A small amount of white on chest or toes is permitted. The Boykin Spaniel is medium in size, with emphasis placed on his hunting abilities, characterized by flushing and retrieving, with moderate speed and agility. His hocks are parallel. Boykin Spaniel Club & Breeders Association of America. No other white markings are allowed. They range from solid liver to dark brown, allowing a small white spot on chest. We assure you, the wait is worth it! This breed stands from 14 to 17 inches and weighs around 25 to 40 pounds. In case of an emergency circumstances may change. Boykin Spaniels are medium-sized dogs, being slightly larger than the English Cocker Spaniels. Darker shades of yellow preferred over lighter shades. These dogs’ eyes are appealing and lively, ranging in color from gold to dark amber. 3. Some of the fringe of the coat is a lighter red color. EYES - The eyes are yellow to brown to harmonize with the coat, set well apart, expression alert, intelligent and trusting. The Boykin Spaniel is a people pleaser. TAIL - The tail should be docked so that at maturity it is 2 1/2 to 3 inches long. The back is straight, strong and essentially level. Colors. His pendulous ears, intelligent expression, sturdy build and friendly wagging tail proclaim him part of the spaniel family. Legs from hock joint to foot pad moderate in length, strong and straight with good bone structure. Please check back frequently as new dogs make their appearance in this final step of care before becoming available! Colors range from a rich liver to a luscious chocolate. “They are very, very sweet dogs to have around the family,” a longtime owner says, “but an absolute tiger in the field.”. The teeth should be brushed often, using a toothpaste designed for dogs. But lately, the wider world has discovered that the Boykin is as delightful at home as he is eager at the lake. The feet are round, compact, well-arched, of medium size with thick pads. Viewed from the rear, the hocks should follow on a line with the forelegs, neither too widely nor too closely spaced. Solid, rich liver or dark chocolate are the main color varieties of this sporting dog. An average shedder, the Boykin Spaniel’s glossy coat needs to be brushed three to four times a week. Boykin refers to a small community residing in South Carolina which barely had 100 people. The Boykin Spaniel has a Spaniel type head. Boykin Spaniel Appearance. 2. The AKC has grouped all of the breeds that it registers into seven categories, or groups, roughly based on function and heritage. This breed stands from 14 to 17 inches and weighs around 25 to 40 pounds. Black or liver with white markings or predominantly white with black or liver markings. Boykin Spaniels are generally healthy dogs, and responsible breeders screen their stock for health conditions such as hip dysplasia, juvenile cataracts, and exercise-induced collapse. The Boykin Spaniel is among the handful of AKC breeds wholly developed in the 20th century. White sent Dumpy for training to his hunting partner, community patriarch Whit Boykin, who was the area’s leading dog man. The large, feathery ears hang close to … They are sheathed in a coat of medium length which is often straight, although slightly curly. A Cocker Spaniel MIGHT look like a Boykin if it were hit by a car and dragged through the streets. They thrive on companionship, enjoying the company of children and other dogs. The breed’s hallmark is a beautiful solid-brown coat. Blue or liver roan. 2. The color of the Boykin Spaniel is solid rich liver or dark chocolate. The Boykin Spaniel is a tough, energetic, and enthusiastic hunting dog, yet gentle and contented in the home. Litter App, Request A Pedigree & Registration Info, What is Limited Privilege (LP) Registration, Order 5 Generation Pedigree (Family Tree), Inherited Disease Checklist for the Boykin Breed, 2021 BSS Spring Event T-Shirt Preorder Form, 2021 BSS Spring National Field Trial DATES, BSS Retriever Field Trial Rules & Regulations, BSS Upland Field Trial Rules & Guidelines, BSS Sanctioned Hunt Test Club Info & Rules, Request Foundation Health Test Reimbursement, Boykin Spaniel Society Photograph Submission Policy, Boykin Spaniel Rescue Regional Club Outreach, PUPPY Wellness Guide, GROOMING & TRAINING tips. The muzzle to be approximately the same length as the skull. The height at the shoulders should approximately equal the length of the body from the top of the shoulders to the base of the tail. Color is liver or brown. Common coat colors in the Boykin Spaniel are chocolate, brown, and liver. The Boykin Spaniel was recorded in the Foundation Stock Service from 1997 to 2008. The Boykin Spaniel’s ears are set slightly above or even with the line of the eye. Viewed from the top, the width of the muzzle is approximately one half the width of the skull. His eyes are varying shades of brown, set well apart, medium size and oval shaped, trusting, and should not be protruding or bulging. Boykin Spaniels are medium-sized spaniels, larger and rangier than Cockers but more compact than Springers. An affectionate and fiercely loyal personality