Many Christians referred him as the Anti Christ. Haiti was evil, I get that. And a pop star and a business man is higher than a insane psychopath? It is funny because one day he hates something and the other day he loves it. Donald trump you are the rapist. He founded the most hatefeful group in America; he hates basically everyone; Jews, gays, Americans, and even other Christians (everyone who isn't in his church is going to burn in hell). So today we introduce you to 10 most evil leaders in history that have done so many bad things to their country. Here are 45 disturbing facts about the most evil people in history. Although she was acquitted of the 2008 murder of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee, Anthony’s actions immediately following Caylee’s disappearance … He tried to take over the world, and he killed so many people! To speed the production of natural rubber, suddenly a wide open market with the advent of the bicycle and automobile. He became the heir apparent for the leadership of the country and assumed important posts in the army organs and in the party. The September 11 attacks are considered to be one of the cruelest things that happened in history, killing 2996 people, and making Osama Bin Laden one of the most evil people in history. The 10 most evil people in history 15 most evil people in history chilling childhood photos of 10 most most evil person to have ever lived political p World history is replete with despicable people. Even earrings. About #66 (no title) The 25 Most Evil People In History. This guy is ten times more evil than Stalin and Hitler. This should not be #9! It is not just "the most evil person". He has disowned children of his that decided that they don't want to hate everyone. Because, as Kim Jong-Un says, it resembles American culture, which is one of North Korea's worst enemies.2) Don't do jokes? ALthough he was pretty bad, he laos did pretty good things too. I have the same birthday as this guy though but I still hate him with a passion. I want the worst of the worst, give me the most evil, heartless, inhumane leaders in history!!! Unfortunately, there are some women in the history that had no mercy and sign of love in their hearts; they were very cruel and evil … The 10 most evil people in history 15 most evil people in history chilling childhood photos of 10 most most evil person to have ever lived political p Ban jokes. The result is a fascinating, if not strictly scientific, top 10, showing the most wicked, harmful and downright evil character of each century in the past thousand years. This guy deep fried young children and forced their parents to eat them. December 27, 2010 – 1:31 am; Posted in Evil People; Vote who you think is the most evil. While there are many stories of real-life horror, following are my choices for the top 14 most evil doctors. What the hell is he?! Instead of getting into to much detail about my views on the world, I'm going to end on the statement that Osama Bin Laden was, in his time, the most evil man SINCE Adolf Hitler. Trust your gut and don't worry about it steering you wrong. Only Kim Jong-Un recieves the REAL internet.4) Music. We all know that Adolf Hitler was one of the most evil … He's so evil that, he can't even be classified as a human. NOTE: If you’re viewing this post from a mobile phone, please scroll down to see what kind of horrific crimes each of these evil people committed. The Angel of Death, Beverley Gail Allitt is an English serial killer one of the 10 most evil women. I think vlad was worser but he still was sadistic. It would cost hundreds of billions, if not ...more. Evil? He's racist. As you’re reading this, you probably already have an idea of some of the most evil people in the history of the world. History is replete with tales of evil people performing evil acts. He even killed his own wife son and daughter in law (even Hitler wasn't that evil). This selfish dude runs a country, enslaving his citizens and executing people for every little mistake, or- not even mistake, just an opinion, a thought, or an action. He was hugely homaphobic and outlawed homosexuality. was rounded up and murdered. Your email address will not be published. People who advocated crime to a level no one else could fathom. He had people regularly tortured. Evil, like beauty, is sometimes in the eye of the beholder. Anyone who questioned him or insulted him was slaughtered or sent to work camps (Hitler much? Before Hitler, King "Coverup" slaughtered ten to twenty million in his personally owned Free Congo State. Mao Zedong was a Chinese communist revolutionary and founding father of the People’s Republic of China. Pol Pot is, for lack of a better term, one of the most "underrated" monsters of all time. She has been labelled the most prolific female serial killer in history and is remembered as the "Blood Countess," though the precise number of victims is debated. These infamous figures include some of the most evil people in the world. I still remember the scenes from Halabja, dead women and children on the streets shown on prime time television. Ellman argues that mass deaths from famines are not a "uniquely Stalinist evil", noting that throughout Russian history, famines and droughts have been a common occurrence, including the Russian famine of 1921–22 (which occurred before Stalin came to power). He kidnapped South Korean families to take them to North Korea, where they would most likely be tortured. They created so many legends about her brutal, cruel and so bloody "exploits".Really creepy woman-evil. Skip navigation. Okay everyone talks about Hitler, but he managed to mobilise millions of other (basically non-evil) Germans. Thank god I am not though. He also buried people alive and killed hundreds of thousands of people. And it didn't happen like one time or few times. Vlad Dracula, what is this guy? I hate how everyone goes on about hitter and think he's the most evil man in history just because he started world war 2 but he thought he was doing a good thing! These are called evil genius people. He slaughtered babies and killed people by using the lead sprinkler which involved pouring molten metal or silver In the victims eyes or ears and after he was finished killing a hundred thousand men he took their wives away to be sexually assaulted he was probably considered the most evil man in history before stupid Hitler came along since he killed tens of millions of people and he tried to conquer the world. Elizabeth Bathory was a countess who lived in the Carpathian Mountains. My grandfather survived Japanese army that invaded China, but died because of Mao Zedong's so-called the great leap forward. Ethnicity has absolutely nothing to do with it. Tragically, numerous men and women have walked our Earth demonstrating few if any “good” qualities. Vlad III known as “Vlad the Impaler” or “Vlad Dracula” was a Romanian monarch. Keith Rupert Murdoch is an Australian American business magnate and the managing director of Australia’s News Limited. You make me physically sick to practice the same things these monsters do. Search. holmes, Idi Amin Dada, Mao Zedong, Osama bin Laden, Leopold II of Belgium, Saddam Hussein, Jim Jones, Nero, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ayatollah Khomeini, Muammar Gaddafi, Caligula, Genghis Khan, Emperor Hirohito, Bloody Mary, Maximillien Robespierre, Attilla the Hun, etc.Who you actually vote for: Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, The Devil, Britney Spears, Lil Wayne, Miley Cyrus, Herod the Great, Richard Nixon, Eminem, Wayne Rooney, Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton, etc. This guy needs to be 1 by far! Stabbing his son, killing millions of people, and killing his daughter in law! He didn't kill people for some crime they committed. He's more of a psychopath then everyone on the top ten of this list (except maybe Pol, Mao and Dracula).He tortured animals and children in gruesome ways as a child and adult, Built a wall around Novgorod (which was worse then what people say about trump), Made the adults go through watching there children die while giving the adults deaths through fire or being stabbed and beheaded. Getting enjoyment out of women, children, babies, Animals, sick people, poor people, And innocent people all getting impaled, burned alive, etc? He is the founder, chairman and CEO of global media holding company News Corporation, and was the one who gave … This guy was the worst Ugandan leader, and arguably the worst African leader in history. However, it is quite puzzling to know that in history, some of these evil geniuses had the inexplicable intelligence to carry out their sinister activities. I hate everything on him!3) He was responsible for 9/11 and other Al-Qaeda Attacks like the Train Bombing in 2004 and other stuff!4) He's the leader of the Al-Qaeda!