Aerway- Tines The patented AerWay Shattertines lift and fracture tough soil to increase air and water movement. Pull Behind Models. The winter trade show season is in full gear for Salford Group, and Canadian territory managers Glenn Herperger and Doug Achtymichuk, joined by Valmar’s Jason Janzen, are traveling to Brandon, Manitoba for the province’s annual Ag Days event. can be used as pull type or 3 point. Common AerWay Service Parts - This will include time frames that they were used, replacement parts and part numbers for identification. With over 25,000 quality replacement parts, golf course accessories, irrigation, safety, … We offer overnight delivery from Iowa to ensure your machinery is fixed as soon as possible. The Sportstine®is a 6 inch long, heavy-duty venting aeration tine that can be fitted to any AerWay frame. AerWay Turf Tines Click on an image to see more details on each AerWay product: The Coring Tine, The Shattertine, The Sportstine, and the Finetine. $3,500.00. free shipping Used one time - sat in storage 2011 model. Designed using the latest tine geometry and best quality steel. Aeration Parts will take care of your Equipment maintenance needs. AERA-VATOR AE60 Seeder Box 60" Power Seeder. This aerator will take Coring Tine, Sports Tine, Fine Tine. $137.95 $ 137. AerWay frames are manufactured using structural, carbon steel because of the good forming and excellent welding properties. Genuine AerWay replacement tines. You are viewing a 2009 - Aerway 90" Hydraulic Tag Along Aerator , Shatter tines - Rear Roller - 1250 lbs water Ballast Tank.This aerator was only used a few times.. Model # AWGHP - 90 - 277 - DBG - Serial # D08000169N You can change the tines, there are 48 on this unit. New replacement tines cost $30.00 to 40.00 each. The patented tine technology is available in both ShatterTine® and Leaf Tine® … In just its second year, the expo will feature live demonstrations of field equipment, crop plots, and interactive agribusiness exhibits. SOLID TINES FOR 3” ROLLER SHAFT AerWay Turf Tines L R XE-75201 & XE-75200 Cast Shattertine, No hardware RK-75201 & RK-75200 Cast Shattertine, Single, with hardware AK-75201 & AK-75200 Cast … Choose Aeration and take care of your … Its usage is fast, effective and economical. AERWAY Parts For Sale at Kleiber Tractor & Equipment Inc. Salford Group, with facilities in Iowa, Georgia, Ontario, Manitoba, and Russia, is a global leader in the manufacturing of tillage, seeding, and precision nutrient application equipment. Aeration, by definition, is the process of introducing air into the soil. 3-Point & Pull Behind Models. Hence we have a … ... 1st Products Aera Slicer 60 Aerway … Browse our inventory of new and used KINZE Attachments And Components For Sale near you at to 16inches include the Aerway Slicer, Deep-Drill Aerofier, Hydroject, Turf Conditioner, and Verti-Drain. Why You Should Attend: Ag in Motion is Western Canada’s first outdoor farm expo, situated on 320 acres of prime agricultural land, just 15 minutes northwest of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Rogue VT tines ��/ AerWay replacement tines – MADE IN USA (including hardware)! 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. Click on an image to see more details on each AerWay product: The Coring Tine, The Shattertine, The Sportstine, and the Finetine. As the AerWay moves over the surface, the unique angles of the AerWay Shattertines … we … XE56452/1 8" Cast Shattertine. Why You Should Attend: The Wisconsin Farm Technology Days is the largest agricultural show in Wisconsin and one of the largest in the nation. 