Later they gave birth to Nefertem, the god of perfume and water blossom. Her name means “powerful.” She rose to prominence during the second millennium BC, when Egypt engaged in many wars extending its domain and was a leading power in the world. Positive Traits. Lioness – Her ferocity and vengeful nature have associated Sekhmet with the lioness. It was believed that her breath created the desert.Sometimes known as sister to Bastet/Bast, a goddess who protected pregnant women and children. In this regard, Sekhmet is considered as the wife of Ptah, the god of craftsmen and architect. Sekhmet was said to breathe fire, and the hot winds of the desert were likened to her breath. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Sekhmet goddess of fire and war Sekhmet was originally the warrior goddess as well as goddess of healing for Upper Egypt. Sekhmet's name comes from the Ancient Egyptian word sḫm, which means "power or might". Sekhmet was the fire-breathing lion-headed goddess of war and violence, so it makes sense that most of her worship was about keeping her away. [6] Participation in the festival was great, including by the priestesses and the population. Sometimes the dress she wears exhibits a rosetta pattern over each breast, an ancient leonine motif, which can be traced to observation of the shoulder-knot hairs on lions. She was often described as the mother of Maahes, the lion god who was a patron of the pharaoh and the pyramid texts (from dynasty five) suggest that the Pharaoh was conceived by Sekhmet. In charge of: War Area of expertise: War. [4], Sekhmet was considered the wife of the god Ptah and mother of his son Nefertum. These priests revered Goddess Sekhmet. Gender: Female Type: Goddess Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present. Red linen – Sekhmet is typically portrayed in red linen, which symbolizes blood. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Together with Bast, the cat goddess, Sekhmet destroyed Apep, the underworld serpent that attempted to swallow Ra. They are depicted in all images of the embalming rites, showing her head, the characteristic tufted tail, and her feet. Sekhmet's name (Ancient Egyptian: sḫmt, /'sɛχmit/, later Old Coptic: ⲥⲁⲭⲙⲓ) is thus translated as "the (one who is) powerful or mighty". Updates? She was also believed to cause plagues, which were called her servants or messengers, although she was also called upon to ward off disease. She was the sister and wife of Ptah.She was created by the fire of Re's eye. It is a sleepy drink based on beer and red ochre from elephantine. This may relate to averting excessive flooding during the inundation at the beginning of each year as well, when the Nile ran blood-red with the silt from up-stream. In Egyptian mythology, Sekhmet was the goddess of the sun, fire plagues, healing and war. She is depicted as a lioness. If Sekhmet hits a god with all 3 attacks, she will mark him. Mistaking the beer for blood, she became so drunk that she gave up the slaughter and returned peacefully to Ra. As such, humanity began to stop worshipping Ra, ultimately forgetting to uphold Ma'at. Sekhmet, also spelled Sakhmet, in Egyptian religion, a goddess of war and the destroyer of the enemies of the sun god Re. (Berlin, Altes Museum, catalogue number 23733). Sekhmet: The First God of Medicine. In 2006, Betsy Bryan, an archaeologist with Johns Hopkins University excavating at the temple of Mut in Luxor (Thebes) presented her findings about the festival that included illustrations of the priestesses being served to excess and its adverse effects on them being ministered to by temple attendants. Over the centuries, however, he became old and senile. She is depicted as a lion-headed woman, sometimes with the addition of … She also was given titles such as the "(One) Before Whom Evil Trembles", "Mistress of Dread", "Lady of Slaughter" and "She Who Mauls". Here, she was revered as a powerful warrior and … Ptah is an Egyptian creator god who existed before all other things and, by his will, thought the world into existence. Historical records of tens of thousands attending the festival exist. Sekhmet (Sakhmet) is one of the oldest known Egyptian deities. During the Greek dominance in Egypt, note was made of a temple for Maahes that was an auxiliary facility to a large temple to Sekhmet at Taremu in the Delta region, a city which the Greeks called Leontopolis. Like other fierce goddesses in the Egyptian pantheon, she was called the “Eye of Re.” She was the companion of the god (Sekhmet). Good/Evil Rating: Unknown at … Sekhmet. She bears the Uraeus, which associates her with Wadjet and royalty, and the solar disk. He plucked out his eye, which formed into a terrifying lion-headed goddess. Other Beings of Light often work with her in session such as Christ, Archangel Michael, the Elohim, Lord Maitreya, Horus, Ma’at, Isis and Osiris. Re created her as a weapon of vengence to destroy men for their wicked ways and disobedience to him (see The Story of Re). Gilded bier from the tomb of Tutankhamun with representations of Sekhmet, Cairo Museum. Occasionally, Sekhmet was also portrayed in her statuettes and engravings with minimal clothing or naked. She was married to Ptah, the god of healing. … The lion-headed wife of Ptah was a goddess of war and the heat of the desert. Sekhmet whose name means: “She who is powerful” or “the One who loves Ma’at” was the goddess of the hot desert sun, plague, chaos, war, and healing.