I could drown or slip or something. I told her I was done with my shower. Hi there, I think that he is certainly old enough to start bathing himself now. *shudders* His daughters are ignorant to what he is doing, and really should leave him, and take his daughter some where SAFE. You should try taking a bath with her, instead of your husband. Your son asks you to help him with masturbation that you can do it. I don't think anyone does it in their own homes unless the kid is too young to bath themselves, which could be the case in this game I suppose, I don't know how old the kids are. I didn't want my sister to see me naked. Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015 in-game genitalia remains 100% uncut. I doubt she will ask much more at the age of four but you will have to approach the subject at some time and the earlier you start to answer the easier it is to keep answering. It's really not that strange. The whole thing started when I got a phone call from the burger joint Tim works at as a short-order cook. Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015. My son did bathe with me but I stopped this at age two. Otherwise she'd shower with me. Not a problem when home with me but didn't go down so well when at playgroup, swimming club and primary school! Also as a side note... my sons aunt use to help with bathing him and she felt much more at ease in the tub with him for better leverage and grip they are slippery in there she wore a bathing suit while helping him. Your father has no need to be with you unless you are disabled somehow and he is the only family you have that can care for you. My own husband doesn't seem to care about his daughter seeing him like that, either. In your opinion, do you think it would be bad for her to take one with her father? Oh, for goodness sake, she's 4!! We are creating a society where our sexual differences are becoming so taboo, I think we have taken it too far!! Something only becomes 'rude' to a child if an adult makes it so. My girls bathed with me there dad wasn't comfortable with them bathing with him. I know mostly everybody answered this, but its true. Your job is to see that his needs are taking care of by being involved in his life. My husband has run around the house naked to tease my kids too , they thought it was hilarious. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). A woman has initiated a social media debate after questioning whether it's 'normal' to shower with your back to the water, rather than facing it. So I took a shower with my dad. Has she really never seen her dad naked before? Is this weird or is it normal in mostly of the families? and "he sleeps with the younger one when she has no clothes on. Not sure why OP mentioned America to begin with though, since Americans are generally not comfortable with nudity. Well I mean, it's set in a public bath, probably like a gym or something like a shower at a camp. Yes, she asks questions, but at her age, the limit of her curiosity is that boys and men have penises and girls and women have vaginas, and when you get older you have hair. It was a couple months after that trip before I tried doing it on my own. If your husband isn't comfortable with showering with her, he could also let her start showering on her own and just reach in to help her wash/rinse her hair, make sure she's scrubbing all her body parts, etc. Everyone is saying it's inappropriate for her to shower with dad, that she should shower with mom. I treat my relationships with my kids with much respect and care. As I became uncomfortable with being naked around my dad with the onset of puberty, he respected that and took care to guard his own privacy in return. If not, then yes, she'll probably ask what it is, but you can just tell her that it's a penis and that's what boys/men have. She has never seen me naked. Okay' well it started when I was 13 I was really a very horny hormonal child. Trust me I let my child to bath for himself when he was 6 years old. I think in America that isn't so normal since they wanted to put censorship in a Ghibli movie because there was a kid-dad shower. This mode features at least three ninjas and your dad against you. Some boiling oil from the fryer had splashed over his hands, burning them. However, you can pass through your dad. I would do any of these with the intent of getting her to shower on her own with minimal help. I think your DH is weird, but I lived in a house where my dad didn't care that his daughter saw him naked after a shower or whatever. She more than likely sees this as personal time with daddy and she is getting all of his attention so it should be replaced with something else from her father to compensate for the loss of one on one attention she would be receiving from him. My view is that we are in our own home and we are a family, I am not going to be hyper vigilant about my modesty in my own private space. I said okay because I was groggy from lack of sleep. The reason kids these days make such a big deal about sex is because we start making such a big deal about differences between sexes and hiding it when there is nothing sexual about it all. As long as your husband is happy with this arrangement I see no reason not to indulge her. You shower with your kid once to explain him how to control the water flow and the temperature. I bathed and showered with both my boys (as did my husband) until they were around 8 and there was no room for both of us. it's not appropriate. Or change your shower routine to night when your both there to shower with her. Or change your shower routine to night when your both there to shower with her. Typically, kids are bathed by their mothers. If your husband isn't comfortable, there is little you can do to change that, but it … is a fast paced shower-simulation where you shower with your 8-bit dad. as for what to do.. umm.. she's 4.. you're her mother. Parents shower in front of and bathe with their children all the time. It’s not ok for your Dad to touch you and say it’s the last time. Normal shower heads typically come with a variety of settings to allow you to take care of your cleaning business as quickly and effectively as possible. I asked her to leave but she said no. You can sign in to vote the answer. Try teaching her that she NEEDS to bathe by herself. I'm American by the way. Tessica Brown's hair mishap went viral. Shower With Your Dad Simulator is fun and creepy, but great I'm English, I showered and bathed with my dad and my sister. They told me they wanted to be alone I didn't tell them and my nieces used to bathe with them when we went on holiday. New district attorney starts circling Trump and his allies, Biden on Trump acquittal: 'Democracy is fragile', Natalie Portman opens up about past 'Lolita' character, This LeBron move may be worst flop of NBA season, Dominos, Pizza Hut and Papa John's are in a pizza war, 'Jeopardy!' 