However, because of their confidence, they can be overly optimistic. It uses astrology as well as the time, date, month and year of a person’s birth to make predictions. They are in conflict with the rat. They can adapt quickly to new environments as well as make new friends easily. The Vietnamese horoscope uses a variation of the Chinese zodiac based on the lunar calendar. Inspired by the Vietnamese zodiac elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water, the Anam’s new spa therapy begins with a consultation with the resort’s “elements” spa specialist, who assesses the guest’s birth year to determine his or her zodiac sign and zodiac element. The buffalo hours are from 1 am to 3 am when buffalo are feeding and the day's farm work begins. They are cheerful, skillful, curious and inventive, but they may drive people away by talking too much and being contemptuous of others. Besides, many decide to stay alone to focus on their career. The following story template works best for preschool or family story time. A Vietnamese Zodiac is divided based on twelve animals over a cycle of 12 years. Cat and Rat were such good friends they decided to go together. Why was a legendary dragon with the ability to fly not in the first position? Most Vietnamese, even city dwellers and overseas Vietnamese, have a lunar calendar in their homes to consult … Shortly before reaching the other side, the two-faced and deceitful rat pushed the cat into the raging river, quickly hopped off to the finish line and obviously became the first animal of the zodiac list. SNAKES speak little but have tremendous wisdom. Men born in the Horse year are fairly easygoing, independent and in need of freedom. Honest and loyal – Dogs are the truest friends and the most reliable partners. All Rights Reserved. Pigs have beautiful personalities and are blessed with good fortune in life. Noontime, when the sun is the highest, is the horse hour. The DRAGON in eastern mythology can be protective and a symbol of the male (yang) principal of the universe of royal authority. Horses are free spirits who need space to be themselves. Cats are in conflict with the Rat.. There is no need for their husband to worry since everything is taken good care of by them. The Vietnamese zodiac resembles the Chinese zodiac except that the second animal is the Buffalo instead of the Ox, and the fourth animal is the Cat instead of the Rabbit. The dragon is in its element everywhere; under water, on the ground and in the air. Long, long ago, there was no Chinese zodiac. 70, 31st Street, Yangon, Union of Myanmar, Copyright © 2021 Go Vietnam Tours. Here are some possible ex… According to ancient Astronomers, the 12 zodiac circle is a perfect 360 degree circle divided into 12 branches. They are family-oriented and have a warm-hearted personality. When a Vietnamese asks another how old she is, how do you expect her to answer? Women born in the year of Pig are full of excitement. On Lunar New Year across East and Southeast Asia, the story of how 12 animals ended up in the Chinese Zodiac – and its counterparts across the region – is told in various ways. It is esteemed for altertness, intelligence, strength and is a friend to man. It is said that the gracious water buffalo was about to be the fastest one, but he was way too naive when agreeing to help the rat and the cat across the river. Snakes symbolize the eternal revolution of the ages and the succession, dissolution and regeneration of humanity. Not even the smallest things can escape from their eyes. Women born in the Goat year are reliable, motivated and attentive. Although we cover a wide range of topics, our emphasis is on art, culture, history and travel. It is our pleasure to take care of you, to share with you interesting information, mysterious history, long-established culture, and insiders’ travel tips to perfect your experience during your Vietnam tour. People of that year are thought to possess the characteristics of that animal: steady, placid, but stubborn when crossed. Vietnamese make use of the lunar calendar and Chinese zodiac variations to generate a horoscope. The Vietnamese story has a different ending fo r Cat. When he woke up, he realized he was still in a race and panically ran into the finish line. Dragons are sincere, energetic but short-tempered and stubborn. Men born in the Pig year are optimistic, quiet and focused but gullible. The 12-year cycle is an approximation to the 11.85-year orbital period of Jupiter. The cat and the rat, being lazy, decided to ride on the back of the water buffalo. Legends relating to the order of the Chinese zodiac often include stories as to why the cat was not included among the twelve. Vietnamese Zodiac Signs – The Rat (The Smart One) Rats are clever, quick thinkers, successful in life, but have a peaceful life. Women born in the year of Dragon are often mesmerizing and strong. Its propensity to kick evokes images of a quick-tempered personality. However, they always eager to be the center of attention and easily become jealous, which makes them harder for them to socialize. In their