Whenever Whispering Specter deals combat damage to a player, you may sacrifice it. In the commander slot Skittles kills someone with 10 damage instead of 21, but he's way worse at attacking then top Voltrons like Uril and has fewer, mostly inferior, Voltron parts available to him. Cards. If the source with infect also has lifelink, damage dealt by that source also causes its controller to gain that much life. This really shuts out aggro decks trying to get all the way to the 40 damage … It was the first deck I played in Modern, the first deck I built on MTGO, and the first Modern deck that proved to me how awesome Modern was going to be (rock on, Blazing Shoal! Clipboard (0 Cards) Card Kingdom: $0.00 TCGplayer: $0.00 Export to Archidekt. As such, “commander-ness” cannot be copied or overwritten by continuous effects. The Crystal will always take an expected 105 damage (base 100). But it is so hard to give all of How To Infect Villager related content, so we always encourage users to send their suggestions for us to improve our site day by day. 21 damage is 21 damage regardless of form. Thus, you can win if you deal 15 combat damage normally with your commander, then give it infect and hit them for 6 infect damage. Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.). In Commander Focus, Pseudanonymous looks at key Commanders, how to build around them, and what makes their decks work. Also of note, our higher density of Infect creatures increased our chances of being able to suit one up and swing in with it before our opponents realized how much trouble they’re in. Commander Damage A player that's been dealt 21 or more combat damage by the same commander over the course of the game loses the game. 1 Description 2 Upgrades 3 Ability 4 Stats Table 5 Skins 6 Strategy 7 Trivia 8 Update History 9 Notes The Commander is a support tower that boosts the firerate of towers within its range. Infect plays like a more aggressive Voltron deck, but rather than relying on the commander to do all the work, it uses a bunch of sub-par creatures to do the job. The card retains it’s commander-ness through any status changes, and is still a commander even when controlled by another player. DISCUSSION. The high life total really allows pillowfort decks to hide behind their defenses midgame relatively easily. If a player has been dealt 21 points of combat damage by a particular Commander during the game, that player loses a game. RELATED: Top 10 Strongest Mono-Blue Commanders In Magic: The Gathering So here today, we're going to talk about the best that everyone's favorite sea-dwelling tribe has to offer in the Commander format, ranging from artifacts, creatures, and potential Merfolk commanders. It results in players losing life accordingly. Cherrystone Crystal. Flying. In reality, that plan is unlikely to work. Not to be confused with the Commando. It can be purchased in the store for $3,500 and has a level requirement of Level 5. If a player has been dealt 21 points of combat damage by a particular Commander during the game, that player loses a game. Commander damage is damage. A blue infect creature that sees a solid amount of play in Modern infect decks, Blighted Agent can often be the end of one's opponents as early as turn three!. In this first installment, he’s looking at Atraxa, Praetors’ Voice.. Atraxa, Praetors’ Voice is a powerful and flexible commander that has been popular since release in the commander 2016. What it dosn't say is that they don't do normal damage or you don't deal commander damage if you choose normal damage. If you do, that player discards a card for each poison counter they have. It cannot attack enemies itself until its Call to Arms ability is activated. Now Commander was started as a fun and casual game, as it has evolved different kitchen tables play it as a goofy fun group game and others use it to relax from their PTQ grind. 4) If, on the other hand, the damage is being dealt as poison counters, these will only be applied to one player, being the player the defending team has decided will take the damage. The rules for commander do not state which form that 21 damage needs to be in. I feel that infect gives aggro decks a means of combating combo/control decks that it would not really have otherwise in commander. EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander. Articles. 1 Health 2 Damage 3 Stored and displayed 4 Dealing damage 4.1 Attack cooldown 4.2 Critical hits 5 Immunity 6 Inflicted by mobs 6.1 Knockback 7 Natural damage 7.1 Lightning damage 7.2 Fall damage 7.3 Anvil 7.4 Thorns enchantment 7.5 Suffocation 7.6 Drowning 7.7 … Ex: In standard it's 20 health and 10 poison,In Two-headed giant it's 15. When Infect was re-introduced in Scars of Mirrodin, I built a very flavorful, very unsuccessful Glissa, the Traitor Infect deck. 3) During damage calculation in 2HG, the defending team chooses which player is dealt any damage which is being dealt to players, and as normal damage it will reduce the shared life total. Infect deals damage to players in the form of poison counters, but it's still dealing damage. 