Find a summary of this and each chapter of A Raisin in the Sun! Always wanted them to have something-be something." Write. Act 1, Scene 1, pg. Write. Match. Does it dry up Like a raisin in the sun? Spell. "A Raisin in the Sun" Act 1. A Raisin in The Sun By Lorraine Hansberry: The Wish For Material Wealth Against The Wish For Freedom. A Raisin in the Sun Quotes | Explanations with Page Numbers | LitCharts. Act I Scene I Friday morning. Walter, his mother, and his sister Beneatha all have an idea about the best use of the insurance money the family receives. Practice. p. 53 This reference is part of the stage directions in Act One Scene One and describes the Youngers’ living room. A Raisin in the Sun. Walter mentions that the check is coming tomorrow, and Beneatha, like Ruth, reminds her brother that the money belongs to their mama. For several of Hansberry’s characters, money is a promise of salvation, a gift to be stored up and fought for whenever possible. A Raisin In The Sun Analyzing Quotes Act 1 & 2. Mama tells him she is not interested in investing in a liquor store. Or fester like a sore And then run? Quotes about Sacrifice from A Raisin in the Sun - learn where to find the quote in the book and how the quotes relate to Sacrifice! 0. A RAISIN IN THE SUN By: Lorraine Hansberry To Mama: in gratitude for the dream What happens to a dream deferred? Match. Why was Ruth upset when Walter gave Travis the money? The A Raisin in the Sun quotes below are all either spoken by Walter Lee Younger or refer to Walter Lee Younger. Plot Summary. 2. Me and Ruth done made some sacrifices for you – why can’t you do something for the family? 2 years ago. Ruth and Beneatha, like Walter, are struggling to liberate themselves not only from the illusions of their time, but also the repressive aspects of sexism and racism. Once upon a time freedom used to be life—now it’s money. (Act 3) Mama - "But he sure loved his children. A Raisin in the Sun Quotes. Start studying A Raisin in the Sun Act 2: Scenes 1 and 2 Quotes. Walter's relationship with Ruth in A Raisin in the Sun is generally an unhappy one. Quote 3: "Now - whose little old angry man are you?" joshhshao. Solo Practice. Act 1 Scene One: Friday morning Introduces conflict related to the economic situation family is in. A Raisin in the Sun Quotes. The A Raisin in the Sun quotes below are all either spoken by Ruth Younger or refer to Ruth Younger. Shown by the minor conflict with school money for Travis and the conflicting views between Ruth and Walter in raising their child. #2: “Asagai: Then isn’t there something wrong in a house—in a world—where all dreams, good or bad, must depend on the death of a man? English. And now that his wife is pregnant and he has been denied the money to invest in a liquor store, Walter Lee has gotten plastered! I guess the world really do change . 1. -Langston Hughes . Walter then rushes in asking about the money. Yet the tribal music invigorates him, and he jumps into an improvised "warrior mode," as he shouts things like "OCOMOGOSIAY! 3. There is nothing left to love.Mama: There is always something left to love. 2. Who are Willy and Bobo? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. STUDY. Act … Flashcards. Walter Lee enters. Now, though, many years have gone by and the family struggles to maintain their pride in the face of poverty. It was give to me this way!" Beneatha attends medical school because she wants to be a doctor. 78% average accuracy. Edit. 2 Educator answers will help you with any book or any question. Scene II The following morning. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Angered by her unwillingness to listen, Walter says he is leaving. Note: all page numbers and citation info for the quotes below refer to the Vintage edition of A Raisin in the Sun published in 2004. PLAY. 1. Walter's sister Beneatha, who is about twenty years old, enters the conversation. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ). PLAY. Gravity. Quote 1: "Weariness has, in fact, won in this room. After rousing Travis and Walter from sleep, Ruth begins to make breakfast. (3.1.129) (3.1.129) Lena wants her son to understand what kind of example he is setting for his own son. Delete Quiz. People who care about the things I got on my mind. Or does it explode? In the Younger family, Walter Jr. and Beneatha (Bennie) are siblings; he is her older brother. Maybe it just sags Like a heavy load. Gravity. Everything has been polished, washed, sat on, used, scrubbed too often. (Act 2 Scene 2) "I didn't make this world! Find the quotes you need in Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun, sortable by