is a hallmark of the breed, and Boykins make wonderful family pets. Founded in 1884, the AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for dogs. The Boykin Spaniel (designated by Act Nov. 31, 1985) is the official dog of South Carolina. SIZE AND PROPORTION - The Boykin is built to cover rough ground and swim in all conditions with agility and reasonable speed. Moreover, Boykin Spaniels are mostly in dark chocolate, brown, or rich liver. The Boykin Spaniel is the only dog which was originally bred for South Carolina hunters by South Carolinians. Color - The Boykin Spaniel color is a solid liver color - a deep reddish brown color that includes various shades of chocolate brown, from light to very dark. AKC Marketplace is the only site to exclusively list 100% AKC puppies from AKC-Registered litters and the breeders who have cared for and raised these puppies are required to follow rules and regulations established by the AKC. COAT - The coat is flat to moderately curly with medium length, fine hair with light feathering acceptable on the legs, feet, ears, chest, and belly. Liver Boykins are medium-sized spaniels, larger and rangier than Cockers but more compact than Springers. Want to connect with other people who love the same breed as much as you do? Color is liver or brown. They lie flat and close to the head. Bred to work in the lakes and swamps of their native South Carolina, web-toed Boykins can swim like seals. For years, Boykins were known only to hunters of Carolina waterfowl and wild turkey. The Boykin Spaniel is only slightly bigger than the English Cocker Spaniel but is heavier through the body width. BODY STRUCTURE - The body is sturdily constructed but not too compact. The large, feathery ears hang close to the cheeks, setting off an … Oversize or undersize specimens (more than 1" over or under the breed ideal). Dog: Height - 15 1/2" to 18" Weight - 30 to 40 lbs. © The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2021. Tail is docked to a length of 3 to 5 inches when fully mature. Sometimes dogs are with us a month or so, sometimes it is much longer. As a pet and companion he is exceptional with an amicable disposition. The outer coat is medium in length and is flat or slightly wavy, while the undercoat is short and dense. Colors range from a rich liver to a luscious chocolate. COLOR - The color is a solid, rich liver (reddish brown) or dark chocolate allowing for a small, white spot on the chest. Boykins are medium-sized spaniels, larger and rangier than Cockers but more compact than Springers. Even if you don’t see many of these dogs in person, you can find plenty of Boykin Spaniels thriving on popular social media accounts. The undercoat is short and dense. Their eyes are engaging and bright. The Boykin’s popularity was for years restricted to the immediate area of its birth. Cowhocks (hocks on rear legs turning towards each other). Any diet should be appropriate to the dog’s age (puppy, adult, or senior). Boykin Spaniels are medium-sized spaniels, larger and rangier than American Cocker Spaniel but more compact than English Springer Spaniel.The breed’s hallmark is a beautiful solid-brown coat. He is first and foremost a hunting dog with proven retrieving and flushing abilities characterized by boundless enthusiasm and endurance, moderate speed and agility. A small amount of white on the chest is permitted and no other white markings are allowed. A small amount of white on the chest is permitted and no other white markings are allowed. Coat colors for this dog are liver or chocolate. Boykins have moderate to high energy and require lots of exercise every day. Puppies will have milky bluish-gold to amber eyes until a few months old. Boykin Spaniels have a beautiful, wavy coat in a solid brown hue that can range from rich liver to dark chocolate. The shoulders of the Boykin Spaniel are sloping. ... Color Liver. Conduct vet visits to ensure the health of the dog is good enough to deliver. 6 puppies are the litter size for a Boykin Spaniel. Broad heads, evil yellow eyes, ragged ears sprouting out the tops of their heads. Boykin is a small South Carolina community, population approximately 100 souls, named for a founding resident, Lemuel Whitaker “Whit” Boykin. Tricolor: black and white or liver and white with tan markings, usually found on eyebrows, cheeks, inside of ears and under the tail. GAIT - The Boykin spaniel moves freely with good reach in front and strong drive from the rear with no tendency for the feet to cross over or interfere with each other. Mothers are most likely to have a normal birth and don’t need the assistance of humans. The toes closely grouped, webbed and well padded. His legs medium in length, straight and well boned but not too short as to handicap for field work or so heavy as too appear clumsy. Legs should be straight when viewed from the front or rear. Boykin Spaniel Rescue, Inc. prides itself in our dedication to evaluating the health, temperament and strengths of each dog. Color N/A. Regular exercise will help keep the Boykin healthy and happy. Sun bleaching is acceptable. BSS Registered Boykin Spaniel Pups top hunting blood lines Sire and Dam health certified liver ... Boykin Spaniel. Recommended Health Tests from the National Breed Club: Read the Official Breed Club Health Statement. The Boykin Spaniel has both an undercoat and an outer coat. Learn about which human foods are safe for dogs, and which are not. The nose to be dark liver in color with nostrils well-opened and broad for good scenting power. Blue or liver roan. