This rule would remove prohibitions on certain methods of taking wildlife for sport purposes in national preserves in Alaska, thereby enabling those activities where they are allowed by State law. offers a preview of documents scheduled to appear in the next day's A symbiotic relationship is defined as a relationship in which two organisms interact with one another. human-animal systems" in, "Est bos cervi figura, cuius a media fronte inter aures unum cornu* exsistit excelsius magisque directum his, quae nobis nota sunt, cornibus: ab eius summo sicut palmae ramique* late diffunduntur. The Gwich’in people of northwestern Alaska and northeastern Canada have a traditional name for the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: “Iizhik Gwats’an Gwandaii Goodlit,” meaning “The Sacred Place Where Life Begins.”. Here, considering that habituation and safety issues related to bear baiting are expected to be rare, and the authority the NPS has to enact local closures if and where necessary, the NPS is removing Federal prohibitions on the harvest methods that are the subject of this rule. ]” 16 U.S.C. ANILCA specifically granted this authority to the Secretary, and the NPS could implement specific, local closures if, when, and where necessary to prevent unacceptable impacts. 3201. The State also maintains that the effects on wildlife populations from allowing these harvest methods in particular locations within national preserves will likely be negligible based on its analysis of similar harvest practices elsewhere in the state. 1035, Pub. of Secretary's Order 3356 requires the NPS to work cooperatively with State wildlife agencies to ensure that hunting regulations for NPS lands and waters complement the regulations on the surrounding lands and waters to the extent legally practicable. Until the ACFR grants it official status, the XML Several provisions of NPS Management Policies require the NPS to protect natural ecosystems and processes, including the natural abundances, diversities, distributions, densities, age-class distributions, populations, habitats, genetics, and behaviors of wildlife. This rule was open for an initial 60-day public comment. what is now eastern Canada and the northeastern U.S. Nunavut (the barren-ground caribou population) and Labrador, Southern Canada and the northwestern U.S. mainland, The High Arctic islands of Nunavut and the Northwest Territories, Canada, This page was last edited on 11 February 2021, at 20:50. The Public Inspection page 203, 1313, 1314, 94 Stat. Based upon the analysis in the EA, the NPS believes additional take that could occur from the harvest methods identified in this rule, as currently allowed by the State, would not likely alter natural predator-prey dynamics at the population level or have a significant foreseeable adverse impact to wildlife populations (including natural variability in terms of the range of natural variability), or otherwise impair park resources. 7. NPS Response: NPS Management Policies explain how the NPS generally will implement the laws that apply to the National Park System, including the NPS Organic Act, and explain how the NPS will manage activities on lands and waters within the System. A Statement of Energy Effects in not required. This provision has not been utilized by the NPS since it was promulgated in 2015 and the NPS believes that removing it will help provide regulatory certainty to park users about what hunting practices are or are not allowed in national preserves. 1 and 2; and Secretary's Order 3356, Sec. NPS Response: The NPS recognizes that this rule increases harvest opportunities for individuals hunting under State regulations in national preserves, which could increase competition with rural Alaska resident subsistence users in these locations. on Additionally, on April 3, 2017, a U.S. Be sure to leave feedback using the 'Feedback' button on the bottom right of each page! (7); September 10, 2018, Memorandum. Therefore some level of sport hunting is appropriate and compatible with the various provisions of the law. In total, the comment period was open for 168 days including both extensions. Bear baiting in national preserves would occur in the midst of nearly 20 million acres of very sparsely populated and remote areas, with few visitor facilities or services on site, if any. On May 22, 2018, the NPS published the proposed rule in the Federal Register. This is supported by the NPS's analysis and conclusions in its ANILCA Section 810 Subsistence Evaluation and Finding appended to the EA. In addition, these rules are inconsistent with the rules adopted by the Federal Subsistence Board, adding unnecessary confusion for rural residents.” Eastern Interior Subsistence Regional Advisory Council letter to NPS Regional Director, p. 2 (Nov. 5, 2018). She is Humphrey'smate, Lilly's older sister, Winston's and Eve's older daughter, and Stinky's, Claudette's, and Runt's mother. documents in the last year, by the Housing and Urban Development Department B, at pp. Title VIII of ANILCA, pertaining to subsistence uses, refers multiple times to managing for “conservation of healthy populations” of wildlife in national preserves. 