theme, character, or scene. Learn about the different symbols such as Music in A Raisin in the Sun and how they contribute to the plot of the book. I gave her a five-dollar down payment." STUDY. A Raisin in the Sun - Act 1 DRAFT. Money is life. Share practice link. 0. The best quotes from A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry - organized by theme, including book location and character - with an explanation to help you understand! At the beginning of Act 1 of A Raisin in the Sun, Ruth is the first one to wake. A Raisin in the Sun Introduction + Context. A Raisin in the Sun Study Guide Questions Act I Scene One 1. Quote 2: "Check coming today?" Questions for A Raisin in the Sun Discussion Questions. Terms in this set (5) "Yes I would too, Walter. PROMPT: A Raisin in the Sun is Walter Younger’s story. This quiz is incomplete! They saw the apartment as a steppingstone to a better future for their family. Leave a comment. Played 179 times. All pretenses but living itself have long since vanished from the very atmosphere of this room" Act 1, Scene 1, pg. Mama tries to talk to Walter about what it is he wants in life. But powerful women who at times dominate the stage surround this character. STUDY. Learn. Created by. Ruth wants to go with him, but he doesn't want to speak to her either. When Mama and Big Walter, Beneatha and Walter's father, first moved into the apartment and bought what was then new furniture they felt like they'd really achieved something. THE LION IS WAKING!" PLAY. WALTER I don’t want nothing but for you to stop acting holy ‘round here. Test. You do not need to write in complete sentences. Why did Walter ask Ruth what was wrong with her? 2. Match. Once upon a time freedom used to be life-now it's money." by degracek. Why? Play. Terms in this set (14) MAMA (Looking at him as she would WALTER) I bet you don't half look after yourself, being away from your mama either. danni0602. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ). Beneatha: AND YOU CANNOT ANSWER IT! Learn. From the creators of SparkNotes. What are some quotes from Walter in A Raisin in the Sun about the liquor store he wants? 28 quotes from A Raisin in the Sun: ‘Beneatha: Love him? Asagai: I LIVE THE ANSWER!” #3: “Mama: Oh—So now it’s life. Spell. Test. Finish Editing. Terms in this set (28) Mama (quote) describing Big Walter "[He] was hard-headed, mean, kind of wild with women" but he loved his children. Write. Spell. Its furnishings are typical and undistinguished and their primary feature now is that they have clearly had to accommodate the living of too many people for too many years – and they are tired. Or crust and sugar over Like a syrupy sweet? February 11, 2021 by Essay Writer. How does Walter NOT want his eggs cooked? A RAISIN IN THE SUN 87 WALTER (Not listening) I been out talking with people who understand me. 6. Created by. they didn't have money to spare and Walter didn't get back her up; he undermined her authority as a parent. Walter resents Bennie for the money she spends on schooling that they help provide. (WALTER looks from her to the boy, who grins at him innocently) Go ahead, son – (She folds her hands and closes her eyes) Go ahead. Said by: Ruth, Act 1 Scene 2 Meaning:Ruth consults an abortionist before telling any of her family members about her pregnancy. A Raisin in the Sun English III 40 points Act I Name: _____ Directions: Provide a complete answer as you read and listen to Act I of the play. He is intoxicated; he often responds to pressure by getting drunk. Flashcards. Does it stink like rotten meat? 8th - 12th grade . Ruth storms out of the room upset with her husband. Created by. ... Act One, Scene One Walter Younger. Flashcards. (Act 1 Scene 1) "Money is life. Edit. Learn. mreimschisel. Both are adults: he is 35 and she is 20. . because Ruth was king-of-crabby and tired-looking. Gravity. Homework . Ruth suggests that Travis is unable to go to bed earlier. (Act 1 Scene 1) "You say after me, in my mother's house there is still God." A Raisin in the Sun Characters RUTH YOUNGER GEORGE MURCHISON TRAVIS YOUNGER MRS. JOHNSON WALTER LEE YOUNGER (BROTHER) KARL LINDNER BENEATHA YOUNGER BOBO LENA YOUNGER (MAMA) MOVIN MEGN JOSEPH ASAGAI The action of the play is set in Chicago's South side, sometime between World War II and the present. Save. . Act I Scene One: Friday morning. Chapter Summary for Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun, act 1 scene 1 summary. Test. 3 . Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Host a game. But each is doing it in her own way. Symbolism in Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun. Live Game Live. 1.