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever – Facts About The Toller Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Is A Normal Medium Size Gundog. Legend has it that the spaniel's brown coat was bred in to provide camouflage as he lay against the earth during the hunt. They are usually chocolate brown with an enthusiastic expression. Colors range from a rich liver to a luscious chocolate. In case of an emergency circumstances may change. The Boykin Spaniel has a Spaniel type head. The Boykin Spaniel color is a solid liver color – a deep reddish brown color that includes various shades of chocolate brown, from light to very dark. Dilution in dogs is controlled by a separate locus and causes blue and isabella/lilac. Females will usually be smaller and lighter than males. The outer coat is medium in length, flat or slightly wavy, and little harsh while the undercoat is short and dense. Colors. The Boykin Spaniel is a medium-sized dog with a solid brown coat that can range in color from liver to a deep chocolate. They have a natural quartering Kennel club standards; United Kennel Club: standard: Notes: State dog of South Carolina: Dog (domestic dog) Boykin Spaniel flushing. Average Life Span: 14-16 years Boykin Spaniels are generally in good health, especially as puppies, but there are a few minor and serious health issues that could hinder them in their lifetime. The stray dog that Mr. Alexander l. White found was named "Dumpy" because of his short, rather thick build. He is a strong swimmer, taking to water easily and is valuable for water retrieving as well as field retrieving. Gross. The Boykin Spaniel has well developed hips and thighs with the whole rear assembly showing strength and drive. HEAD - The head, comprising the muzzle and skull, is impressive without being heavy or snipey and is proportionally in balance with the rest of the dog's body. Breeds are grouped together because they share traits of form and function or a common heritage. They have a unique quality that sets them apart from all other spaniels, they have webbed toes. The BSS standard calls for males standing 15 to 18 inches at the withers and weighing 30 to 40 pounds, with females somewhat smaller. Faults: A prominent or pop eye. A weekly brushing will help to remove dirt and loose hair and keep him looking his best, and an occasional bath will help to keep him clean-smelling. The large, feathery ears hang close to the cheeks, setting off an expression of soulful intelligence. LEGS AND FEET - The legs are strong, of medium length and well boned, but not too short as to handicap for field work. In 1985, the Boykin Spaniel was declared the state dog of South Carolina and recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2009. These allergies result in severe itchiness, inflammation, swollen tissue, red rings around the infected areas, recurring ear infection… The Boykin’s expression is alert, self-confident, attractive and intelligent. The tail’s carriage should be carried horizontally or slightly elevated and displays a characteristic lively, merry action, particularly when the dog is on game. The name of this breed stems from the fact that a man from this community, Alexander White is instrumental in its development. The Boykin Spaniel color is a solid liver color – a deep reddish brown color that includes various shades of chocolate brown, from light to very dark. Colors range from a rich liver to a luscious chocolate. The ESS breed comes in a variety of colors and markings: 1. The tail is docked. For example, these pups are prone to skin allergies, such as demodectic mange and allergic reactions to parasite bites. Adult Boykin spaniels stand 16–18 inches tall and usually tip the scales between 35 and 40 pounds, placing them between the English cocker and English springer spaniels in terms of size. The skull is medium length fairly broad, flat on top, slightly rounded at the sides and back. Some of the fringe of the coat is a lighter red color. As speed increases, the feet converge towards a center line. Liver also turns the nose brown and the eyes amber (or light brown). GAIT - The Boykin spaniel moves freely with good reach in front and strong drive from the rear with no tendency for the feet to cross over or interfere with each other. The tail is docked. On the toes and chest, a small level of white is also seen. Color: Solid, rich liver or dark chocolate. The coat can be slightly wavy or flat in appearance. The Boykin Spaniel should do well on a high-quality dog food, whether commercially manufactured or home-prepared with your veterinarian’s supervision and approval. Your Dog