7" Forged Shattertine. Mike Dopp & Jim Danielsen take Salford Group to WFTD, Herperger, Achtymichuk, Janzen Head To Manitoba For Ag Days, Salford Group Hits Shows In Saskatchewan, Orlando, 1255 INTER-ROW BANDING OR BROADCAST APPLICATOR, JOHN DEERE® CHASSIS MOUNTED SPINNER SPREADER. AerWay pioneered the original Shattertine for soil aeration almost 30 years ago, and now introduces the next generation of the tine. New replacement tines … Tines. Why You Should Attend: The Wisconsin Farm Technology Days is the largest agricultural show in Wisconsin and one of the largest in the nation. tongue is easiley removed to haul. $2,850.00 + shipping . Personal Golf Carts; Fleet Golf Carts; ... AERWAY Part # 10004517 LH TINES. Aera-Vator First Products AE60 Vibrating Tines - 60" Turf Aerator Tractor Pto . The AerWay 8 ft. Pull-Type model is developed to maximize hay and pasture productivity by increasing air, fertilizer, and water movement into the soil profile. $4,250.00 + shipping . Research conducted by Bob Carrow at the University ofGeorgia and Paul Rieke at Michigan … Salford Group Demonstration Machines: Salford I-1200 with Valmar 2455 for tillage/cover crop seeding in a single pass. text4233687753 The seed box has … Compatible Walterscheid 2400/220/2300 Complete PTO Shield. 95. XE75455-01/02 8" Forged Shatter … AERWAY Tines. 2011 Aerway 3 Pt 41.5” Sportstine Roller (24 Tines) - 7.5” Spacing By Stotz Equipment, October 8 - Avondale, Arizona - View their other ads. 89-001 aerator tine replaces ryan 522361 exmark/toro 121-4894 qty 24 pieces. The quick adjust features allows you to easily vary the swing angle to achieve your desired seed bed. Patented AerWay Shatter FREE Shipping Models include PLANTER ROW UNIT, SEED PLATE, GAUGE WHEEL, 2000, 3200, … VALMAR PULL-TYPE AIR BOOMS 9620 AIR BOOM8700 AIR BOOM8600 AIR BOOM 5500 AIR BOOM246 PNEUMATIC BOOM245 PNEUMATIC BOOM VALMAR CHASSIS MOUNTED AIR BOOMSJOHN DEERE® CHASSIS MOUNTED AIR BOOMCASE IH® CHASSIS MOUNTED AIR BOOM, GRANULAR APPLICATORSST-SERIESFERTI-GO 4SST-10 PATHFINDER CARTST-6 PATHFINDER CARTST-12 FRAME MOUNTST-10 FRAME MOUNTST-6 FRAME MOUNTST-4 FRAME MOUNT56 SERIES6056 PULL-TYPE4056 PULL-TYPE6056 FRAME MOUNT4056 FRAME MOUNTSMALL GRANULAR APPLICATORS1255 INTER-ROW BANDING OR BROADCAST APPLICATOR456 PERSERVATIVE APPLICATOR, BBI SPINNER SPREADERSHYDRAULIC DRIVEMAGNASPREADMAGNASPREAD 2MAGNASPREAD 3JOHN DEERE® CHASSIS MOUNTED SPINNER SPREADERCHASSIS MOUNTED SPINNER SPREADERJAVELIN SPINNER SPREADER OPTIONSNIPERLIBERTY HDR (Hydraulic Drive)GRASSHOPPER HDR (Hydraulic Drive)MECHANICAL DRIVE TROOPER LIBERTY GRASSHOPPER CRICKET AG & TURF CRICKET VINEYARD, LITTER / LIME SPREADERS ENDURANCE HYDRAULIC DRIVE PULL-TYPE ENDURANCE TRUCK MOUNT ENDURANCE MECHANICAL DRIVE PULL-TYPE SPECIALTY SPREADERS SIDE SHOOTER PULL-TYPE ROCKBODY TRUCK MOUNT, INDEPENDENT SERIES I-1100I-1200I-2100I-2200I-4100I-4200HARROWS FOR I-SERIES, VERTICAL TILLAGETHE INDEPENDENT SERIES AERWAY® AG, CONVENTIONAL TILLAGE5200 ENFORCERCULTIVATORS450 S-TINE550 S-TINE700 S-TINEMOLDBOARD PLOWS6200 MOLDBOARD PLOW8200 TANDEM FLEX-TRAIL PLOW, AERWAY® AGAERWAY® CCT DOUBLE ROWAERWAY® C-FLEX SINGLE ROWAERWAY® HAY & PASTUREAERWAY® CLASSICAERWAY® AWMAERWAY® HARROWS & ATTACHMENTSAERWAY® AWATS SEEDERAERWAY® HARROWS. The fifth tine is a traditional coring tine but on the AerWay platform can be used at higher speeds. Serving the area since 1970. Why Buy an AerWay? All frames … Turf Management; E-Z-GO Golf Carts. 