Required fields are marked *. Of course, the real horror is if one of the party members are killed in the fight. Absorb the Dead.Whenever a Small or larger non-undead creature dies within 20 feet of the corpse … If the plant is uprooted and burned as a seedling, potentially the ground upon which the undead or necromancer consecrated to a good aligned or at least not undead liking deity, the growth of the Corpse Flower can be prevented. The corpse flower is a horrible ambulatory plant that scavenges the remains of the dead and occasionally belches one of them back out as a zombie. The Corpse Flower is a Large animated plant that grows from the ground in which the corpse of an evil necromancer or powerful undead has been buried. The Corpse Flower can use a bonus attack to ingest a corpse, one of its zombie mob, or some other corpse on the field. It’s difficult to say which is more terrifying: being digested for healing or being reanimated as a zombie ally of the Corpse Flower. Your trust is important to us and we only ever recommend products that personally use and believe in. One of the nice things about the eight steps for preparing a session of D&D from Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master is that it works with just about any tool you already like to use. ogre body. Of course, whether that is a good or bad thing remains to be seen…. As a bonus action, the cadaver collector calls up the enslaved spirits of those it has slain; 1d6 specters (without Sunlight Sensitivity) arise in unoccupied spaces within 15 feet of the cadaver collector. This creature like many of its type are best used when the Adventurers are in the “Kill the Monsters – Take the Treasure” mode. When the Corpse Flower is encountered, it already contains 1d6+3 corpses. Naturally, this also includes any equipment that the corpse was wearing or carrying. In either case, it would take a Wish or True Resurrection to bring the character back. It just feeds. Of course, as the DM you can always add a little spice and offer to let the player roll to determine which body is chosen by the Corpse Flower…, The Corpse Flower just oozes creepiness and is almost guaranteed to be a memorable encounter for your party. However, the Corpse Flower would have no reason not to continue attacking a character who has dropped to 0 hit points. 68 inches,looks lifelike no matter from near or far.When you adjust the white cocoon more thinner,it will looks more lifelike and spooky.That will definitely scare the passers,neighbors or trick-or-treaters in Halloween night. With the grotesque ability to use corpses trapped within it as either food or allies, the Corpse Flower can be a very tough encounter. Note that if the target is incapacitated, then attacks are made at advantage and are automatically critical hits. Even after a Corpse Flower has been killed, this odor lingers for several days. The Corpse Flower is a plant. In a dark room far below the ground, it is silent. Showing 1-10 of 93 entries < 1 2 3 ... 10 > Update: Dec 22, 2020 @ 2:40am ... MONSTERS: Corpse Flower For our good boy Outlaw. Great Flowers appear as a cross between a rose, a hibiscus, and a sundew almost forty feet high. Corpse flowers 5e. It will target those that are not moving and potentially incapacitated first, or those that are retching and potentially poisoned second. It is native to the rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo. Of course, assuming that there are more than one corpses in the Flower. Circle of Dreams Druid Guide: Playing With Fey, Party Composition and Character Roles in D&D 5e. Originating from seedlings that sprout in corrupted soils of undeath, the Corpse Flower uproots itself when it reaches its full size. Start Here!. You can get the Corpse Flower along with tons of other incredible enemies and lore in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes! 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From there, it begins its slow crawl across the lands in search of humanoid corpses to consume. These large plants take only weeks to grow to their full size from a seedling. The creature is a CORPSE FLOWER that has detected the ogre corpse. Circle of the Shepherd Druid Guide: Pack Tactics FTW! Saving Throws Con +9, Int +3, Wis +4 Damage Resistances necrotic Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Understands Common but can’t speak Challenge 11 (7,200 XP). The Corpse Flower can make three tentacle attacks that also cause poison damage. If they fail this saving throw, they take an additional 4d6 poison damage in addition to the 2d6+2 damage from the tentacle itself. A comprehensive list of all official monsters for Fifth Edition. Learn more before you buy, or discover other cool products in Tabletop & Wargaming. Corpse Flower (DLSQA9LXY) by mz4250 on Shapeways. The Corpse Flower is immune the conditions: Blinded and Deafened. A follower or minion that the creator has zero control over, is effectively a liability rather than a help to the creator. Your email address will not be published. Leaving it up to fate as a type of Russian roulette creates wonderful tension at the table as the odds of the character being chosen increase with every round. These corpses not only nourish the Corpse Flower – they can be used to repair it of any damage that it may have suffered. If a character is killed and then ingested by the Corpse Flower, a spectacular tension