8 Minutes of Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015 Gameplay is … Kids don't actually shower with their dads, right? Your dad probably introduced you to showering too but you just forgot it. Place your palms flat against the shower wall, leaning toward it with your knees slightly bent. He could be in the bathroom with her to start out her own showers to encourage her to wash herself and wash her hair tell her she is doing a great job. The fact that he was willing to let you shower with him shows that he can put any 'weirdness' aside just to get you clean. As a little kid I used to, I'm from Brazil btw. He is your dad and at that age he is supposed to supervise you with almost everything. I don't think at four years old she should be totally unsupervised just from the risks of being in the bathroom alone for that period of time the things she could get into. Go pick up a phone, dial 911, and take his daughters to their MOTHER. He would catch me masturbating from time … There is no need for you to do it anymore. My dad helped me get cleaned up with a few more tissues and then turned out the light and went to bed. Leaderboard Guides Resources Website Streams Forum Statistics Sub-games. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. So many prudes on this question. Even when you opt for a high quality handheld shower head, you’re still putting function over form for your showering experience. Shower With Your Dad Simulator is the last game you'd think can still be a success these days, but it is – and there's a lot we can learn from it. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Maybe you’re finding your dad to be a little more annoying than usual or you’ve looked around and noticed that your mom’s not like other moms. We do that with my 4-year-old if she wants to take an evening shower while her brother & sister take a bath (if neither of us feels like showering at that time). You must be a single mother, and your son is your only child. If she asks about her father, just explain what it is (you can use a cute term, or the real term, even!) Done right, the family shower can provide an effective forum for a child to wash independently and learn a bit about anatomy while becoming comfortable with their own body. Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015: Do You Still Shower With Your Dad. Is this just an American thing? My girls haven't showered with my husband recently, but they did a couple times when they were younger, and I wouldn't be opposed to it now. My … That means paying close attention to how the kids and mom and dad feel when changing and bathing. Woman asks whether it's 'normal' to shower with your back to the water dailymail.co.uk - Chloe Morgan. But I think it's perfectly normal, you're the weirdo here. I don't know how old I was, but I remember taking baths with my younger brother and showers with my dad, so I was probably 4 or 5, and I wasn't traumatized by it. Is it normal for parents to act arrogant? - Fast Pace Dad Showering Simulation - Includes 3 dads! Walk down to the center of the screen to unlock "The Dad With The Iron Shower" mode. For example..."Why is it different?" It was beginning to be too cold. That's likely more than the average amount! I was just happy about the fact that after months of cajoling, we finally convinced her to give up her beloved baths in favor of the shower. Is it bad that my mom pays me to do my school work? It is especially not normal if he is washing you or watching you while you wash. You should be able to shower or bathe with some privacy. Is it normal for dads to shower with their sons? She is gonna ask questions about his penis and you know kids will say the darndest things to anyone! While many parents say showering with their young child, even of the opposite gender, is perfectly fine up to a certain point in time, there's little consensus on when exactly that moment is. A woman has initiated a social media debate after questioning whether it's 'normal' to shower with your back to the water, rather than facing … ..."because that is how a man helps make a baby". My girls are 4 and 5 years old, and my son is 17 months, and they all bathe together sometimes. Finally left his clothes on when he was nearly 5 years old. What happened? Oldest I remember being the last time was proabably around 5 or 6 years old. Limiting your time in the shower to 5 to 10 minutes and using lukewarm or warm water can help keep your skin from drying out, while thoroughly cleaning your body. In the shower, with the curtains drawn, we were both fully naked. Not only is there nothing wrong with that, a shared bath or open shower is often a necessity for a parent struggling to get free time or caregiving alone. Until yesterday, it had never occurred to me that my husband -- my daughter's father -- helping our 6-year-old shower was really that big of a deal. PC. And yes, I know I will get thumbs down for this, but I don't really care, I just think many of the answers here are prudish and paranoid. BTW...my younger sons hang up...He soiled his t-shirt once when doing a number 2 on the toilet. You can put into place a reward system that she gets to do something special if she can take a shower on her own. Hi, I read all the responses to your question and I think that as long as dad is wearing a bathing suit or something to cover up his privates then It should be done minimal with the intent to getting her to shower by herself. Chances are she will want showers by herself pretty quickly as there will not be room for the two of them! He could do that, then jump in the shower after shes clean & out of the bathroom. I'm wondering if I should continue taking showers with her or should this be the age that I start covering myself in front of her as opposed to my wife. There is no need to go into detail or give more information that will only serve to confuse her. You wouldn't send a toddler in alone. (Although that might be a bit more work, until something gets figured out.). Another alternative is to get her up earlier and bath with you. Whatever happened to innocence. He is a sicko, a child molester, and frankly, i think i puked a little in my mouth when i hit " how about when she is WEARING THEM? You can put into place a reward system that she gets to do something special if she can take a shower