We host Nightbot for you, so it's always online and ready to go. !addcom !support The best and easiest way to support my channel is to subscribe. For example, you’ll need one set for the wins/kills counter and one set for the gulag wins/losses command due to the reset commands. Normal Usage $(time timezone). Question. ', 'Very doubtful. This resets your wins or deaths... you can edit the command names to suit win or death. I like to give nightbot "sass". This will roll two any-sided dice. report. timezone is the timezone to be converted to (timezone list at bottom of page). ', 'Most likely. If you want more info on this, feel free to stop by my Twitch Channel on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 6-8 pm Eastern or Saturdays from 3-5 pm Eastern. Question [Resolved] Does anybody know the correct api code to get this to work in nightbot when somebody types !uptime in chat? Huge shoutout to twitch.center and the developer Ehsan Kia for the awesome tools to support these commands. When you click on this link, you will get 3 lines of text. There's no downloads, no servers, and no worries. ', 'Outlook good. !uptime command API Link: Nightbot: $ (urlfetch https://beta.decapi.me/twitch/uptime/CHANNEL) Nightbot Uptime Command 2020 Aonb. here is the command line i use to activate the shout out:. Usage is !addkills #OFKILLS (!addkills 10 for a 10 kill game). How do you create a stream time in the actual chat. ', 'Better not tell you. This is used for the popular PP command with 0 and 15 or so LOL. Requirements. These are basic commands that I recommend for any channel. In the case of the socials area, you can use EITHER each individual one, or all, depending on your needs. You can also tip bitties or donate; !donate for details. This is a video remake. Tutorial video coming soon! This command set counts cumulative kills. Twitch corrected the subcount issue in August 2020 so now it returns the correct count. I’ve been trying to setup the !uptime command and I’ve been to the nightbot docs and used the command but it keeps telling me unknown twitch channel Aaron128l June 21, 2017, 7:19am This creates a simple rock paper scissors game. This command should work, its a combination of 2 urlfetch variables, the first one picks a random viewer, the seconds one gets the random response: !commands add !fight $ (user) fought $ (urlfetch http://2g.be/twitch/randomviewer.php?channel=$ (channel)) and $ (urlfetch https://api.rtainc.co/twitch/random?format= [0]&choices=won by KO,lost by … I keep Nightbot subbed for the emote. Moderator Level. As for commands like !welcome or the social style links, you can save time and effort by entering these as commands then using the "Alias" field in your timers to call these commands instead of typing them twice. TIKTOKLINKGOESHERE. The process is relatively simple and you have two ways to do it. 50% Upvoted. 100% Upvoted. RAW Paste Data. These are some of the more complicated commands, and potentially very useful. If you don't have emotes, then you don't want to advertise them. (a.includes(`Successfully added entry`)?`$(channel) won another game with ${b.split(`~`)[1].split(`K`)[0]} kills!`:`Invalid input!`):`Use !addwin`), !addcom -ul=mod !resetwins $(eval `$(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/delquote?token=PRIVATE_TOKEN&clear=1)`.includes(`All entries have been deleted`)?`Wins have been reset.`:`Try again later...`), !addcom -cd=5 !wins $(eval a=`$(urlfetch json https://twitch.center/customapi/quote/list?token=PUBLIC_TOKEN)`.match(/~\d+K~/g);a? Careful you don't duplicate any other win counter. The Linux Operating System is filled with several commands which any aspiring Linux expert or power user e.g. "), !addcom !uptime $(twitch $(channel) {{displayname}} has been live for {{uptimeLength}}), !addcom !number $(eval Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) +1)). The process is relatively simple and you have two ways to do it. Feel free to edit as you see fit. Find out the top chatters, top commands, and more at a glance. This adds a single win to the ongoing count. If they don't mute the actual stream, it is more likely that they will count as a viewer. This adds a single loss to the ongoing count. While we think our default settings are great, you may not. The second two lines are identical and where you will find the PRIVATE_TOKEN where data is written to the “file” and stored for recall using the PUBLIC_TOKEN. ', 'It is certain! This will show the weather in your location; you must replace YOURLOCATION with your city and state or ZIP code. Anyone know the exact way to set up the !Uptime command please let me know. My gameplays and live streams in 4K60 with HDR coming soon. Slikrick August 24, 2016, 12:42am #2!commands add !uptime $(twitch $(channel) "{{displayName}} has been live for {{uptimeLength}}") Just copy paste that into chat. I also encourage you to perosnalize some of the messages for your