Er holte sich bei einem schlauen Freund den Tipp, sich krank zu stellen und sich von seiner Halbschwester unter vier Augen pflegen zu lassen. King David's son, Absalom, had killed his brother Amnon for raping his sister Tamar. The only daughter of King David’s son, Absalom (2 Sam 14:27). Er war Davids ältester Sohn. Amnon, der älteste Sohn und damit Thronfolger Davids verliebte sich in die bildhübsche Halbschwester Tamar, die Schwester Absaloms. 2.Samuel 13 Lutherbibel 2017 Amnon und Tamar 1 Und es begab sich danach: Absalom, der Sohn Davids, hatte eine schöne Schwester, die hieß Tamar; und Amnon, der Sohn Davids, gewann sie lieb. Absalom had a sister named Tamar, who was very fair. This has been Absalom’s express intention ever since the day Amnon raped his sister Tamar.” 34 Meanwhile, Absalom had fled 37 and went to the king of Geshur. And after a time Amnon, David's son, loved her. 2 Samuel 13:1-39 ESV / 11 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. David would have been king of all Israel at least thirteen or fourteen years, and would have reached the summit of his glory. Amnon’s erotic love turned to contemptuous hate and he had Tamar put out into the street. [30] 2 Samuel 14:28-29 So Absalom dwelt two full years in Jerusalem, and saw not the king’s face. Absalom had a very beautiful sister named Tamar. King David loved his son, Absalom, but because of disagreement and betrayal, they ended up fighting for the throne. So the King did send Tamar to Amnon. Because of this, his sons die prematurely. CHAPTER 14. Having heard of the crime, the king was greatly irritated, but he had not the courage to punish Amnon, on account of his love for his first-born. Chronika 13,2 unter dem Namen Mikaja als Tochter Uriels von Gibea bezeichnet. 2 Und Amnon grämte sich, sodass er fast krank wurde, um seiner Schwester Tamar willen; denn sie war eine Jungfrau, und es schien Amnon unmöglich, ihr etwas anzutun. (NKJ) Absalom hated Amnon because he raped his sister Tamar. Once … 3 Amnon aber hatte einen Freund, … And it was improper for Amnon to do anything to her. The picture of Absalom that is presented in 2 Samuel 13–19 suggests that he was the Alcibiades of the Old Testament, alike in his personal attractiveness, his lawless insolence, and his tragic fate.He is first mentioned as murdering his half brother Amnon, David’s eldest son, in revenge for the rape of his full sister Tamar. He may get angry about what happens to Tamar and upset when Absalom flees, but he does nothing about either situation. But Absalom continues to live in Jerusalem and never sees his father, King David. But King David mourned many days for his son. His brother Absalom, the son of David's other wife, was famous for his splendid appearance. … His wars would be over, Rabbah captured, and his empire firmly established. Absalom, der schon immer komisch war, widerliche Meinungen hatte, nach dem dritten Bier Unfug auf Familienfeiern verbreitet. 13 What about me? 2 Amnon begehrte Tamar so sehr, dass er krank wurde. Another one of David’s sons, Amnon, # 13:1 Amnon Amnon was half-brother to Absalom and Tamar. His long and luxuriant hair was his peculiar pride. The pronunciation of Tamar depends on each so-named person's language, culture, and idiolectic preference; typical pronunciations in English are / ˈ t ɑː m ər / and / ˈ t eɪ m ər /. For Absalom hated Amnon, because he had forced his sister Tamar. The only information we have is that Absalom named his daughter Tamar, and the text notes that she was a beautiful woman. 13:32), Tamar suffered the lifelong emotional trauma. Eines Tages verliebte sich ihr Halbbruder Amnon in sie. 3:2, 3. was in love with Tamar. Er sah keine Möglichkeit, an sie heranzukommen, denn die unverheirateten Töchter des Königs wurden gut behütet. Having heard of the crime, the king was greatly irritated, but he had not the courage to punish Amnon, on account of his love for his first-born. When they were alone he wanted to have sexual intercourse with her, but she begged him not to do it. 2 Samuel 13 New King James Version (NKJV) Amnon and Tamar. Absalom was followed by a daughter Tamar, and at least one other son, Hanan. Dieser war vermutlich der Mann von Tamar, der Tochter Absaloms, womit Maaka dann in Wirklichkeit eine Enkelin Absaloms war. Amnon and Tamar. 