on her own. 5 habits you should avoid first thing in the morning, Truck driver miraculously survives 70-foot plunge, Australian soft-rock duo wasn't 'cool' enough for MTV. It's totally normal, and the shower in the game is clearly a gym or pool shower. I could drown or slip or something. So he definetely saw my ti*s and my other stuff. and tell her boys have it, girls have the other thing. yes children shower with their fathers when they are younger after a certain age, probably 7 - 8, it' would be inappropriate, I'm sure the age for when to stop varies but there you have it... #15 Showing 1 - 15 of 38 comments Actually I think in America that isn't so normal since they wanted to put censorship in a Ghibli movie because there was a kid-dad shower. No name on March 01, 2018: I am 13 years old and my dad Has touched me since I was in grade 4 he always says this is the last time but it never is. My daughter is 4 and won't take baths. Play Endurodad mode, during which time your dad will randomly disappear. This mode features at least three ninjas and your dad against you. she needs to either bathe alone or shower alone. To start off I'm really need some mature answers and I might be a explicit but please read and answer. And I rolled over belly up and took off my pants. Would you disown your 16 year old son for being a white supremacist? Any suggestions on how to explain it to her would be helpful. "Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015: Do You Still Shower With Your Dad?" I wanted to get out of the shower. Several other times when i has been taking a shower my mom, dad or my brother eould come in and pee or do whatever they had to do. Not that we go around naked in this house, but my 12 year old boy still showers with the door open and people in and out (if he decided to close the door, this wouldn't happen, as we do have respect for privacy, and closed doors are off limits). Because he is a boy and she is a girl. I don't think it's a big deal. As for her asking what his penis is, you could say that boys have different bodies than girls. Is it normal to shower with your back to the shower not facing the water? why is she making the rules at 4 years old? Is this just an American thing? What the hell is wrong with you Ameritards? He will know what to do trust me. Why does some little kids sometimes have their bum’s showing when their sitting down it’s quite disgusting to have to look at the kids bum? ;-). My 5 year old son is capable (for the most part) of bathing himself, and does so most nights, but showers with his dad whenever he can, and once in a blue moon with me. Or go for the usual, "you'll find out when you're older" technique, haha. So I took a shower with my dad. Its you personal choice but in my opinion I would wait until the evenings and take a shower with her when I got home instead of making her take a shower with dad. I've had kids burst in on me in the shower before (once when I was heavily pregnant) and it never bothered me or them, and my duaghter (who is almost 4) still showers sometimes (not all the time) with either me OR her dad, and nobody has a problem with it. They took him right to the hospital and then called me. They had so much fun together and all of them are normal well balanced adults and near adults who have no problem with their bodies or any one elses!. This question actually sparked a large debate on Twitter I think that's fine, but you could consider letting her shower with you, too. One day when I was sleeping my dad came in the room and woke me up. Not a big deal, in my opinion. He said that my mother told him he needed to check my personal area. EDIT...Jo I couldn't agree more. Like a special movie with dad, or play a game with dad something that involves dad though so she isn't feeling like she is being ignored by her father because she can no longer shower with him. Get her some toys she can play with while bathing? Do most 16 and 17 year olds still have a set bedtime on the weekends? Tell her that that kind of talk, though, is only allowed in the house...otherwise she may start talking about those things outside of the house, which could get embarrassing! How do you think about the answers? It’s not your fault and he needs to get help for something he is dealing with. So, having said that, here is my issue: I am the mother of a 15-year-old teenager and a … This allows the other person to penetrate you from behind using a penis, sex toy, or fingers. She may not like it but if you make it a rule, she doesn't have to like it. It is wayyy not normal. If she asks why he is different to her then explain simply why. She enjoys showers much more but refuses to take one alone. That's likely more than the average amount! The shower was very cold. In my case I am more acutely aware of my son's needs because I am sincerely devoted to his care and making sure that my son lives a life equal and normal to any other happy normal child. SHOWER: Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015 Official Trailer - … Get your answers by asking now. she either takes a bath or a shower alone (of course you need to stay in the bathroom with her). If she asks more then that then answer the question she asks and nothing more. But not alone, of course. "he even plucked his eldest daughters (22) ingrowing pubic hair out the other week. " Play Endurodad mode, during which time your dad will randomly disappear. Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015 in-game genitalia remains 100% uncut. Most kids have some weird hang up that they soon grow out of and if your daughter has a problem with a bath or shower alone then let her have one with her dad. Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015: Do You Still Shower With Your Dad. Maybe you’re finally realizing that it may not be normal to hide in your bedroom or screen your parents’ calls. Avoid touching the ninjas and getting hit by the shuriken thrown by your dad. - Fast Pace Dad Showering Simulation - Includes 3 dads! Remember, you do not want him to get hook-up with the wrong type of girls. My husband and I are just afraid that she will start to wonder what her dads penis is when she sees it and we aren't sure how to explain it to her. What is the cost for 1 adult and 1 child. It is NOT normal. But I was naked. Anyway, I don't think it's a big deal at all. But not alone, of course. Try getting her some fun bath toys or bubble soap or my daughter loves her barbies so I let her bring her barbies in the tub with her and she has a blast! After that for two years he refused to sit on the toilet unless he was completely naked lol!