Deserves Nothing But the Best: Meet AKC Canine Retreat in Midtown West Manhattan, iy_2021; im_02; id_14; ih_05; imh_38; i_epoch:1613309889953, py_2021; pm_01; pd_25; ph_07; pmh_54; p_epoch:1611590092823, link-block-publisher; link-block-publisher_link-block-publisher; bodystr, pn_tstr:Mon Jan 25 07:54:52 PST 2021; pn_epoch:1611590092823. The brisket is well developed but not barreled, extending to the elbow and not too broad or narrow as to interfere with movement. EARS - The ears are set slightly above the level of the eyeline and reach the tip of the nose when pulled forward. They are rugged and strong but smooth, clean, and quick afoot. Healthy You, Healthy Dog, Healthy New Year! The tail is bobbed. It’s also free to list your available puppies and litters on our site. The breed’s hallmark is a beautiful solid-brown coat. A small white spot on the chest is acceptable. The Boykin Spaniel is the official state dog of South Carolina. The large, feathery ears hang close to the cheeks, setting off an expression of soulful intelligence. No other white markings are allowed. An even bite (incisors meet each other to edge to edge) is acceptable but not preferred. (Leave 1/3 of the tail plus 1/4" when pup is 3-5 days old). They are engaging and intelligent dogs who make excellent company during long days upland hunting or just hanging around at home. This mellow housedog and tenacious bird dog was once South Carolina’s best-kept secret. The croup slopes gently to the set of the tail, and the tail-set follows the natural line of the croup. All rights reserved. Viewed from the rear, the hocks should follow on a line with the forelegs, neither too widely … Colors range from a rich liver to a luscious chocolate. The breed’s hallmark is a beautiful solid-brown coat. "Since several breeds were used to develop the Boykin," Millie Latimer said, "and since it's a relatively new breed, we do see some variations in size and coat even within a litter. Boykins are horrifically ugly dogs. Age Puppy. Liver A Boykin Spaniel’s coat can range from flat to moderately curly. Size: 14-18 inches tall and 25 to 40 pounds Colors: Solid, rich, liver (reddish brown or dark chocolate). As the Boykin Spaniel origin story goes, around 1900 a man named Alexander White found a little brown spaniel outside the church in Spartanburg, South Carolina, where he attended services. 3. Liver is not technically dilution, but just a different colour of eumelanin. Faults: Over-heavy, large boned specimens. Boykin Mom - Boykin Spaniel - Chocolate, Liver, Brown - Hunting Dog - New Dog Mama - Dog Lover Gift For Her - Unisex Tee EdgarRaeApparel. His body is sturdily constructed but not too compact. Being a "spaniel", they are excellent upland dogs. GENERAL DESCRIPTION - The Boykin Spaniel is medium in size, sturdy and typically spaniel. The ESS breed comes in a variety of colors and markings: 1. Viewed in profile, the nasal bone is straight with a moderate stop and subtle rise at the junction of the muzzle and skull forming two parallel planes between the top lines of the skull and muzzle. The medium-length coat may be anything from flat to moderately curly. Find Boykin Spaniel puppies and dogs from a breeder near you. In color it may be solid liver or solid chocolate, with perhaps a white spot on the chest. The hock joint slightly rounded, should not be small or sharp in contour, moderately angulated. Clean, fresh water should be available at all times. It is legitimate to trim about the head, throat, ears and feet to give a smart, functional appearance. The result was the upbeat gundog we know today as the Boykin Spaniel. Because there are a variety of breeds that make up the ancestry of this dog breed, there is some variance in the coat. A rough, curly or harsh coat or no undercoat is to be penalized. The coat color comes in solid, rich liver or dark chocolate (shades of brown). The color of the coat can be brown or liver; with little white patches on chest and toes. No dog born with colors other than those listed above may be registered. COLOR - The color is a solid, rich liver (reddish brown) or dark chocolate allowing for a small, white spot on the chest. South Carolinians have made the Boykin Spaniel their official state dog and celebrate September 1 as Boykin Spaniel Day. Boykin’s spaniels were popular in South Carolina before World War II and later, in 1977, the Boykin Spaniel Society was founded to ensure the breeding standards of the dog. No other white markings are allowed. Boykin Spaniels are medium-sized spaniels, larger and rangier than Cockers but more compact than Springers. Loins are short, strong with a slight tuck up. Copyright © 2016 The Boykin Spaniel Society ® . The tail is bobbed. Taking an interest … Learn more at the Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America. Boykin’s spaniels were popular in South Carolina before World War II and later, in 1977, the Boykin Spaniel Society was founded to ensure the breeding standards of the dog. Gender N/A. Bitch: Height - 14" to 16 1/2" Weight - 25 to 35 lbs. The King Charles is a small variety of the