1/2″ longer and 1/8″ thicker than original equipment tines. The AerWay® family of patented vertical tillage tines are designed to relieve compaction, manage crop residue, and warm the loosened soil for seedbed preparation. Deeper compaction relief Covers many more acres … With its' many years of experience and AerWays' Multi-Function Design, it has given AerWay vertical tiilage the ability to meet the changing and varying cropping demands throughout … Salford I-1200 with Valmar 2455 for tillage/cover crop seeding in a single pass. R&R Products, Inc., is the leading manufacturer of turf equipment replacement parts for the commercial turf industry. Contact us today to improve your turf conditions tomorrow! Join our team in booth 528 to learn more about Salford Group’s array of machines built for soil productivity! adjustable gangs. The Aerway AW0100Q model Aerator uses Tine Style Aeration. Fine, Sport, or Hollow Tines. $59.00. Our Turf unit frames consist of 4” x 4” tubing with side plates which are CNC cut and formed. Air is essential to … You can change the tines, there are about 38 on this unit. The AerWay AW0100Q Aerator ranked #3 in our rankings of the best Pasture Aerators on the market. To operate this aerator u will need a 40 … Condition: New AerWay’s patented tines lift and shatter compacted soil. This style of aeration uses tines attached to … Hollow tines were originally designed for soil exchange; removing a tube of soil around ½” diameter and up to 3 to 4” deep. Blades … The company dedicates its ongoing innovation efforts to precision, durability, versatility in the field, and improving the economics of farming for producers worldwide. it has been used very little and is like new. Next week sees the team make key stops in the southeastern United States and Western Canada. tines measure 8 inches to the collar they bolt to. The aperture created is filled with new rootzone. LH TINES Price: $562.60. It’s very early in the New Year, and the Salford Group crew is already taking its efforts into high gear on the agriculture show circuit. (Pictured) It maintains the original “twist and lean” to produce the “shattering” of the soil profile, but the bulk of the tine … 12 ft. wide. About UsAsk SalfordFind a DealerFinancing, CONTACT US AccessibilityTerms of UseCookies & Privacy Notice. Patented AerWay Shatter tines … Golf Course Superintendents know the benefits of aerating their greens, but the question always comes up, which type of tines work best for my turf? Rogue VT tines /AerWay replacement tines – MADE IN USA (including hardware)!1/2″ longer and 1/8″ thicker than original equipment tines, Deeper compaction reliefCovers many more acres before needing to be replacedMore durable, Rogue VT tines /AerWay replacement tines, 8.5″ AG TINE SET (box of 12 tines with hardware), Rogue VT tines /AerWay replacement tines , Vertical Tillage Replacement Parts (Aerway / Rogue VT), Vertical Tillage Replacement Tines (Aerway / Rogue VT), Hygrade Graders – Models 800, 1000, 800RS, and 1000RS, Hygrade Graders – Models 1000HD, 1000HDRS, 1200, 1200RS, 1400, 1400RS, 1600 & 1600RS, XE-56452 & XE-56451 – Single, no hardware, RK-56452 & RK-56451 – Single, with hardware, AK-56452 & AK-56451 – Box of 12, with hardware (all left or all right), XA-75455-01 & XA-75455-02 – Single, no hardware, RK-75455-01 & RK-75455-02 – Single, with hardware, AK-75455-01 & AK-75455-02 – Box of 12, with hardware (all left or all right), XE-53655-01 & XE-53655-02 – Single, no hardware, RK-53655-01 & RK-53655-02 – Single, with hardware, AK-53655-01 & AK-53655-02 – Box of 12, with hardware (all left or all right), XE-68731 & XE-68729 – Single, no hardware, RK-68731 & RK-68729 – Single, with hardware, AK-68731 & AK-68729 – Box of 12, with hardware (all left or all right). It can even be used mid-season when the need is greatest … proven part Set of 42 Replacement Aerator Core Tines for 126-026 121-4894 12714 Closed Spoon 1/2 Inch. aerway 120q.