Bruce Wayne's Batsuit resembles the batsuit used in Batman: Year One. [4], The cowl mainly conceals Batman's features and contributes to his imposing appearance. Batman initially also makes use of a motorized brace to support his damaged knee after injuries he sustained in The Dark Knight. One notable modification was made to the utility belt; an air-powered charge-firing rifle, which allows Batman to fire timed explosive charges from considerable distances and can be folded into two halves into a box-like shape to fit into his utility belt's compartment. In Batman: Gotham Knight (2008), a DC Universe Animated Original Movie set between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, details of the Batsuit are shown. Finger didn't like the bird-like wings, so he also suggested to Kane to re-design them and make a cape instead, and scallop the edges so it would flow out behind Batman when he ran so it would look like bat wings as well as adding a bat symbol on the character's chest as its chest emblem. In Batman (1989), the basic design of the suit, by Bob Ringwood, is essentially the Neal Adams version of the costume, which was still in vogue in the comics during the 1980s. The Batsuit in the reboot Batman Begins (2005) is given the most complete description ever seen in a Batman film and the comic books. While brooding in his study over how to be a more effective crime fighter, Bruce Wayne saw a bat come through his window (in the earliest Detective Comics portrayal simply flying in an open window, in Post-Crisis continuity such as Batman: Year One, dramatically crashing through the glass) and perch on the bust of his father. This all-black suit functions like all the other suits and offers almost as much protection as the Mark II Suit, though it already shows scratches of battle wear. The Arkham Knight knows the influence of symbols and has adopted the Arkham Institution logo as his own in place of the bat emblem. … The cowl's Kevlar lining is supposed to be bulletproof. But at the end of this episode Lucius Fox represents Bruce a new bulletproof suit with a plastic mask, which looks like a cut-off facial part of Batman's cowl. It also carries an inertial navigation unit to keep him in balance when facing foes such as the Scarecrow or Count Vertigo. On any occasion where Batman anticipates encountering Superman, he has also carried (in a lead case) a Kryptonite ring given to him by the Man of Steel as a weapon of last resort (in some instances, Batman has acquired – or manufactured – the kryptonite himself, such as Frank Miller's The Dark Knight graphic novels). Based on an advanced infantry armor system constructed from Nomex, the first layer of protection is an undersuit with built-in temperature regulators designed to keep the wearer at a comfortable temperature in almost any condition. [21] The suit has also carried on different occasions a re-breather device, flash and gas grenades, explosives and a detonator, lockpicks, a signaling device for the Batmobile, electronic surveillance equipment (including video camera and monitor), a forensic kit for gathering crime scene evidence, a medical kit, a small toolkit, a homing device, a cache of money and, in early incarnations, a pistol in a holster. The cowl is more elongated, and the suit overall is lighter in texture. ... Batman's most powerful suit revealed, alot more stronger than his previous planet destroys like: Hellbat Justice Buster Project Batman. The Dark Knight gets a little darker. Batman's most powerful suit revealed, alot more stronger than his previous planet destroys like: Hellbat Justice Buster Project Batman. Batman (Post-Crisis) DC Comics Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) Batman (Post-Flashpoint) Hellbat. The cape was also extended to cover the upper torso and shoulders entirely, with the Bat insignia embedded into the chest portion. Enabling the Hellbat mantel to change shape and semblance diving into living bodies and putting off the inner ear, liquefy and reform around enemies to flail/bash them around, use them as shields for defense or stone cutting armaments for offence. The armored suit is much bulkier and features heavy plate armor on the torso and limbs and segmented armor on the joints and neck. Created by TH0R. However, because some superpowered individuals such as metahuman hitman Tommy Monaghan have the power to see through solid objects, Batman also lines the cowl with lead to protect his identity. The Batsuit can also compress around wounds caused by anything capable of getting past the Batsuit's armor. In Batman: Dark Knight of the Round Table, after Bruce of Waynesmoor has spent years living in Avalon before being trained by Merlin, he is granted a suit of armour that Merlin describes as having been forged by the power of the dragon, the metals forged by the dragon's fiery breath before being cooled in its blood, granting the wearer control over the forces of nature itself. Despite the armor, Batman almost always evades gunfire and is very rarely actually shot. In his Hellbat armor, Bruce Wayne can go toe-to-toe with Darkseid. The exact appearance of the suit was not always consistent in the series, such as the chest emblem's design or the length of the cape. According to its legends, it can impart strength and speed of its wearer but also would completely corrupt anyone whose heart and soul is not pure. But as a trade-off, the flexible armor leaves Batman more vulnerable to injury from knives and gunfire in favor of increased flexibility and lighter weight. World Forger shows Batman his new suit which is crafted from Mother Boxes and Element X which has said to be the cosmic material used to craft the entire Multiverse. Other Batsuits are briefly seen such as Suba Bat, Glam Bat, Regge Man (which becomes the Robin costume), Nightwing, Com-Bat, St Batricks, etc. The Batsuit is also no longer portrayed as a one-piece suit, as the top and pants are separate pieces. It offers mild ballistic protection, flame resistance, radiation resistance (albeit not for prolonged exposure), is durable enough to offer the wearer resistance to blunt force trauma or significant impact (allowing the wearer to withstand punches from beings with super strength). While wearing this armour, Bruce also used his father's old sword. The mask contains a "Detective Mode" visor to allow Batman to investigate crime scenes, see through walls, track enemies, collect data, navigate and locate signals. After Bruce Wayne returns from his journey through time, he designs another Batsuit that differentiates from Dick Grayson's (concept drawings by artist David Finch) and adds further upgrades. His signature weapon the batarang is now stored in a magazine. The suit uses the same color scheme as the first suit, albeit the colors being much darker in each respect, even shorter ears on the cowl, and the utility belt having fewer yellow accents as a result of the limited tech Batman has at his disposal. The "ears" on the cowl are also longer. 