The volume of the Holy Place was two thousand cubic cubits, while the volume of the Most Holy Place, representing the thousand-year Kingdom Age, was one thousand cubic cubits. This is the necessary preparation for those who hope to be raised from the dead when the Lord appears from Heaven and to ascend to meet Him in the clouds. They are not. However, there is symbolic meaning here. There always is the danger of missing the hour of our visitation, as did the Jews at the time of Christ. The research resulted in an eye-opening indictment of Christian colleges across America. And a church that gets men right can slay another dragon: Global injustice. Thus we see that God now is beginning to speak to His elect about the one Body of Christ, while the physical Jews are returning to the land of Israel to make one nation. The Jewish women, for example, reflect in their dress the moral decadence of the Western “Christian” nations, thus scandalizing many of the Muslim women. I picked it up to reread it; then what HE said became clear. The New Testament, however, reveals that the Prophets were not speaking primarily to their contemporaries but to us. Darkness shall cover the earth and thick darkness the people. Paul travailed that Christ might be formed in the members of the church in Galatia. Nothing of eternal value can be accomplished in the Kingdom of God apart from the union of the elect Jews and Gentiles. And which will attempt to tear it down? Almost without exception they laud the abilities of this or that individual. We understand, then, that there is a dispensational aspect of the awakening of the giant, the Body of Christ. “You will know I am the Lord.”. Another is the spirit of inevitability. We rejoice that the Lord is using AiG yet again to help wake the âsleeping giant.â This month, our publisher has released the sequel to Already Gone, entitled Already Compromised (also co-authored by me). This especially is true of the elect in America. The stick of Ephraim refers to the Gentiles who have been made one with the Jews through the cross. “These bones are the whole house of Israel.” As we have stated, the whole house of Israel is the one Olive Tree, the Lord Jesus Christ, and all who are part of Him whether Jewish or Gentile by physical birth. We are not eligible to participate in the first resurrection. Arise and vote for Godly people. The remainder of the Christian church world will be burned with fire by the secular, Antichrist government, in accordance with the Word of the Lord, because its members have not borne the fruit of Christ’s moral image. We delay His return when we do not seek Him with our whole heart. His 20th book – SLEEPING GIANT: No Movement of God without Men of God - is the proven blueprint for men’s ministries, and was recently released through B&H Publishing. His name is Jesus. A vast army. The Messiah in Isaiah Bible Study. The Jews, in many instances, are not on their face before God in repentance. This is what God is requiring now—that each Christian turn from his or her own ways and give himself or herself wholly to the Lord Jesus in absolute obedience. The Bible says Samson went to Gaza and saw a harlot there and had sex with her (Judges 16:1). But resurrection is coming, just as we see in the reviving of the two witnesses of the eleventh chapter of the Book of Revelation. The members of the Body of Christ shall be brought together and made perfect by the sovereign hand of God. So God is telling us, in Ezekiel 37, that the whole house of Israel, that is, the one Olive Tree, which is Christ and those who are an integral part of Christ, is at the present time a valley of very dry bones. Why is this? The Lord Jesus simply will not appear with an unprepared, disobedient group of believers. There are many spirits and forces that work against the American believer who would be part of the Body of Christ. Unless God in His goodness deprives America of her material wealth, not many members of the Body of Christ will come from the American churches. This is God’s eternal Word and it shall not fail. During the past few years, many organizations/people, such as the American Family Association, Dr. D. James Kennedy/Coral Ridge Ministries, Pastor Jerry Falwellâs ministries, and numerous others have been âwaking upâ the âsleeping giantâ in regard to moral issues like abortion and âgayâ marriage. Yes, in that when the Hebrew Prophets spoke they had to use terms familiar to the physical people of Israel. But it appears they apply especially to our day. Yes again, in that God’s promises concerning the royal priesthood are always focused on the physical land and people of Israel. And it is the new Jerusalem! Copyright © 2006 Trumpet Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. How is the faithful pastor or teacher to respond to the current burden of the Lord? If the church were being the church, we wouldn’t have all these problems. As a part of this, AiG is calling compromising Christian leaders to account, and also providing resources to call the church and culture back to the authority of the Word of God. The giant is the Body of Christ. There is no hope for them until the Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace, appears with His saints and establishes His Kingdom on the earth. That sleeping giant was China. However, it may be noticed that in Ezekiel, Chapter Thirty-seven, God is referring to a holy army He is going to build. The Body of the Redeemer will be perfected. Does God sleep? The seventh angel blows the last trumpet. The physical Jews returning to the land of Israel are not a holy army. Great things have been prophesied over numerous believers during the last forty or fifty years. With this college survey, AiG quickly saw the great need to help parents and students with tips for choosing Christian colleges. I am not speaking about going to Hell or being cast into the Lake of Fire. New King James Version There is a sleeping giant in your church. The Twelve Apostles and Apostle Islands (Signs in 2016) Today Lucifer is probably surveying the church just as Bonaparte did China. The two bears and the forty-two young men remind us of the two witnesses and the forty-two months (three and one-half years) of the first half of Daniel’s seventieth week. We are disobedient, rebellious children, although we may consider ourselves to be saved and filled with God’s Spirit. The Body of Christ is another. I realize the explanation of the two sticks points toward the reuniting of the tribes of Israel and Judah. See also: giant, sleep Abortion was legalized in 1973. The hundreds of competing denominations are not the Body of Christ, the army of God, although in most if not all Christian churches there are true disciples, true members of the Body of Christ. We hope everything will come out right in the end. These declarations shall be fulfilled to the letter. The study of Christian colleges will send more shockwaves through Christendom. I am not speaking of going to Heaven or not going to Heaven. Some would say I am well qualified to speak about the former but not so the latter. He is not asking that we attempt to assist Him with our pitiful resources. It can reach further and faster with the gospel than any missions team you could ever fund or any evangelistic campaign you could ever run. The church—AKA the sleeping giant—needs to wake up. He is not to attempt to breathe life in to the giant. So did these giants really exist? Their intentions may be understandable. This article surveys all of the individuals and people groups described … We might note that the name of the twelve Jewish apostles are inscribed on the foundations of the wall of the new Jerusalem. Thus all Israel will be saved in the Lord with a very great salvation. The Bridal Remnant is waking up in this hour. God did not command Ezekiel to breathe life into the dead body. We noticed the sovereign actions of God in verses four through six. Berean Literal Bible Therefore it says: "Awake you, the one sleeping, and rise up out from the dead, and Christ will shine upon you." Again, I am not talking about “being saved.” I am referring to Christ being formed in us to such an extent that we are living by His Life. Satan resists this union with all his power. I think there are. I spoke at two of these conferences, and then I (and AiG) was. They shall take place. “I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin.” So they came to earth and married these women. When the Lord Jesus returns we are to appear with Him. If we plan on appearing with Christ when He appears, our task now is to find and develop our place in the Body of Christ. But I … It is the responsibility of those in the Christian churches who have a prophetic anointing to declare what season, what time we are in. Then the whole house of Israel, elect Jews and Gentiles, will come into the fullness of salvation by the sovereign actions of God. Once awakened this giant can change the equation. This new body of apostles is what Tommy Hicks saw as a sleeping giant in 1961. The Sleeping Giant strategy is the biblical way to implement and execute that vision. I heard the LORD say, “The Sleeping Giant is rising up.” I waited for more and then I looked down to see a copy of Tommy Hicks’ End-Times Vision on the table next to my prayer chair. Secularists now control the public education system, much of the court system, branches of government, and so on. Add a note (optional) Verse Concepts . Pastors intuitively sense it but are sometimes unsure how to meaningfully engage and integrate the men of their churches. But to no avail. We who have been saved and filled with God’s Spirit need to press forward to the full development of the Life of Christ in us, to total responsiveness to the Head, Jesus Christ. Increased demands are being made on us. But these actions do not apply to us as an individual until we resolutely determine to participate in the work of God. The American Church is a Sleeping Giant. The Sleeping Giant The Kingdom of Heaven is present and is growing here on earth, and we are God’s vessel for expanding the kingdom. Elisha, the prophet of the double portion, may be the strongest type of the outpouring symbolized by the two witnesses of the eleventh chapter of the Book of Revelation. Genesis 6:4 (KJV). The immediate meaning of the above refers to the atonement