own channel. The first is directly accessing the bot's Dashboard (Control Panel) and accessing the “Commands” area and creating a new command with the variable in sequence: ! Tailor the message to YOUR CHANNEL. xgerhard March 10, 2017, 6:37pm #2. If you prefer, the second way is using the broadcast chat itself, where you content producer or a moderator can create the following command directly in the chat: !addcom !uptime The channel has been live since: $(twitch NAME "{{uptimeLength}}"), Important warning: Remember to replace the NAME with the name of your channel on Twitch (you can see this information in the URL), What did you think of the quick tutorial? Will not work properly without !addkills. You can change this to love, happy, peaceful, whatever. In todays post Imaflanker takes a quick look at how to set up Custom Nightbot Commands for your stream and shares the code he used for his. Personal preference is to use StreamElements or Streamlabs as this calls a 3rd party server that doesn't always respond. Login with Twitch. This is the code to use to create your own custom picker. I also invite you to subscribe to help support the channel! 3 comments. If nothing is typed after the command, then it defaults to the user who sent the command. QueryString – full input that comes after the command with url-encoding Rainwave – current song information from the Rainwave radio network [ more info ] Steam – … The first is directly accessing the bot's Dashboard (Control Panel) and accessing the “Commands” area and creating a new command with the variable in sequence: ! One quick thing: $(user) returns the name of the person who types the command while $(touser) returns the word right after the command and space, which in most cases is meant to be another user. ‘Choice 1’,’Choice2’, etc. For example !dice 20 will roll a 20 sided dice. Nightbot !hours command. Mucho love! Nightbot provides a simple and extensible JSON REST API to integrate Nightbot into third party applications and services. !addcom !cookie $(user) gave $(touser) a cookie! The /me switch returns the response as "action text" or in the same color as the bot's name. !addcom !welcome Welcome to my channel. Mod level user only and you should never really use this command by itself. $(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/delquote?token=PRIVATE_TOKEN&data=1&silent=1) $(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/addquote?token=PRIVATE_TOKEN&data=$(querystring)&silent=1), !addcom -ul=mod !resetkills $(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/delquote?token=PRIVATE_TOKEN&clear=1) $(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/addquote?token=PRIVATE_TOKEN&data=0&silent=1). Nightbot. PRIVATE_TOKEN entered 2x here: This resets the kills counter to zero. !addcom !rps $(user) has $(eval const responses = ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors']; responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)];) vs $(touser) has $(eval const responses = ['Rock','Paper', 'Scissors']; responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)];)! ', 'Ask again later. Moderator. 3 years ago. Please take a moment to subscribe to my YouTube Channel. This will return a number between 1 and 100. ', 'My sources say nope. This might be a stupid, dumb question but is it possible to make a nightbot command that tracks your total hours watched in a specific streamers chat? if you NEED to include a ' mark in your choices, simply put a \ in front of the mark. This API Reference will provide information on all publicly available endpoints and how to interact with them. For Los Angeles, you would type !weatherlookup Los Angeles, CA or !weatherlookup 90001, This will return the local time for the streamer if the you provide your timezone from the list here: https://docs.nightbot.tv/commands/variables/time or it defaults to US/Eastern, This is the addwin. If you need help, catch me at Twitch.tv/ToeKneeTM every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for chatbot setup, tip, tricks and live Questions and Answers. This is a non-user extended code. I wanted to know what the command for creating an !Uptime for your stream using nighbot was. https://www.twitch.tv/YOURCHANNELNAMEHERE/subscribe . Copy and paste the section following the !command into the "message" section. The first line will have a smaller number (DO NOT INCLUDE THE &), and that is used in these commands as the PUBLIC_TOKEN and is used to RECALL stored information. Syntax is !so USERNAME. !addcom !2dice $(user) just rolled a $(eval Math.floor((Math.random() * $(query)))) and a $(eval Math.floor((Math.random() * $(query)))) on 2 $(query) sided dice. https://twitch.center/customapi/quote/generate, When you generate a link in discord, make sure it's a permanent link, You can either generate a Donations link to work with your OBS (StreamElements or Streamlabs) or use a PayPal Link, This should actually