You should be able to see the colossal mountain peak without using binoculars. He lives in a large house. Related Sources. The previous sentence includes the three basic forms, but note that, aside from a single semicolon, I have refrained from introducing anything more complicated into this paragraph. Below are two examples, as well as some facts about long sentences in general. Parents who speak in complete sentences will have children, by and large, who will do so, especially if they are kept from watching television and motion pictures. UN dismayed at Navalny sentence, calls for release of protesters. Context sentences Usage examples for "large" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Sentence for Ian Wright case a 'setback in fight against racism in Ireland' Michael Staines 09.41 4 Feb 2021 Share this article. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The definition of At Large is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. We had a large audience. CK 1 34281 Large fries, please. Countries are just human beings writ large, and human beings, by and large, are a law-abiding bunch, because most of the time obeying those laws is convenient. He kept a large cache of papers in his locker.yes i can, here it is, Can u use the french word cache in a sentence? Read more: Nottingham Christmas market closed because too many people wanted to go. 435410 It's too large. These had always bulked large in the history of diplomacy. How do you use at large in a sentence? Learn more. By and large definition: You use by and large to indicate that a statement is mostly but not completely true . Nearly 2,000 dangerous offenders still at large, figures show NEARLY 2,000 offenders who should have been arrested and returned to prison to finish their sentences are still at large, figures show. 3. In 2005, Halton Borough Council put up a notice to tell the public about its plans to move a path from one place to another. Consistent: You can earn from one million to five million dollars. She lives in a large house. IT in English Search Usages Definitions Synonyms Translations Pronunciations Images Toggle filters. A subject is one of the two main parts of a sentence. When the colossal catfish was placed on the scale, it registered at two hundred pounds. The second suspect is believed to be at large in the Boston suburb of Watertown. Exact amount: $30.12; Rounded and large amounts: 85 dollars, $20 million; Tip #8: When decimals are involved A contrast is implied, with certain electoral districts or narrower divisions. … Lydia came from a big family of eight brothers and sisters. The nouns in a sentence are either subjects or objects, with subjects being the focus of the sentence and objects being details provided in the sentence to shed additional light on the actions of the subjects. 2. CK 1 2273126 Tom is fairly large. About 21071 results found using 'AT LARGE'. Did You Know? What does at-large mean? 33 votes. At-large is a description for members of a governing body who are elected or appointed to represent a whole membership or population (notably a city, county, state, province, nation, club or association), rather than a subset. Menu. By REUTERS . The group's most notable performances to date have included sets at large festivals such as MerleFest in II ", the Rolling Stones "'Sticky Fingers ", and the Beatles "'Abbey Road " at the Hillside Album Hour at Merlefest. is not responsible for their content. Look it up now! For exact amount, use digits for correct punctuation. Source: 'Daily Use'. The public at large admires and respects your dignity and seriousness. There are three suspects at large involved in the recent homicide case. This building is very large. Inconsistent: You can earn from $1 million to five million dollars. About 2047 results found using 'BE AT LARGE'. The offence does not apply to persons temporarily released from secure training centres (Section 1(2)). Don’t overthink the issue, of course. FEBRUARY 3, 2021 14:13. The fugitive is still at large. The easy to understand dictionary with example sentences, famous quotes and audio pronunciations. This place is large, isn't it? You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of At Large. America is very large. Currently, the council is made up of seven members who are all elected at large. Read and Listen To Sentences Using the Word "Large" It's too large. Long sentences You should always try to avoid long sentences. (adjective) 25 examples: The procurement of a large quantity of fish presents the problem of preserving… Includes: thesaurus, computer dictionary, investment dictionary, law dictionary and more. Knowing or believing an order recalling him to have been made, and while unlawfully at large by virtue of such an order, he fails, without reasonable excuse, to take all necessary steps for complying as soon as reasonably practicable with that order. (open, save, copy) English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Large" in Example Sentences Page 1. These factors must bulk larger in the explanation of depopulation than the sixteenth-century writers’ scapegoat, the rapacious landlords. CK 1 1891427 How large is it? CK 1 2387445 I need a larger room. Rule 7. 6. How to use at-large in a sentence. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "AT LARGE" - german-english translations and search engine for … “However, numbers were too large to implement these effectively.” It said the city centre saw significant footfall on the first Saturday since the second national lockdown in England was lifted, and that it was “notably busier than anticipated”. Large round numbers are often spelled out, but be consistent within a sentence. They were chained fast to large beams of wood. Home. Learning English Faster Through Complete Sentences with “bulk large” Sentences are everywhere. Expanded noun phrases tell you more about the noun. extremely large in size. In multi-hierarchical bodies the term rarely extends to a tier beneath the highest division. 7. CK 1 1537002 Tom saw a large bird. Austin at Large: “It’s Time to Get Done” As we dive deep into 2021, let’s complete that sentence with real talk, not “stuff” By Mike Clark-Madison, Fri., Jan. 29, 2021 Source: 'Daily Use'. Tip #7: Using numbers for money in a sentence. At large definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Examples of to large in a sentence: 1. John inherited a large fortune. I have 5 at large. set at large in a sentence - Use "set at large" in a sentence 1. But, when large amounts and rounded amounts are involved, you should use both digits, periods, dashes, and words. At-large definition is - relating to or being a political representative who is elected to serve an entire area rather than one of its subdivisions. at large in a sentence - Use "at large" in a sentence 1. CK 1 435613 Large, isn't it? Free from confinement, control, or restraint. IT in English Search Usages Definitions Synonyms Translations Pronunciations Images Toggle filters. Translations of the phrase AT LARGE from english to finnish and examples of the use of "AT LARGE" in a sentence with their translations: He is still at large and considered extremely dangerous. Sometimes the world felt so big and she was just a tiny speck on the surface of the planet. Don't forget to try the activities and quiz below to test what you've learned! (open, save, copy) 2. Sentence for "at large" There are three suspects at large … View More; Quotes for "at large" "As I grew up, I was…" View More; Equivalent for "at large" free; Link to this page. 2. at large definition: 1. generally: 2. generally: 3. generally: . Write decimals using figures. The rest are believed to be at large outside the country. This classroom is very large. Translations in context of "AT LARGE" in german-english. The fisherman knew the trout was big, but when it weighed in at 28 pounds he was stunned. Many relish its sweet taste, but it is by and large an acquired one. Inconsistent: You can earn from one million dollars to 5 million dollars. My family is not very large. Quite astonishingly, the notice was a 630 word sentence, which picked up one of our Golden Bull awards that year. Watch the video to learn more about expanded noun phrases. It took twelve men to carry the colossal pie to the pie festival. To find the object of a sentence, you must understand the sentence and use that understanding to identify the individual components that make up its meaning. Man! By and large definition is - on the whole : in general. The extra large pizza was so big that it nearly covered the entire table. Sentence with the word at large. CK 1 45521 Is it large enough? Examples of large quantity in a sentence, how to use it. It appears before the predicate to show what the sentence is about, or what performs the action. My family is not that large. How to use by and large in a sentence. His family is very large. What objection exists to large county boards of government? Examples of Colossal in a sentence. Channel bass run to large sizes. 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