Yaas, finally progressive Jupiter is sharing the roof with Saturn once again from November 20, 2020. After 2020, the next great conjunctions will occur on November 2, 2040 and April 7, 2060. Aspects Jupiter Forms while transiting the sign of Aquarius in 2020 and 2021. Jupiter and Saturn form their next conjunction on December 21 of 2020 in the first degree of Aquarius, and so most of 2020 took place during the end of their cycle. With 2020 opening our eyes to reality, we are now ready to secure the future. On December 21, two of the largest planets Jupiter shines brighter than any … This conjunction will last for a period of about three months because on June 30, Jupiter will return to its own sign Sagittarius and remain there till November 20. Having said that, as it's a phenomenal period in which huge change can occur, it's also a time in which to be quietly optimistic. Photo taken December 5, 2020. I have a general comment on Jupiter Returns. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction ends the previous 200 year Earth cycle that brought us banknotes, capitalism, corporations, fossil fuels, and the industrial world. By Alina Polianskaya. In fact, the 2020 great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn was exceptionally close. We had a lot of questions about the world in 2020, and how/why/when we would see the end of the men controlling our global climate. Jupiter returns to its natal position around every 12 years so you have a Jupiter return roughly at age 12, 24, 36, 48 and so on. I had lived in the larger house for 1 1/2 Jupiter cycles. Jupiter’s Transit of Capricorn: December 2, 2019 to December 19, 2020 What Jupiter’s transit through Capricorn means for you… Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 2, 2019, and stays in this cardinal earth sign until December 19th, 2020. Jupiter and Saturn are set to reunite tonight, on the night of the winter solstice, for the first time in 800 years. Jupiter and Saturn conjunction 2020: When the planets align for a ‘Christmas Star’, and how to watch from UK The event is not set to happen again until 2080. Jupiter is known to be a planet of abundance and good fortune, so your Jupiter Return also tends to be your Emerald Year, in which you are the Cosmic Prom Queen. Major events involving finances, law, religion or trade can occur when Jupiter is stimulated in the Aquarian Age chart or the sky. As the year begins, Jupiter will be posited in your tenth house. A view showing how the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction will appear in a telescope pointed toward the western horizon at 6 p.m. CST, Dec. 21, 2020. Navigating your Saturn Return. You will have better prospects in your business and will be rewarded for your efforts at … Spread some good gossip about yourself. In your Solar Return Chart, it would be quite usual for Jupiter to be welcomed with open arms into the house he occupies, as the bringer of good fortune, opportunity, wealth (in all its forms) and, of course, the boundless optimism that comes with all. You empathize with others and will do almost anything to help someone in need. Tr Jupiter was conjunct my natal asteroid “House” when I moved into the smaller house. Donald J. Trump’s 74 th Solar Return occurs at 8:00 AM EDT on 13 June 2020; I’ve set it for Washington, as the normally peripatetic president has been hobbled of late by COVID-19 restrictions, unable to campaign in the traditional mode, though it’s uncertain as of this writing exactly where he’ll spend his birthday. This is called a Jupiter return and it ushers in an opportunity to reflect on what has gone really right, to call in support and blessing for the places you need help, and to enjoy a traditionally lucky and fortunate year. First, we’ll look into what […] Due to this planet coming back to Capricorn on November 20, 2020, this conjunction will again come into effect. To have four of the five outer planets in earth signs is rare. Jan 11, 2021, 12:49 PM —– Jupiter 5 Aquarius 16 sextile Chiron 5 Aries 16 Jupiter sextile Neptune is a major planetary aspect occurring every 4 and 9 years alternatively. If you happen to be turning 29, 58, or 87 at any point during March 2020 to March 2023, you are likely to be having your Saturn Return while Saturn is moving through Aquarius. On Saturday, Dec. 19th, planet-of-luck Jupiter enters inventive Aquarius, where it will stay until May 13, 2021.While this transit will have a beneficial effect on the collective (last time Jupiter was in Aquarius we had a tech-surge), it will be especially promising for