be used in your welcome command, but nice to have, List all of your social media links in one command, Use whatever socials you are actually active on, and/or do them individually. and the game section is NOT required. For example !dice 20 will roll 2 20 sided dice. (500 caharacter limit). Previous commands only allowed a link in chat. This is a demo of how the command works. Nightbot can show information about your recent matches, ranks, rotations, and more. Login with YouTube. !uptime command API Link: Nightbot: $ (urlfetch https://beta.decapi.me/twitch/uptime/CHANNEL) For people who do not have their own server set up, I recommend Pastebin.com. NOTE: Many of these commands require you to personalize some part of them. For random number generator, see !number, Let a user see how long they've been following. You can also set up a FREE AWS.com server, but this is for advanced users. Play with it as you see fit. !addcom !discord Please join my Discord server at ENTERYOURLINKHERE, !addcom !donate While donations are never required, they are always appreciated! Moderator level. Archived. (A previous version of this command subtracted 1 sub). Video shows some Tesla cars avoiding accidents. Posted by. To change the number range, simply set the number next to the * for the max number and the number by the + to the minmum. Please keep this in mind when using this link. Follow Age!followage ... Uptime!uptime $(twitch $(channel) "Stream uptime: {{uptimeLength}}") Date User Created Account IMPORTANT NOTE: For many of these counters, you need to use the Twitch quote system to create unique “tokens”. !addcom -ul=mod !win $(channel) has won $(count) times! This thread is archived. You can set this as a timer as well. See you soon! 1 Like. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Use syntax is !addwin #OFKILLS and is set to moderator. This creates a simple rock paper scissors game but aginst a random viewer in chat. !addcom -ul=mod !resetcount -a=!editcom !win \-c=0, !addcom -ul=mod !addkills -a=_!addkills $(eval $(query) + $(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/quote?token=PUBLIC_TOKEN&data=1&no_id=1)), !addcom -ul=mod _!addkills $(channel) has killed $(query) bots today! Developed with in Brazil.Copyright © 2021 Juan de Souza MediaAll rights reserved. Repl.it account (free tier) MongoDB Atlas (free tier) Uptime Robot (free tier) Nightbot (free) For this guide we are going to use the free tier of Repl.it with Uptime Robot to ensure the server is constantly running. Impressive video compares Flight Simulator with Real Life, Video compares with Forza Horizon 4 running on Xbox One X and Xbox Series X, Video shows the evolution of the Xbox startup screen, See in video the importance of Dual Channel RAM for gaming and higher performance. Time. ', 'Yes - Definitely! ']; responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)];), !addcom !bodrop /me wants you to drop $(eval const responses = ['Firing Range', 'Train', 'Ghost', 'Estates', 'Red Barn', 'Silo & Heli', 'Wagers', 'White Barn', 'Boxing', 'River', 'Array', 'Construction', 'Hijacked', 'Asylum', 'Factory', 'Turbine', 'NukeTown', 'Cargo.. ', '8 pack', 'Graveyard', 'Diner',]; responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)];), !addcom !wzdrop /me wants you to drop $(eval const responses = ['Dam', 'Military Base', 'Quarry', 'Airport', 'TV Station', 'Storage Town', 'Superstore', 'Stadium', 'Lumber', 'Boneyard', 'Train Station', 'Hospital', 'Downtown', 'Farmland', 'Promenade East', 'Promenade West', 'Hills', 'Park', 'Port', 'Prison',]; responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)];), !addcom !CUSTOMPICK CUSTOM TEXT $(eval const responses = ['CHOICE1', 'CHOICE2', 'CHOICE3', 'CHOICE4', 'CHOICE5', 'LONGERCHOICESAREOKTOO', 'UPTO500CHARACTERLIMIT']; responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)];) MORECUSTOMTEXT, !addcom !unlimited $(eval const responses = "$(urlfetch json https://pastebin.com/raw/UNIQUECODEHERE) ".split(";"); responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)]; ), !addcom !randomdemo $(eval const responses = "$(urlfetch json https://pastebin.com/raw/LynPsiYH) ".split(";"); responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)];), !addcom !picktwo $(eval const responses = ['Blue', 'Green', 'Red', 'Yellow', 'Purple', 'Burgandy', 'Black', 'White', 'Gray']; responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)];) $(eval const responses = ['Box','Eyes', 'Cap', 'Shirt', 'Pants', 'Circle', 'Hands', 'Hair']; responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)];). Developed with in Brazil.Send your Feedback! This will lookup the weather for the provided location. !addcom !dice $(user) just rolled a $(eval Math.floor((Math.random() * $(query)))) on a $(query) sided die. Questions answered on stream! Type !rpsrandom to play! This is an example of how to have one user "interact" with another user. 1. if this was the