2.Samuel 13 Hoffnung für Alle Tamar wird vergewaltigt 1 Absalom, einer von Davids Söhnen, hatte eine schöne Schwester namens Tamar. Even though she was a princess, her royal status could neither protect her from an act of sexual violence nor provide the emotional support she needed to begin the process of healing. The larger narrative in which Tamar’s story is told deals with male matters. Would I had died instead of you, O Absalom, my son, my son!” (2 Samuel 18:33). David came to see how he feels and Amnon asked the king for Tamars help. … 2 Samuel 13:1-22, New International Version (NIV) 13-1 In the course of time, Amnon son of David fell in love with Tamar, the beautiful sister of Absalom son of David. After Absalom returns to Jerusalem, he conspires against David. The beauty of Absalom’s sister Tamar caused his older half brother Amnon to become infatuated with her. See 2 Sam. Als er erwachsen wurde, begann Amnon, seine jüngere Halbschwester Tamar zu begehren (2 Sam 13,1 EU), die jedoch zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch Jungfrau war. Tamar is the sister of Absalom, the son of David. The official position taken by the Wikimedia Foundation is that "faithful reproductions of two-dimensional public domain works of art are public domain".This photographic reproduction is therefore also considered to be in the public domain in the United States. Chronika 11,20 wird Maaka, die Frau Rehabeams und Mutter Abijas, der Könige von Juda, eine Tochter Absaloms genannt. David had a number of sons, of whom four, Amnon, Absalom, Adoniah, and Solomon became conspicuous in the history of Israel. In einem günstigen Moment fiel er über das Objekt seiner Begierde her und entjungferte sie. Tamar lebt daraufhin einsam und gebrochen (hebräisch שׁמם šmm „vom Leben abgeschnitten sein / verödet sein / verdorren“) im Hause Absaloms. Amnon war im Alten Testament der Bibel der älteste Sohn des israelitischen Königs David.. Amnon wurde in Hebron als Sohn von David und der aus Jesreel stammenden Frau Ahinoam geboren. 39 And King David longed to go to Absalom, for he was consoled concerning Amnon’s death. Tamar was the natural daughter of David by a captive whom he married after she had abjured her Gentile religion, and who became the mother of Absalom. Absalom was killed during the attempted coup and on hearing the news of his death the story includes a poignant lament by David: “O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! 3 Now Amnon had an adviser named Jonadab son of Shimeah, David’s brother. 13 Now Absalom, David's son, had a beautiful sister, whose name was Tamar. 13 In the course of time, Amnon son of David fell in love with Tamar, the beautiful sister of Absalom son of David. “ Don’t do this wicked thing. Tamar’s brother, Absalom, advises her to be quiet for now—a script which bears an uncanny resemblance to the one women are still ordered to take and still speaking up to expose. His mangled story, among many other Biblical profiles, illuminates humanity’s imperfection and propensity to sin. 3 But Amnon had a friend whose name was Jonadab the son of … Now Absalom, David's son, had a beautiful sister, whose name was Tamar. I have no doubts that David’s grief was genuine. 13 After this Absalom the son of David had a lovely sister, whose name was Tamar; and Amnon the son of David loved her. datiert. 