excitement, they cannot remember to give others personal space. While crossing the river on the water buffalo’s back, the cunning rat pushed the cat into the river to guarantee its 1st place. Men born in the Rat year are clever, flexible and adaptable to new environments. The 60-year cycle is made up of combinations of the twelve animals representing the earthly signs of the Vietnamese zodiac and ten heavenly or celestial signs usually called "stems". These men take good care of their family, which results in harmonious family life. Being scared half to death causing, the horse made it in 7th place. The GOAT people are calm and shy, unassertive and self-effacing. At the same time, he is a symbol of protection against fires. Vietnam’s territory is covered with ¾ areas of mountain and forest when the king roars following is the powerful sound. Monkeys are lighthearted pranksters who are able to achieve all their dreams. The dog year will be secure and protected. When Korea or China mark the … The Vietnamese Zodiac. A white cock is sometimes placed on the coffin of funeral processions to make the way free from demons. This is similar to the Chinese tale, except the 4th animal is Cat, not Rabbit. Therefore, they became enemies. As long as they are doing what they love, they will easily get success. Each year has import for humans who have converging or diverging signs. However, they had better take time to consider and balance things. Men born in the Dragon year are committed, devoted and responsible. Year of the monkey. The buffalo is the second animal sign in the 12-year cycle of the Vietnamese zodiac and also a symbol of the wet rice civilisation in Southeast Asia, including Vietnam. During an argument, they’re often the peacemaker. They are willing to do whatever they can to help others. TIGERS are quick to anger, indecisive but can be flexible and accommodate their personalities to suit the circumstances. Rat people are charming and attractive to the opposite sex, although they have a fear of light and noise. Both Korea and Vietnam borrowed from the Chinese zodiac when they adopted the Chinese lunisolar calendar for their own, so it is little wonder that all three share a similar zodiac for the 12-year cycle, with one key difference in each culture: while the Chinese and Vietnamese zodiacs have the Goat zodiac, the Korean zodiac has the Sheep zodiac instead; while the Chinese and Korean … Chinese zodiac signs characteristics and personality traits for each zodiac sign, astrology in astrology, chinese zodiac signs system is one of the earliest chinese arts, most people in the west. Worldwide, the dog is used as a guard against intruders. Let’s take a closer look at the legend stories behind these creatures and review your Vietnamese zodiac signs, characteristics as well as some predictions for the next year with Go Vietnam Tours. Their stubbornness fades in the face of their loved ones. It is a water sign and a propitious sign for agriculture. The years 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 are dragon years. ThingsAsian is an Asia travel website with stories contributed by a worldwide community. However, they also often overestimate themselves. The explanations I have read have to do with the sound of the words in Chinese and their translations to Vietnamese. While crossing the river on the water buffalo, the scheming rat pushed the cat into the river to ensure its place at the top of the list. Editor's Note: This chapter was excerpted from Tet, The Vietnamese Lunar New Year, by Barbara Cohen & Huu Ngoc, The Gioi Publishers, Hanoi, Vietnam. However, they are usually indecisive. A cat person has a supple mind and patient personality and knows how to wait for favorable conditions before taking action. Men born in the Monkey year are enthusiastic, tolerant and responsible but a bit stubborn and a bit immature. They rode the back of Water Buffalo across the river and were nearly to … Origin of Vietnamese zodiac and horoscope and generally the 12 Zodiac signs back to 1645 BC, invented by ancient Babylonian Astrologers. ×  4  =  thirty two .hide-if-no-js{display:none!important}, Filming in Vietnam Vietnam DMC Vietnam ho chi minh tour package Asia travel packages Cambodia tours Laos tours Myanmar tours Shore excursions Nepal tours Bhutan tours Hanoi tours Team Building school trips to Vietnam Vietnam tour China tour packages sri lanka sightseeing packages Viet vision team building, Cambodia: Borey Angkor Shopping Arcade B18, Road No6, Krous Village, Siem Reap, Cambodia. The PIG symbolizes the wealth of the forest because the boar maintains his lair in the woods. Some of the countries we currently cover are Burma, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The Race Story of Chinese Zodiac Animals There are 12 animals on the Chinese Zodiac calendar including Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, … Men born in the Dog year are straightforward, genuine, energetic, though they’re more pessimistic inside. However, they sometimes lack the courage to do so and might not be suitable for leadership positions.