first time you called the command, then. Nightbot Commands. Video makes a comparison of the practical differences of the FPS. 1 Like. !addcom !kills $(channel) has killed $(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/quote?token=PUBLIC_TOKEN&data=1&no_id=1) bots today! Moderator. Did you know that SpaceX sent astronauts into space using Linux? This will roll an any-sided die. The time variable prints the current time in a selected timezone. While these are fairly standard commands for the most part, they all contain some type of “code” that executes a function or returns information based on the command and input. report. This picks two from a limited "local" array. Although it looks complicated, you can copy and paste the following message into your custom command’s ‘message’. ', 'You may rely on it. I have highlighted the applicable numbers in the following photo with green as PUBLIC and yellow as PRIVATE: Also keep in mind that you will need separate “tokens” for each command set. Example: win with 10 kills is !addwin 10. Anywhere you see a block of ALLCAPSTEXT, you need to replace those with your own information like a link or channelname. ', 'No! You will NOT use this, but it is required. Thinking about it, I decided to create this quick tutorial teaching how to create the command ! While it is NOT perfect, it is free. ALLCAPS need to be replaced or removed. I wonder if Phil has been in normal employment long enough to learn and understand the concept of overtime pay. My name is Juan, I'm 21 years old, I'm an entrepreneur, investor, blogger, streamer and podcaster. If you get "Unexpected identifier" or "There are no quotes added" in part of your return, use !resetkills and try again. thanks. This is the "everyone" command that recalls your wins/kills. 0. I wanted to know what the command for creating an !Uptime for your stream using nighbot was. Once again, the best place for answers is my live stream on Twitch at Twitch.tv/ToeKneeTM every Tuesday or Thursday from 6-8 pm Eastern or Saturday from 3-5 pm Eastern. Each time you load the following url, a set of tokens is generated by Twitch. 2. This creates an RPS command that you can either pick your opponent or let the bot select a random viewer from the chat list. No alerts yet. How to create the Nightbot uptime command? !addcom -ul=mod !addwin -a=_!addwin $(eval a=parseInt(decodeURIComponent(`$(querystring)`),10);`PRIVATE_TOKEN`+(a>=0?`&data=~${a}K~`:``)), !addcom -ul=mod _!addwin $(eval a=`$(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/addquote?token=$(query))`;b=decodeURIComponent(`$(querystring)`);b.includes(`PRIVATE_TOKEN`)? Examples Adding a command to show how many hugs Nightbot … By signing in, you agree to our Terms of Service. ', 'Concentrate and ask again...', 'Outlook not so good...', 'It is decidedly so! You don’t need to change $(channel), that is a variable that nightbot does automatically. Clickable link to subscribe to your channel. (A … hide. Just change the command name and add $(touser) has a SYNTAX inch pp. !addcom -ul=mod !gloss $(eval a=`$(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/addquote?token=PRIVATE_TOKEN&data=gloss)`;` `) $(twitch $(channel) "{{displayName}}") lost in the Gulag... !addcom -ul=mod !resetgulag $(urlfetch https://twitch.center/customapi/delquote?token=PRIVATE_TOKEN&clear=1), !addcom !gulag $(twitch $(channel) "{{displayName}}") has $(eval a=`$(urlfetch json https://twitch.center/customapi/quote/list?token=PUBLIC_TOKEN)`;a.match(/gwin/g)!=null?w=a.match(/gwin/g).length:w=0;a.match(/gloss/g)!=null?l=a.match(/gloss/g).length:l=0;w+` wins & `+l+` losses in the gulag!`). !addcom !cracked $(touser) is $(eval Math.floor((Math.random() * 100)))% cracked. ... Nightbot. Night bot !uptime command? !addcom !followage $(urlfetch https://2g.be/twitch/following.php?user=$(touser)&channel=$(channel)&format=mwdhms), !addcom -ul=mod !so Go check out $(touser) at Twitch.tv/$(touser) next time they are playing $(twitch $(touser) "{{game}}"), !addcom !subcount $(twitch $(channel) "{{displayName}} has $(twitch subcount) subscribers. Cloud Hosted. |  Privacy PolicyCopyright © 2021 Juan de Souza Media - All rights reserved. The more commands, the more possible reach! Items listed are just examples. Also, tutorial videos are located BELOW each table. Moderator. share. This command should also be tied to a timer using the !alias field. Feel free to edit the choices as you see fit. system admin must have a good grasp of. Sort by. uptime and the command text for: The channel has been live since: $(twitch NAME "{{uptimeLength}}"). bleedPurple, !addcom !socials Follow me on all my social media accounts TWITTERLINKHERE, INSTALINKHERE, TIKTOKLINKHERE, OTHERLINKSHERE, !addcom !insta Follow me on Instagram at INSTALINKGOESHERE, !addcom !twitter Follow me on Twitter to stay up to date: TWITTERLINKGOESHERE, !addcom !tiktok Be sure to follow my TikTok to get the latest videos!