begins to form at the table. It feels like a jerk move to arbitrarily decide that the PC’s corpse is the first one that the Corpse Flower uses. Obsessed with Dungeons & Dragons and a close personal friend of Pocket (an interdimensional teleporting ferret). Based on the description of the Corpse Flower, a 10ft range from the Corpse Flower (or its zombies) is admittedly a bit smaller than I expected. Discuss this update in the discussions section. With its multiattack, the Corpse Flower makes three attacks. Initially smaller in size, the Corpse Flower will grow rapidly as it consumes more and more corpses. Special Traits. I absolutely hate the idea of conferring immunity to the stench for 24 hours after a successful save, I would instead allow a half-hour of immunity. Using these links and purchasing something through them gives Tabletop Joab a small commission. This flower is rooted in evil and hates all life, it will do as much destruction as it can before it is destroyed. On the bright side, a character who succeeds on their Constitution saving throw is immune to the stench for 24 hours. The use of the word unsecured in this ability’s description is a little strange, but makes sense. Using fibrous runners, the plant digs up once living material such as bones or other body parts that it uses to support to its ever-enlarging form, much like a lattice supports other less malicious plants such as grapes or tomatoes. Though the zombies aren’t under the Corpse Flower’s control, they are allies of it and also carry the Flower’s Stench of Death ability. If a corpse is chained to a wall or some other such thing, the Corpse Flower can’t harvest it. If the characters give the corpse flower a wide berth, it will probe the corpse with its In graveyards and battlefields, it uses its long tentacles to collect bodies and stuff them into its form. The Corpse Flower particularly favors sites with large amounts of corpses to feed on. Let’s take a closer look at the core mechanics of the Corpse Flower in D&D 5e. An iron spike that protrudes from the wall, and is shared by the holder of the bag. Note: This has been prepared utilizing the 5E Core Rules. As such, particularly given its slow speed, it’s not a predator that might pursue a party of player characters, but rather a noxious nuisance that the PCs might be called to eliminate. Originating from seedlings that sprout in corrupted soils of undeath, the Corpse Flower uproots itself when it reaches its full size. Part-time Druid, Full-time Hobo. If there are 5 corpses (including 1 PC) in the Corpse Flower, roll a d6. While other corpse flowers in cultivation have bloomed around the world recently, having more than one plant bloom in such a short time is uncommon. The sheer malevolence contained within the necromancer or former undead is what caused this creature to form, take root, and eventually become a murderous terror. On the floor scattered about bony toes lie cut gemstones of immeasurable quality and ancient coins of a soft and valuable metal. These include but are not limited to: The Corpse Flower can grow quickly when the field of battle or graveyard it seeded it has plentiful corpses upon which to feed. While the party tangles with zombies and retches from the smell, it is able to slowly work its way within range to attack. Leaves can reach 20 feet tall. Ring of Namira: In Skyrim: A ring that gives the wearer the ability to feed on corpses to heal themself and gain a buff to health regeneration. Also known as: Corpse flower, death flower, titan arum Description: Blooms average 6-8 feet tall with green exterior and deep red interior, and smell of rotting flesh. That's a decent enough power but what if we could inject a little more fun? The specters act right after the cadaver collector on the same initiative count and fight until they're destroyed. The corpse flower mimics the smell of rotting meat to lure these specific beetles and flies to its flowers. Join our mailing list and be the first to get new posts, updates, and freebies! Because it navigates with blindsight (and can’t “see” beyond 120 ft), it will largely swipe at whatever enemy happens to be closest or more convenient. When players encounter a corpse flower, it has a randomly generated number of corpses inside it. Corpse Flower. Similarly, coming back as a zombie prevents most forms of resurrection. The Corpse Flower has High Strength, Wisdom and Dexterity, Exceptional Constitution and poor Charisma and Intelligence. As the plant has no control over the zombies, they will avoid releasing them until they are in a fight. New to Sly Flourish? The corpse flower grabs one unsecured dead humanoid within 10 feet of it and stuffs the corpse inside itself along with any equipment the corpse is wearing or. This terrifying plant possesses grasping vines capable of pummeling opponents before dragging them toward its maw. The Corpse Flower is a large mobile plant, that smells horribly and is often accompanied by a group of animated zombies, it can consume the dead to heal itself. A reader told me about the video below, so I added it immediately to this article. Swashbuckler Rogue Guide for D&D 5e | Ahoy Matey! Unless it is uprooted and burned while it is still a seedling, the corpse flower grows to enormous size over several weeks, then tears itself free of the earth and begins scavenging humanoid corpses from battlefields and graveyards.