Worst case, rent it out! UCSF also is making ongoing, incremental improvements to the campus as part of the “People, Progress Parnassus” initiative. UCSF’s plans for Parnassus Heights include a modern hospital designed by renowned architects Herzog & De Meuron – which designed the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park – in partnership with architecture firm HDR. I fully supported the Kirkham project just around the corner and the other housing project on 7th Ave. Not many developments I don’t support. Give me a break. this is a world class institution and is something we should all support. For that matter, there are UC schools everywhere … and Stanford medical facilities outside P.A. Great point. The only other remaining medical centers are at Kaiser, and you need to be a member to use their services. Doesn’t UCSF own some of the directly adjacent blocks? UCSF effectively discourages staff commuting by making it too expensive and providing better alternatives, i.e. UCSF, like UCLA, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, etc, are structured with the hospital, research labs and education close to each other physically, culturally and operationally. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors on Tuesday asked the University of California Board of Regents to slow down its approval of a 2 million … They could have picked up the Kirkham project around the corner, for the housing, that would have netted almost 500Ksf and almost 500 units. (Kevin N. Hume/S.F. However, UCSF has ignored the space cap commitment entirely, initially acting in bad faith by hiding the size and scale of its building plans, and instead focusing its disingenuous community outreach on trying to mitigate community opposition with small concessions. To be clear, I like UCSF Parnassus, and they literally saved my life. The ISPN looks forward to continuing to work with UCSF to bring these community investments to fruition and ensure neighbor voice continues to be part of the process.”, “As a top job creator and the second largest employer in the City and County, UCSF contributes to San Francisco’s energy and ‘innovation ecosystem,’ attracting world-class talent to live, work, and study here in our city,” said Dr. Matthew Ajiake, president of the San Francisco African American Chamber of Commerce. The space cap was in no way arbitrary, as Chancellor Sam Hawgood himself has suggested. The site is difficult to get to from other parts of the city. With these ideas in hand, UCSF has worked closely with the City to develop a Memorandum of Understanding to ensure the community benefits envisioned by neighborhood leaders during UCSF’s community engagement process are aligned with City priorities. Not to mention UCSF is a public institution and has a fiduciary responsibility to the tax payers. Maybe they should buy back the Laurel Heights property. sockettome presented a detailed response (that even acknowledged UCSF’s expansion needs), and all you can do is be dismissively insulting? As part of UCSF’s “park to peak” vision of a neighborhood connected to local open spaces, UCSF will maintain its Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve at no less than its current size of 61 acres, while adding improved wayfinding and continuation of its responsible stewardship plans. Beautiful! That kind of use pulls regional workers not just local residents. UCSF wanted to build higher there but Potrero Hill folks stopped that. These factors all culminated in their unique role serving as oligarcharchs on a UCSF Community Advisory Committee, set-up to determine UCSF’s long range development plans for Parnassus (albeit from an incredibly narrow lens). But that doesn’t mean that a Salesforce Tower’s worth of additional space – and thousands of more trips per day to the campus – should be whitewashed and accepted without examination. The view and feelings of a rich liberal is more important than increasing healthcare supply to citizens. UC San Francisco and the City and County of San Francisco have announced an agreement in principle on a set of community benefits to accompany the University’s Comprehensive Parnassus Heights Plan (CPHP) to modernize its historic campus. Looking ahead: Read up on future developments at Parnassus. In addition to 1.37 million square feet of net new clinical and research space, including a new hospital on the eastern edge of the campus, the proposed plan includes the development of 750 new housing units for students and staff, split between the Aldea Housing area near the top of Mount Sutro and along a restored 4th Avenue at the western side of the campus between Parnassus and Kirkham. Build it. The size is shocking — over 2 million additional square feet — a 42% increase. Your email address will not be published. UCSF will expand its EXCEL workforce training program and its CCOP/CityBuild partnership by a combined $5 million over the next 10 years. they are also adding housing here so people can walk to school and their jobs. Textbook. To further advance UCSF’s commitment to be a transit-first campus, UCSF will contribute over $20 million to SFMTA to support improvements to transit serving Parnassus Heights. Frankly, this is much more important than your house. This seems very shortsighted to me. In November 2014, the UC Regents approved UCSF’s Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) to guide UCSF’s growth through the year 2035. www.pncsf.org Don't let UCSF break its promise and rush through a MASSIVE EXPANSION of its UCSF Parnassus campus as soon as January 21! In January 2021, the UC Regents amended the 2014 LRDP to allow for the revitalization of UCSF’s flagship campus at Parnassus Heights though 2050 with the Comprehensive Parnassus Heights Plan (CPHP).. Work at Parnassus Heights under the 2014 LRDP …