made on the cross. The Lord has given Answers in Genesis a special part in a wake-up call to what I call a “sleeping giant” in America. The Jerusalem that is in Heaven will come down and swallow up the Jerusalem on earth, just as our glorified bodies will come down from Heaven and swallow up our resurrected flesh and bones. Today the Body of Christ is as a sleeping giant. The symbolism of Revelation, Twelve refers to the forming of Christ in the believers. Some of these brochures do not even mention the name of Jesus. Every member of the Body must be being moved at all times by the Head. What was the giant, the Body of Christ? This passage is speaking of “the whole house of Israel.” Ambitious ministers of our day are attempting to administrate the things of the Kingdom of God. When the Lord Jesus returns He will be both in and with the giant, which is His Body, His Church. The expression “our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off” suggests to me that difficult times are ahead for physical Israel and spiritual Israel as well. Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. The Lord Jesus Christ will raise from the dead those who are part of Himself. It always has been God’s will to form Christ in the believers. We have released an eye-opening resource that we believe will be a major shock that will âwake upâ the âsleeping giant.â, It has been quite amazingâand very soberingâto observe. This means we will be totally responsive to the Head. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. In adults, deep slumber represents about 75% of one’s sleeping time. Please pray for us right now. ARG interviewed Christian college presidents, academic deans/vice presidents, science department heads, and theology/religion department heads. We have to pray until we know the Lord has heard us and accepted us. As to the sudden bringing forth of the Body of Christ, we think of the birth of the Male Son, the twelfth chapter of the Book of Revelation. It is true that events in the physical land and people of Israel sometimes parallel events in true Israel, who are God’s elect, both Jewish and Gentile by physical birth. Ours is a day of waiting on the Lord, of listening to Jesus, of becoming completely responsive to the Head. As a part of this awakening, we have released an eye-opening resource that we believe will be a major shock that will âwake upâ this âgiant.â. We still are part of the problem, not of the solution. Your partnership allows AiG to continue to equip adults and children to stand uncompromisingly on the authority of Godâs Wordâand to share the life-changing creation/gospel message! Such destruction of rebellion will require a war, because those who are self-willed will not readily and gladly surrender to Christ their stubborn determination to do as they please. The Lord has given Answers in Genesis a special part in a wake-up call to what I call a âsleeping giantâ in America. Believers donât know how to answer their skeptical questions about Godâs Word. In addition to these leaders in the homeschool movement, several dozen parents have commented to us that they will now need to look very carefully at homeschool resources and protect their children from compromise teaching that undermines biblical authority. The mystery of God will be accomplished in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound. Satan strives mightily to put a wall of separation between the Jews and the Gentiles. Americaâs Research Group (ARG) was again commissioned by AiG and our publisher, this time to research what is being taught in Christian colleges. Otherwise we are not a functioning part of the Body of Christ. Because we still are part of the problem. Furthermore, many Christians have been brainwashed into thinking that the so-called âseparation of church and stateâ means that the public schools are now neutral because they have by and large eliminated God and the Bible from the classroom. The Bible says that it is because these sons of God saw the pretty women on earth and wanted to live with them. Then God shall empower the giant to do God’s will. It’s America. The inference may be that at the onset of the thousand-year Kingdom Age, God will pour out His Spirit as in the original Day of Pentecost (the fall, planting rain) and add to this the heavier harvest rain, resulting in an unprecedented deluge on the earth of God’s Spirit. We understand God has used and is using the various religious institutions to perform His will; but in this essay we are looking at the future. We who are Gentiles by birth but Israel through Christ will rejoice when we see Christ being reconciled to His brothers, the Jews; just as Asenath, the Egyptian wife of Joseph, must have rejoiced when Joseph was reconciled to his brothers. Arise and help to save America. The King James Bible (KJV) reports the giant Goliath as "six cubits and a span" in height—over nine feet tall, (over 2.75 m) (1 Samuel 17:4 KJV), but the Septuagint, a GreekBible, also gives Goliath's height as "four cubits and a span" (~2.00 m). No, because, as Paul told us, being part of the one Seed of Abraham is by promise, not by physical lineage. He commanded