799. Though Batman rejects Jean Paul Valley's armor, he agrees that it is time to update his own Batsuit. Batman (Post-Crisis) DC Comics Spider-Man (Marvel Comics) Marvel Comics. The gauntlets and boots are armored, and the utility belt is black with yellow lining. In early depictions, contrasting briefs were worn over a one-piece suit, similar to the garb of early 20th-century circus performers and strongmen. If Batman chooses to take on Penguin and protect his tech, Fox will instead give him the Batsuit Mark II for the final fight. However, artist Karl Kerchl has drawn Batman's costume vault showing that he has a wide selection of cowls with ears of different lengths. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. First introduced in … In the twenty-fifth Century, Brenna Wayne devises three bat-themed costumes to track the source of the conspiracy against her family, with two being high-tech black-and-orange suits with such advanced weaponry as flamethrowers in the cape/wings, and the third a simpler black suit with gold trim. In Batman: The Animated Series, Batman wears a special motorcycle helmet when riding his Batcycle that is molded with bat ears to accommodate his cowl's ears. Batman's usage of the cape as a mode of transportation differed over the years. In the 2016 DC Comics relaunch, DC Rebirth, Batman's latest suit is similar to his New 52 suit. The Batman Arkham series also gave Batman the same gliding ability as in Batman Begins. The front of the skull and the sides of the temples also have small armor inserts to increase the effectiveness of skull strikes and protect from concussive blows. Another alternative-universe version of the Batsuit worn by the Justice Lords incarnation of Batman in the Justice League episode "A Better World" featured lighter gray colors on the cape, cowl and chest, and jet black on the rest of the bodysuit, seemingly inspired by the Phantasm costume worn by Andrea Beaumont. The gauntlets from this costume are now being used by Kate Spencer, the current Manhunter, who obtained them from an LAPD evidence room. Sort by. In Justice League (2017), due to Bruce's paranoia of attack, the Batsuit has several additional pieces of armour, most notably on the arm and biceps. In the episode "Schooled", Bruce is shown utilizing an emergency Batsuit hidden in the Metropolis corporate offices of Waynetech. In the Vampire Batman trilogy, Batman wears the familiar Batsuit even after he becomes a vampire, although he wields silver batarangs in the first novel in the trilogy in his final confrontation with Dracula and uses cross-shaped throwing daggers, made of wood with silver in the interior, in the second novel, these weapons specifically designed to help him kill the other vampires. Interrupting a drug transaction between Scarecrow and Chechen, he uses a pneumatic mangler that allows him to bend a gun barrel and tear through the sheet metal of a van while chasing after Scarecrow. In another flashback during "The Golden Age of Justice", a much younger Batman is shown wearing the original Bob Kane outfit during training sessions with the Justice Society. The Batsuit has been repeatedly updated in order to reflect advances in technology. 3 wins (100%) … He also suggested that the color of his bodysuit should be gray instead of red and a pair of gloves were added, colored purple from the start but later changed to blue. An extremely different variant of the Batsuit is featured in Batman Beyond (1999–2001) which does away with the traditional individual articles of clothing and appears to be a simple black bodysuit with a red chest emblem and the cowl also covers the entire face: however, this version is a form-fitting "power suit". Dick Grayson takes on the role of Batman between 1959 and 1969, again wearing a Batsuit similar to what was worn in the comics at this time, with this suit being worn by Bruce's son, Bruce Wayne Junior, when he takes over as Batman in 1969 after Grayson is killed by a trap set by the Joker, Bruce Junior switching costumes with Grayson to create the illusion that the Joker killed Robin rather than Batman. While no different in terms of gadgets, the Batsuit that Batman wears, first in the Troika storyline, is noticeably darker than his previous costume, looking very similar to the suits worn in the 1989 Batman movie and its sequel, Batman Returns. Explosive gel - Allows Batman to spray stable explosive and demolish obstacles and walls and destroy hazardous materials. In the 2010 comic book mini-series Batman Beyond, Dick Grayson explains that there is also a tactical reason for adding a cape to the costume: misdirection. Bruce continues to use this suit throughout this and next season, while Fox invents new gadgets for him to use in combat. Bruce also adds metal gauntlets with scallops on the forearms, an innovation derived from his experience as a pupil of Ra's al Ghul's League of Shadows. Hellbat. ... this enraged Bruce enough for him to put on the … … The exact contents of this belt are not known because Batman usually changes it to suit his needs. While the suit bears immense power, it also slows its user's speed and limits movement capacity.
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