52-53; see also 2014 State Comments, Att., at p. 10 (arguing against the claim that prohibiting bear baiting would reduce nuisance bears as “contrary to the observations of subsistence users, state wildlife biologists, and state law enforcement officers that baiting can help to reduce nuisance bear problems”). Most of these prohibited methods are also prohibited by the State of Alaska. the Federal Register. The NPS also held several government to government consultation meetings with the State of Alaska and Alaska Native tribes and corporations. The brown bear's range has shrunk, but it is still listed as a least concern species by the IUCN.Its total population is about 200,000. Even though a major chunk of the diet of this gray wolf subspecies consists of reindeer, it is also known to feed … We have evaluated this rule under the criteria in Executive Order 13175 and under the Department's tribal consultation and Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) Native Corporation policies and have determined that this rule may have substantial direct effect on federally recognized Indian tribes. should verify the contents of the documents against a final, official Comment: Several commenters stated that bear baiting creates a public safety hazard. Moreover, unlike national preserves in Alaska, some of the units which allow these practices have explicit statutory closure authority for wildlife management or faunal protection and management in their enabling legislation. In making its determinations, the NPS did not disregard scientific recommendations or conclusions arising from the public consultation process for the 2015 Rule. 3201. As mentioned above, while the NPS Management Policies call for maintaining natural populations, they must be read in the context of ANILCA's specific legal mandate to allow sport hunting in national preserves, which by its very nature is a human intrusion upon natural cycles, and ANILCA's call for preserves to be managed for sound populations of wildlife using limited closure authority. 2. It is the NPS' position that hunting for “sport purposes” is the harvest of wildlife in national preserves in Alaska that is authorized under applicable State and Federal law and that does not qualify as subsistence hunting under Title VIII, as outlined in the response to Comment 3. Some concerns for subsistence users tend to reflect the complexity of regulating harvest in Start Printed Page 35186Alaska, which council members agreed would be simplified by “having Federal, State, and Park Service regulations match each other as much as possible.” Transcript of Oct. 10, 2018 Public Meeting of the Western Interior Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Council at p. 86:10-12. 06/08/2020 at 8:45 am. These tools are designed to help you understand the official document ANILCA allows sport hunting under State law, however, and State regulations allow individuals to take bears over bait in specific areas, some of which may be located within national preserves. However, bear baiting differs in that bears do not necessarily associate baits with humans, and thus may not become food conditioned or habituated, as defined by Herrero (2002). documents in the last year, by the Federal Trade Commission Several commenters stated that the proposed rule violates Secs. At its October 2018 meeting, the Western Interior Subsistence Regional Advisory Council voted unanimously to support the adoption of State regulations in Alaska preserves, as proposed in this rule. It addresses public use of national park lands, and imposes no requirements on other agencies or governments. Boreal Forest (Taiga): Location, Climate, Plants and Animals. 4.4.3. 801(b)(2). This rule is not a major rule under 5 U.S.C. If confirmed by the Senate, she would be the first Indigenous person to serve as a cabinet secretary. By specifically mandating that hunting be allowed, Congress intended to authorize management for something less than populations untouched by human influence, and this is how the NPS and the State have managed national preserves since ANILCA was enacted. on Accordingly, the NPS has reconsidered its position in the 2015 Rule and concluded that allowing the hunting practices at issue in this rule would not violate the Organic Act. ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will discuss about:- 1. The authority citation for part 13 continues to read as follows: Start Printed Page 35191 Clefthoof fat can be used in a ritual with a gronn's eyeball and a few roc beaks to be granted visions of the spirit world.. Their hides can be crafted into armor, and the Warsong clan have long hunted the bloodhoof clefthoof to use their crimson-hued skin for battle standards. 83 FR 23621. 2. If you are using public inspection listings for legal research, you 2(b), 84 Stat. 341; Executive Order 10857, Dec. 29, 1959; Letter to Sam Rayburn, Speaker of the House of Representatives, from Fred A. Seaton, Secretary of the Interior, Apr. 3.2.2. As noted above, the NPS retains the authority to designate areas and periods of time where sport hunting and trapping would not be allowed in national preserves for purposes of protecting wildlife. This rule: (a) Does not have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more. Similar to its findings in 2015, the EA concludes that under this rule, for the foreseeable future, healthy populations of wildlife will continue to exist in a manner consistent with the range of natural variability. Comment: Several commenters stated that bear baiting violates the Wilderness Act by degrading the untrammeled and undeveloped qualities of wilderness character. (2014), and Ruth et al. 5. (b) Meets the criteria of section 3(b)(2) requiring that all regulations be written in clear language and contain clear legal standards. 2383, the NPS has consistently deferred to State laws, regulations, and management of hunting and trapping, other than for subsistence uses by rural Alaska residents under Federal regulations, in national preserves since their establishment in 1980. 100101. 