spaniel used as a lapdog. Eventually, though, the Boykin caught on with bird hunters around the country, especially on the East Coast. The color ranges from brilliant gold to a dark amber. He should be kept to medium size -- neither too small nor too large and heavy to do the work for which he is intended. In fact, if you were to utilize the AKC’s Compare Breedsoption, you’d be hard pressed to find any differences. Faults: Pointed or heavy skull, over heavy muzzle, muzzle too short or narrow. Sometimes a liver dog can also have a pink nose. Sloping shoulders, chest well-developed but not barrel, the back is strong, straight, and level except for a slight arch in the loin area. The Boykin’s medium-length, wavy coat requires only minimal maintenance. The keys to the breed’s success were its unbridled energy in the field, the ability to work on land or lake, and a sweet, gentle manner at home. The forehead is covered with smooth, short hair. The pasterns strong with no suggestions of weakness. The American Water Spaniel is solid liver, brown or dark chocolate, while the Boykin Spaniel is solid colored in rich liver, brown or dark chocolate. Boykin built a new breeding program around Dumpy, utilizing crosses to such breeds as the Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Cocker, English Springer, and American Water spaniels. The breed’s hallmark is a beautiful solid-brown coat. The head must be in proportion with the size of the dog. Overall, the Boykin Spaniel’s coat can be slightly wavy or flat and its color can be brown or liver, with little white patches on chest and toes. The waterproof coat is rather wavy or curly, but a smooth coat is acceptable (hunters care more about the dog’s hunting abilities than its coat type). Boykins truly are a versatile hunting dog and are excellent family companion s. . The Boykin Spaniel was first bred at the beginning of the 20th century. Faults: Fiddle front (front legs out at elbow, pasterns close, and feet turned out). The Boykin Spaniel’s shoulders are sloping, clean and muscular. 5 out of 5 stars (2,336) 2,336 reviews. The breed’s hallmark is a beautiful solid-brown coat. His coat may be trimmed to have a well groomed appearance and to enhance the dog’s natural lines. Since 2007 the Boykin Spaniel Club and Breeders Association of America has been the official AKC Parent Club for the Boykin Spaniel. TEMPERAMENT - The typical Boykin is friendly and eager to please. Early socialization and puppy training classes are recommended to help ensure that the Boykin grows into a well-adjusted, well-mannered companion. NECK - The neck is moderately long, muscular, slightly arched at the crest and gradually blends into sloping shoulders without being abruptly angled or excessively throaty. More colors Boykin Mom - Boykin Spaniel - Chocolate, Liver, Brown - Hunting Dog - New Dog Mama - Dog Lover Gift For Her - Unisex Tee EdgarRaeApparel. The English spaniel is a superior and very pure breed. Being intelligent and possessing a great desire to please make the Boykin easy to train. The large, feathery ears hang close to the cheeks, setting off an … Boykin Spaniels are medium-sized spaniels, larger and rangier than Cockers but more compact than Springers. TEETH - Teeth should be straight and meet in a close scissors bite (the lower teeth touching behind the upper incisors). The Boykin Spaniel has been eligible to compete in AKC Spaniel Hunting Tests since January 1, 2006 and in Companion Events since July 1, 2006. They do best with active people, especially those seeking an athletic partner for activities like hiking, running, or biking. The Boykin Spaniel is so small that you can lift both dog and duck into your boat at the same time. The Boykin gained full AKC recognition in 2009, joining the elite assembly of the AKC’s “all-American” dog breeds. The Boykin Spaniel has a double coat. Faults: Over or undershot jaws. Tricolor: black and white or liver and white with tan markings, usually found on eyebrows, cheeks, inside of ears and under the tail. Check with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog’s weight or diet. Sun bleaching is acceptable. The Boykin’s ears should be checked regularly for signs of infection and cleaned when necessary—this can be done with soft gauze and an ear-cleaning solution, which the dog’s breeder or veterinarian can recommend. BlueViper Handsome Dog Boykin Spaniel Garden Flag Banner 12 x 18 Inch Decorative Garden Flag for Outdoor Lawn and Garden Home Décor Double-Sided 4.7 out of 5 … The jaws are sufficient length to allow the dog to easily carry game. The ears, chest, legs and belly are equipped with light fringe or feathering. A female Boykin ranges in height from 14" to 16 1/2" and weighs 25 to 35 lbs. Essential info about dog health, training, sports and more. Faults: High hindquarters, roach back (too much arch over the loin extending forward into the middle section), sway back (dip in back). Dewclaws should be removed. Mothers are most likely to have a normal birth and don’t need the assistance of humans.
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