those born with their natal Jupiter in Aquarius, as it begins a year-long revolutionary transit known as a Jupiter Return. The celestial conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn planets will take place on Monday, December 21, 2020. December 21st, 2020 – Jupiter Conjunct Saturn In Aquarius. To have Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, while Uranus is in Taurus has happened only one other year, in the 10,000-year period 4999 BCE to 4999 CE. The BIG SHIFT. Thus, Jupiter and Saturn are reuniting in Capricorn after about 59 years. On December 21, 2020, on the day the Sun moves into Capricorn and ushers in a new season - the Winter Solstice here (longest night of the year) - Jupiter meets Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius.This is the closest they have been in 800 years and might resemble the Bethlehem Star that guided the Magi at Christ's birth. And the new ways in which we move ahead show the impact of Jupiter in Aquarius. Transits – The Jupiter Return by Leah Whitehorse • July 17, 2014. In astrology, a return of any nature is when a planet returns back to its “home base” in our personal charts. 3838 BCE was the time of the Bronze Age and when there are first records of writing. Jupiter sextile Neptune natal makes you an idealistic and hopeful person. You must look out for savings during the course of this transit. Jupiter Transit 2020: Pisces Horoscope Predictions. Saturn dominating Jupiter is not surprising at all when the vibrations of Jupiter and Saturn blend and work together in Capricorn. A Jupiter Return happens when the lucky planet Jupiter makes his way back to the same spot he was in when we were born. Make a Jupiter Return Vision Board. 18 December 2020 –30 December 21 Looking to the Future – A Time for Something Different. On 14th February, it will link up with Jupiter at 13 degrees. Impact of Jupiter Transit in 2020 on Capricorn. This is the beginning of a new era! Jupiter and Saturn conjunction 2020. There has been an atmosphere of anticipation building during the year of being on the precipice of a new era, while simultaneously old issues have resurfaced in need of resolution. Dec 21, 2020, at 1:20 PM —– Jupiter 0 Aquarius 29 conjunction Saturn 0 Aquarius 29. In Libra sign natal chart, Jupiter will be transit through 4 th house of horoscope. According to Jupiter Transit 2020, Jupiter which is the lord of your own sign also rules your tenth house. Many historical events happen during these periods, for better or worse. Bottom line: Jupiter and Saturn will have their 2020 great conjunction today, which is also the day of the December solstice. 20th January to 20th February, Mercur will be Retrograde in Aquarius. A Saturn Return occurs when Saturn returns to the exact same place it was at the time of your birth, which takes place every 29 or so years. Jupiter Sextile Neptune Natal. On December 21st, 2020 Jupiter is conjunct Saturn at 0° Aquarius. Solar Returns: Jupiter. Then, by the end of it in December 22nd, [2020], Jupiter performs its famous conjunction to Saturn, but no more in the sign of Capricorn, both planets will have moved to Aquarius at 00° degree by then. In fact, the Great Conjunction of December 21, 2020—which will see Jupiter and Saturn in rare alignment in the sign of Aquarius—is here to further shake things up socially, politically, personally and in every other possible way. Jupiter Transit 2020 Prediction for Libra Moon Sign The predictions for Jupiter Transit 2020 for people with Libra Moon sign (Tula Rashi) in natal chart based on date of birth shall be mixed in proportion of both good and bad. On both these occasions, the minimum separation of Jupiter and Saturn will be 1.1 degrees—which means they will be eleven times farther apart than on December 21, 2020. See how this transit affects the signs of the zodiac later in the page. Perhaps at Mar-a-Lago? There is a series of three aspects from February to October 2020. Throughout the month, the gas giants will be hard to miss. The following are Jupiter’s transits to the outer planets while it’s in Aquarius this time around. very 12 years Jupiter circles back to the point it occupied when you were born. One of the best things about 2020 is that we don’t have any hard aspects (squares, oppositions) but we have lots of conjunctions instead, plus a supporting sextile between Jupiter and Neptune.. As a rule of thumb, planetary conjunctions always come with new beginnings.And in 2020 we have a record of 3 outer planetary conjunctions: Saturn conjunct Pluto, Jupiter conjunct Pluto, and Jupiter …