119.3c Damage dealt to a planeswalker causes that many loyalty counters to be removed from that planeswalker. 120.3f Damage dealt by a source with lifelink causes that source’s controller to gain that much life, in addition to the damage’s other results. The only game my Sidar-Ravos infect deck ever won was by using Vraska to create 1/1 assassins that would kill someone if they did combat damage to them. Today I'm going to dive into a keyword that inspires fear and loathing in way too many Commander players: infect. With the right kind of build, it can be really fast, since it only takes 10 poison counters to finish a player off. Does Infect damage NEED to be raised in commander? Contact us now, we will add the meaningful issues about How To Infect Villager in a moment. 119.3b Damage dealt to a player by a source with infect causes that player to get that many poison counters. Infect can be powerful, but it also has its drawbacks like being bad against pay life to win strategies and very limited card selection. Infect is extremely powerful since it nullifies the increased life-cap of Commander and makes games extremely short, which is not the "spirit" of this variant. EDH/Commander is well known for it’s lengthy multiplayer games, lasting hours due to large deck size, eternal turns, and large amount of starting life total. Sets. Summoned by Emeric's groove. An aside: I keep mentioning that drawing 2 of a certain card will likely result in losing the game and what I mean by that is with a deck like Infect, you usually need 23 lands, at least 1 creature with infect, usually 2 pump spells, and often you need a fourth type of card—either removal for Spellskite or Apostle’s Blessing/Distortion Strike to give your creature unblockable. When a creature takes damage from a creature with infect, the damage is dealt in the form of -1/-1 counters. I’ve always had a soft spot for Infect. An example of a player taking fall damage on a mobile device. The only reason infect damage doesn't cause loss of life is because it has a special rule in its definition that changes how that kind of damage is dealt to players. That would turn some players away from using Infect, and taking away from the diversity of the format. If that sounds familiar, you might be thinking of another old keyword in wither. "Combat damage" refers only to damage dealt in combat as a result of attacking and blocking; direct-damage abilities don't count. RELATED: Magic: The Gathering - The Top 10 New Commanders From Ikoria, Ranked For two mana, Blighted Agent is a 1/1 with infect that can't be blocked. Archived. Copy Clear. 120.4. In your opinion, is Infect the same as Commander Damage? Click the add button on any card to start building your decklist. Commanders. So following logic most have commander at 20 poison sense life is 40. Damage from a source with infect is damage in all respects. Damage represents injury from attacks or natural causes. Normally, our site gives users dozens of results from every field in life. Damage from a source with infect can be prevented or redirected. A couple of important notes: first, since we're still in the preorder period for Commander 2019, prices for many of the cards in the set are inflated.Prices should drop across the board by the time the decks are actually released, so don't assume that you can buy one of the Commander 2019 decks for $40 and immediately resell it for over $100. While Merfolk are most often played in formats such as Modern, they still possess a home in the much loved Commander format. Alot of house rules have infect at 20 in commander because it goes with the rest of the bunch. Recs. For example, If I can can [[skithiryx, the blight dragon]] out as my commander and load him up voltron style, he only needs ten points of damage rather than the normal 21. Themes. While it was a win - the strategy of having lots of little infect dudes always felt weaker than just running a bigger, evasive commander with infect. I have a deck list and accompanying article that may convince you that it’s time to look for a vaccine. If a command block executes it from a player or a player runs the command themselves, they will take credit for the kill in stats (killedBy and playerKillCount), and can also have their name be in the death message. The commander is tracked across zone changes for this purpose (for example, if one player takes control of another player's commander, any damage that commander already dealt is still counted). Hope it helps. Damage is processed in a four-part sequence. Damage from a source with infect is damage, even though it does something different from other damage.