4.1, 4.4.1,, 4.4.2. Rangifer herd size varies greatly in different geographic regions. documents in the last year, 1004 This document has been published in the Federal Register. The NPS invited comments through the mail, hand delivery, and through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at 27, 1959 (“I hereby certify that the Alaska State Legislature has made adequate provision for the administration, management, and conservation of the fish and wildlife resources of Alaska in the broad national interest.”). are not part of the published document itself. The Council also noted that the 2015 rule had been “adopted despite the Council's strong objection to it based on potential negative effects on Federally qualified subsistence users[,]” including their “abilities to continue traditional practices with their families, while only allowing `sport' uses on National Preserves.” Id. In 1983, NPS promulgated 36 CFR 2.2(b)(1), providing that “[h]unting shall be allowed in park areas where such activity is specifically mandated by Federal statutory law.” The NPS Management Policies provided the following guidance: “In the administration of mandated uses, park managers must allow the use; however, they do have the authority to and must manage and regulate the use to ensure, to the extent possible, that impacts on park resources from that use are acceptable.” Management Policies 2006, Sec. It is difficult to determine, however, which if any such interactions are attributable to bears obtaining food rewards specifically from bear baiting. 4.4.3 because the NPS believed that the State's allowance of those methods was motivated by the goal of increasing the number of prey species. Wolves can occur wherever there is a sufficient number of large ungulates such as deer, moose, elk, caribou, bison, and musk ox. The prohibition of these practices is inconsistent with State of Alaska hunting regulations found at 5 AAC Part 85. This rule removes regulatory provisions issued by the National Park Service in 2015 that prohibited certain sport hunting practices otherwise permitted by the State of Alaska. Register documents. The EA observes that, “[b]y design, baiting of bears alters their behavior to increase their predictability and facilitate harvest.” EA, Sec. the official SGML-based PDF version on, those relying on it for See 2018 State Comments, at p. 22. In § 13.42, remove and reserve paragraphs (f) and (g). See Public Law 115-20, 131 Stat. This table of contents is a navigational tool, processed from the documents in the last year, 223 documents in the last year. This included, at the time, 25 national park units with year-round coyote seasons, six of which allow the use of artificial light, seven units which allow hunting black bears with dogs, and four which allow the harvest of black bears over bait. Fish and Wildlife Service cannot promulgate substantially similar regulations until specifically authorized by law. 3201. The position taken by the NPS in this final rule is supported by the State's comments on the proposed rule, which likewise determined that the methods that are the subject of this rule qualify as taking wildlife for “sport purposes” under ANILCA. 3. establishing the XML-based Federal Register as an ACFR-sanctioned ]” As outlined above, this includes NPS authority to, after consultation with ADFG, prohibit sport hunting, fishing, or trapping “for reasons of public safety, administration, floral and faunal protection, or public use and enjoyment.” 16 U.S.C. It is not an official legal edition of the Federal The State of Alaska assures the NPS that it is required to and will take immediate action if necessary to ensure sustainable population levels. The NPS also recognizes that bears occur throughout Alaska and that people engaging in outdoor activities on NPS lands may encounter them. Some stated the proposed rule disregards scientific recommendations and conclusions made to and by the NPS through the public consultation process for the 2015 rule. With some assistance from Boa Hancock, he manages to infiltrate the facility. In § 13.1 remove the definitions of “Big game”, “Cub bear”, “Fur animal”, and “Furbearer”. at p. 18. The 2015 Rule imposed prohibitions on certain types of harvest practices that are or could be authorized by the State of Alaska in national preserves. (2004). 804(2), the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act. (4) of Secretary's Order 3356 directs the NPS to identify whether hunting opportunities on NPS lands could be expanded. regulatory information on with the objective of For example: In Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, the white-tailed deer is the wolf’s primary prey, with moose, beaver, snowshoe hare and other small mammals also being taken. This certification is based on the cost-benefit and regulatory flexibility analyses found in the report entitled “Cost-Benefit and Regulatory Flexibility Analyses: Proposed Revisions to Sport Hunting and Trapping Regulations in National Preserves in Alaska” which can be viewed online at​akro. The National Wildlife Federation brings nature to life in the pages of our publications, inspiring people of all ages and reading levels to develop a deeper relationship with our natural world. Removing this provision will expand harvest opportunities, complement regulations on lands and waters within and surrounding national preserves, and defer to the State in regard to fish and wildlife management, which is consistent with the NPS Organic Act, ANILCA, and 43 CFR part 24. This new data was provided by the State, and is more fully discussed in the EA (see EA, section 3.2.2). C, at p. 70. NPS Response: ANILCA states that Congress intended the statute to provide for the maintenance of sound populations of, and habitat for, wildlife species. This rule only affects use of federally administered lands and waters, and seeks to align Federal and state regulations on lands and waters within and surrounding the preserves.
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