2 She was a virgin. Abschalom (hebräisch אַבְשָׁלוֹם, auch Absalom, Abischalom) war einer der jüngeren Söhne von König David und ein Halbbruder des Salomo.Seine Lebenszeit wird um das Jahr 1000 v. Chr. And after a time Amnon, David's son, loved her. The tragic story of Amnon, Tamar and Absalom highlights the problems associated with David's neglected justice, and Absalom implementing his own brand of justice, creating chaos and destruction in the process. Aber nur zwei Kapitel vorher hatte Absalom seine Halbschwester Tamar, die von ihrem Halbbruder vergewaltigt worden war, gerächt, war also in der Narration der Held der Geschichte. xiii. And Absalom spoke to his brother Amnon neither good nor bad. Tamar, Daughter of Absalom (תמר ‎, tmr; “date palm”, “palm tree”). Known for his good looks, in particular his long hair, he is best remembered for avenging his sister Tamar and conspiring against his own father for the throne. Feigning illness, Amnon contrived to have Tamar sent to his quarters to cook for him, and then he forcibly violated her. The story of Tamar, David’s daughter, is told in 2Sam 13:1-22.She is raped by her brother Amnon and silenced by her brother Absalom. 2 Amnon was so distressed over his sister Tamar that he became sick; for she was a virgin. Tamar’s father, King David, hears of “these things” and is angry but would not punish his beloved firstborn son—a script which continues to play out in the sentencing of men convicted of assault. 2 Amnon became so obsessed with his sister Tamar that he made himself ill. She was a virgin, and it seemed impossible for him to do anything to her. Because of her illegitimacy it would have been lawful for her to marry Amnon, the son of David, and she therefore besought him (II Sam. While Absalom eventually had Amnon killed in retribution (2 Sam. Sie wird aber in 2. Tamar (Hebrew: תמר ‎) is a female name of Hebrew origin, meaning "date" (the fruit), "date palm" or just "palm tree".There are three characters in the Bible with this name. 2 Sam 13:23 And it came to pass, after two full years, that Absalom had sheepshearers in Baal Hazor, And Amnon was so tormented that he made himself ill because of his sister Tamar, for she was a virgin, and it seemed impossible to Amnon to do anything to her. There may have been others, but the biblical text does not name them. ¶It happened after this, that Absalom the son of David had a beautiful sister, whose name was Tamar; and Amnon the son of David loved her. 2 Samuel 13 (NIV) 2 Amnon became so obsessed with his sister Tamar that he made himself ill. 12 “She said to him. Absalom names his ONE DAUGHTER TAMAR after his sister who he loved. 3 But Amnon had a friend, whose name was … Absalom was one of King David’s sons, and his scriptural story reads like a modern-day soap opera. Tamar führt in der Folge ein Trauerritual aus, das von Absalom wahrgenommen wird. 38 After Absalom fled and went to Geshur, he stayed there three years. Absalom appears as the avenger of his sister Tamar, who had been entrapped, outraged, and shamefully cast aside by her half-brother Amnon, David's eldest son. Bible Text – Amnon & Tamar. They all had David as their father, but Amnon had a different mother. Die Jugend verbrachte er wohlbehütet im Kreis seiner Familie. He starts to turn David’s people against him (2 Samuel 15) and manages to woo the people into helping him vie for power. Absalom appears as the avenger of his sister Tamar, who had been entrapped, outraged, and shamefully cast aside by her half-brother Amnon, David's eldest son. Then he led a rebellion against the king and drove him out of Jerusalem. Second Samuel 14:27 states, “there were born to Absalom three sons, and one daughter whose name was Tamar; she was a beautiful woman.” She may have been named after her … Gold diadem embellished with blue, green, red, and white enameled flowers; from a tomb at Canossa, 3rd century BC. 2 Samuel 13 English Standard Version (ESV) Amnon and Tamar. As Absalom was apparently older than Tamar, if she were now fifteen or sixteen years of age. Dieser befiehlt ihr, zu schweigen und sich die Sache nicht zu Herzen zu nehmen. 2 And Amnon was so tormented that he made himself ill because of his sister Tamar, for she was a virgin, and it seemed impossible to Amnon to do anything to her. His friend Jonadab gave Amnon the advice to pretend to be ill so that Tamar will look after him. Amnon, the son of Ahinoam of Jezreel, was David's first-born. 1 David had a son named Absalom. What Happens to Absalom?