Ezekiel to prophesy to the breath by which the giant will live. Sleeping Giant is a punch in the gut and pat on the back for pastors and men worldwide, a powerful biblical approach that will bring them together and awaken some serious ministry potential. King James Bible Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. Yet it often is true that the believer dies without the prophetic utterance having been fulfilled. According to the Scriptures, the giant will awaken in the last days. By “dispensational” I am referring to a season, a time when God emphasizes particular aspects of redemption. Thus many promises in Isaiah and in the other Prophets are clearly Messianic prophecies. Being expelled from the convention caused thousands to join my Facebook page. Rather I am talking about being a part of the Body of Christ and returning with the Lord to install the Kingdom of God on the earth. Yet activist atheists (who vocally oppose AiG and Bible-believing Christians) constitute a minority in society. Sleeping Giant is a punch in the gut and pat on the back for pastors and men worldwide, a powerful biblical approach that will bring them together and awaken some serious ministry potential. Find out in Already Compromised. Best estimates indicated that maybe 10-15% of America now would be considered the “sleeping giant” and the remainder of population is unaware of … This small segment of atheists/secular humanists has become very aggressive in promoting atheism (through the courts, media, schools) and getting Christian reminders (crosses, Ten Commandment displays, Nativity scenes, teaching of creation and Bible in schools) removed from public places. The blessing has to do with a group of nations, not just the nation of Israel. Abu Huraira added: Allah's Apostle has left the world and now you, people, are bringing out … But we never became a member of the living Body of Christ. We are not to begrudge them this. Decide for yourself whether they were children of demons. That which has been born of God in us is caught up to the right hand of God, waiting for the day when it is to descend with Christ. Think about what God intends to do with the members of Christ’s Body: “I will make breath enter you.” Let us begin our study of the one new Man by turning to the thirty-seventh chapter of the Book of Ezekiel. It is amazing to look back and realize what the Lord has been doing in recent times: My expulsion from these homeschool conferences actually caused a big âshock waveâ through the Christian homeschool community in America (and even in Canada). Hosea 11:5 had prophesied of the coming wrath of God through the Gentile nation. When we consider the various Christian organizations of our time it is difficult to picture one new Man emerging from all these manmade “babylons.” But the creation of the one new Man shall take place indeed; for the God of Heaven cannot accomplish His plans for the heavens and the earth except through Christ—Head and Body. We discovered how these institutions address the cultural battlefields of science, Christianity, and the accuracy of the Bible, including views on the inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility of the Word of God. The Lord has given Answers in Genesis a special part in a wake-up call to what I call a “sleeping giant” in America. Any title containing the words “sleeping giant” likely evokes the apocryphal story that Billy Graham, the famous Baptist evangelist, once called the Missouri Synod a “ sleeping giant.” (If Billy Graham did, in fact, call the Missouri Synod a “sleeping giant”, we were not able to uncover any hard evidence – such as a date, a quote, a location, or an event at which such a thing was said. The victorious saints are destined to govern the world, and whoever would govern the world must do so from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. When Ezekiel obeyed the Lord and prophesied to the breath, then life entered the giant. This probably is referring to the second half of Daniel’s seventieth week, the period when the Divine testimony has been driven from the major cities of the earth—the days of the great tribulation. A person can be a member of a Christian church and not be a disciple of Christ. a great power that is still and waiting. Try downloading another browser like Chrome or Firefox. I believe Already Compromised is going to be another watershed resource for the church in this era. Every member of the army of Christ must be instantly obedient to the commands coming from the Commander in Chief. We will appear as an invincible army, mounted on the white war stallions. One representative of the thousands (yes, thousands) of comments is this one: While I was writing this letter to you, we received a phone call from an AiG supporter who observed that God is using this convention cancellation for good. They suppose they are building the Kingdom of God. We have been a member of the Christian religion. Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sleeping Giant introduces a process to moving men along an intentional spiritual pathway from "affiliated" to "activated." Our familiar church ways no longer are sufficient.